Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

away3d.errors AbstractMethodError is thrown when an abstract method is called.
away3d.loading.parsers AC3DParser provides a parser for the AC3D data type.
away3d.materials.utils The AGAL class provides static helper methods to improve readability when writing AGAL code.
away3d.core.managers AGALProgram3DAssembler provides a singleton class that assembles the AGAL code provided by the animation and the material into a single Program3D instance, adding projection code.
 Align Class Aligns an arrays of Object3Ds, ObjectContainer3D's, Vector3D's or Vertexes compaired to each other.Align
away3d.materials Class allows fast rendering of animations by caching bitmapdata objects for each frame.
 AnimationBase AnimationBase is an abstract base for classes that define the animation type for a Geometry.
 AnimationSequenceBase The AnimationSequenceBase provides an abstract base class for pre-animated animation clips.
 AnimationStateBase AnimationStateBase provides an abstract base class for all animation states.
away3d.animators AnimationControllerBase provides an abstract base class for classes that control a subtype of AnimationStateBase.
 AnimatorEvent AnimationEvent is an Event dispatched to notify changes in an animation's state.
away3d.loading The AssetLoader is used to load resources natively supported by Away3D, such as scene graph objects (Mesh, ObjectContainer3D, Scene3D, etc), materials, animations, ...
away3d.loading An enumeration class providing values for natively supported file types.

Stats monitor for Away3D or general use in any project.

away3d.loading.parsers AWD1Parser provides a parser for the AWD data type.
away3d.loading.parsers AWDParser provides a parser for the AWD data type.
away3d.bounds AxisAlignedBoundingBox represents a bounding box volume that has its planes aligned to the local coordinate axes of the bounded object.
 BaryCentricTest Classe returns the uv's from a Vector3D on a triangle plane defined with Vertex objects.
away3d.materials.methods BasicAmbientMethod provides the default shading method for uniform ambient lighting.
away3d.materials.methods BasicDiffuseMethod provides the default shading method for Lambert (dot3) diffuse lighting.
away3d.materials.methods BasicSpecularMethod provides the default shading method for Blinn-Phong specular highlights.
away3d.loading BitmapDataResource is a wrapper for loaded BitmapData, allowing it to be used uniformly as a resource when loading, parsing, and listing/resolving dependencies.
away3d.materials Bitmap material that loads it's texture from an external bitmapasset file.
away3d.materials BitmapMaterial is a material that uses a BitmapData texture as the surface's diffuse colour.
away3d.animators AnimationSequenceController provides a controller for single clip-based animation sequences (fe: md2, md5anim).
away3d.bounds BoundingSphere represents a spherical bounding volume defined by a center point and a radius? This bounding volume is useful for point lights.
away3d.bounds An abstract base class for all bounding volume classes.
 Bounds Helper Class to retrieve objects bounds Bounds
away3d.cameras A Camera3D object represents a virtual camera through which we view the scene.
away3d.core.partition CameraNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a Camera3D object.
away3d.materials.methods CelDiffuseMethod provides a shading method to add specular cel (cartoon) shading.
away3d.materials.methods CelSpecularMethod provides a shading method to add diffuse cel (cartoon) shading.
away3d.loading.parsers AWDParser provides a parser for the Collada (DAE) data type.
away3d.materials BitmapMaterial is a material that uses a flat colour as the surfaces diffuse.
away3d.materials.methods ColorTransformMethod provides a shading method that changes the colour of a material according to a ColorTransform object.
away3d.primitives A Cube primitive mesh.
away3d.materials.utils CubeMap represents a cube map texture, consisting out of 6 BitmapData objects.
away3d.debug Class for emmiting debuging messages, warnings and errors
away3d.materials DefaultMaterialBase forms an abstract base class for the default materials provided by Away3D and use methods to define their appearance.
away3d.core.render The DefaultRenderer class provides the default rendering method.
away3d.materials.passes DefaultScreenPass is a shader pass that uses shader methods to compile a complete program.
away3d.core.render The DepthRenderer class renders 32-bit depth information encoded as RGBA
away3d.core.sort RenderableSorter sorts the potentially visible IRenderable objects collected by EntityCollector for optimal rendering performance.
away3d.lights DirectionalLight represents an idealized light "at infinity", to be used for distant light sources such as the sun.
 Drag3D Class Drag3D allows free dragging of an ObjectContainer3D onto a given plane.
away3d.entities The Entity class provides an abstract base class for all scene graph objects that are considered having a "presence" in the scene, in the sense that it can be considered an actual object with a position and a size (even if infinite or idealised), rather than a grouping.
away3d.core.traverse The EntityCollector class is a traverser for scene partitions that collects all scene graph entities that are considered potientially visible.
away3d.core.partition The EntityNode class provides an abstract base class for leaf nodes in a partition tree, containing entities to be fed to the EntityCollector traverser.
away3d.core.sort EntitySorterBase provides an abstract base class to sort geometry information in an EntityCollector object for rendering.
away3d.materials.methods EnvMapDiffuseMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to approximate global lighting rather than lights.
away3d.materials.methods EnvMapDiffuseMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to approximate global lighting rather than lights.
 Explode Class Explode make all vertices and uv's of a mesh unicExplode
 Face Face value object.
 FaceHelper Helper Class for face manipulationFaceHelper
away3d.materials.methods FresnelSpecularMethod provides a specular shading method that is stronger on shallow view angles.
away3d.core.base Geometry is a collection of SubGeometries, each of which contain the actual geometrical data such as vertices, normals, uvs, etc.
 GeometryEvent GeometryEvent is an Event dispatched to notify changes on a Geometry object.
 Grid Class Grid snaps vertexes or meshes according to a given grid unit.Grid
away3d.core.render HitTestRenderer provides a renderer that can identify objects under a given screen position and can optionally calculate further geometrical information about the object at that point.
away3d.loading.parsers ImageParser provides a "parser" for natively supported image types (jpg, png).
away3d.core.base IMaterialOwner provides an interface for objects that can use materials.
away3d.core.base IRenderable provides an interface for objects that can be rendered in the rendering pipeline.
away3d.loading IResource provides a common interface to be used by objects that can be loaded or parsed.
away3d.animators.skeleton JointPose contains transformation data for a skeleton joint, used for skeleton animation.
away3d.extrusions Class for generating meshes with axial symmetry such as donuts, pipes, vases etc.
away3d.cameras.lenses An abstract base class for all lens classes.
away3d.lights LightBase provides an abstract base class for subtypes representing lights.
away3d.materials.methods LightingMethodBase provides an abstract base method for shading methods that uses lights.
away3d.core.partition LightNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a LightBase object.
 LoaderEvent LoaderEvent is an Event dispatched to notify changes in loading state.
away3d.materials MaterialBase forms an abstract base class for any material.
away3d.materials The MaterialLibrary singleton class provides a central access and management point for any materials in existence.
away3d.materials.passes MaterialPassBase provides an abstract base class for material shader passes.
away3d.core.math MathConsts provides some commonly used mathematical constants
away3d.core.math Matrix3DUtils provides additional Matrix3D math functions.
away3d.loading.parsers File loader for the 3DS file format.
away3d.loading.parsers MD2Parser provides a parser for the MD2 data type.
away3d.loading.parsers AWDParser provides a parser for the AWD data type, providing an animation sequence for the md5 format.
away3d.loading.parsers AWDParser provides a parser for the md5mesh data type, providing the geometry of the md5 format.
 Merge Class Merge merges two or more meshes into one.Merge Doesn't support Animation Merging (yet)
away3d.entities Mesh is an instance of a Geometry, augmenting it with a presence in the scene graph, a material, and an animation state.
 MeshHelper Helper Class for the Mesh object MeshHelper A series of methods usually usefull for mesh manipulations
away3d.core.partition MeshNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a Mesh object.
away3d.materials.utils MipmapGenerator is a helper class that uploads BitmapData to a Texture including mipmap levels.
 Mirror Class Mirror an Object3D geometry and its uv's.Mirror
away3d.core.managers Mouse3DManager provides a manager class for detecting 3D mouse hits and sending out mouse events.
 MouseEvent3D A MouseEvent3D is dispatched when a mouse event occurs over a mouseEnabled object in View3D.
away3d.core.partition The NodeBase class is an abstract base class for any type of space partition tree node.
 NullAnimation The NullAnimation class provides a null object to indicate no animation is performed.
away3d.bounds NullBounds represents a debug bounding "volume" that is either considered always in, or always out of the frustum.
away3d.core.partition NullNode is a node that performs no space partitioning, but simply stores all objects in a list of leaf nodes.
away3d.core.base Object3D provides a base class for any 3D object that has a (local) transformation.
away3d.containers ObjectContainer3D is the most basic scene graph node.
away3d.loading.parsers OBJParser provides a parser for the OBJ data type.
away3d.cameras.lenses The PerspectiveLens object provides a projection matrix that projects 3D geometry isometrically.
away3d.cameras.lenses The PerspectiveLens object provides a projection matrix that projects 3D geometry isometrically.
away3d.loading.parsers ParserBase provides an abstract base class for objects that convert blocks of data to data structures supported by Away3D.
away3d.loading.parsers An enumeration providing values to describe the data format of parsed data.
away3d.core.partition Partition3D is the core of a space partition system.
away3d.core.traverse IPartitionTraverser is a hierarchical visitor pattern that traverses through a Partition3D data structure.
away3d.extrusions.utils Holds information about a single Path definition.
away3d.extrusions.utils Creates a curved line segment definition required for the Path class.
away3d.extrusions.utils Geometry handlers for classes using Path objects
away3d.cameras.lenses The PerspectiveLens object provides a projection matrix that projects 3D geometry with perspective distortion.
away3d.primitives A Plane primitive mesh.
away3d.lights PointLight represents an omni-directional light.
away3d.core.render The PositionRenderer renders normalized position coordinates.
away3d.primitives PrimitiveBase is an abstract base class for mesh primitives, which are prebuilt simple meshes.
away3d.core.managers Program3DAssemblerBase provides an abstract base class for subtypes that can assemble the shader code provided by the animation and the material into a single Program3D instance, adding projection code.
away3d.core.math A Quaternion object which can be used to represent rotations.
away3d.core.partition RenderableNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains any Entity that is itself a IRenderable object.
away3d.core.sort RenderableSorter sorts the potentially visible IRenderable objects collected by EntityCollector for optimal rendering performance.
away3d.core.render RendererBase forms an abstract base class for classes that are used in the rendering pipeline to render geometry to the back buffer or a texture.
away3d.loading ResourceDependency represents the data required to load, parse and resolve additional files ("dependencies") required by a parser, used by ResourceLoadSession.
 ResourceEvent The ResourceEvent is dispatched when a change of state occurs pertaining to resource management.
away3d.loading ResourceManager is a singleton class providing a central access point for external resources and their disposal, such as meshes, materials, etc, while taking care of loading transparently, when needed.
away3d.containers The Scene3D class represents an independent 3D scene in which 3D objects can be created and manipulated.
away3d.materials.utils ShaderRegister Cache provides the usage management system for all registers during shading compilation.
away3d.materials.utils A single register element (an entire register or a single register's component) used by the RegisterPool.
away3d.materials.methods ShadingMethodBase provides an abstract base method for shading methods, used by DefaultScreenPass to compile the final shading program.
away3d.core.traverse The EntityCollector class is a traverser for scene partitions that collects all scene graph entities that are considered potientially visible.
 SimplePanVolumeDriver The Simple pan/volume Sound3D driver will alter the pan and volume properties on the sound transform object of a regular representation of the sound.
away3d.materials.passes The SingleObjectDepthPass provides a material pass that renders a single object to a depth map from the point of view from a light.
away3d.animators.skeleton A Skeleton object is a hierarchical grouping of Joint objects that can be used for skeletal animation.
 SkeletonAnimation SkinnedAnimation defines an animation type that blends different skeletal poses into a final pose and transforms the geometries' vertices along the skeleton.
 SkeletonAnimationSequence A sequence for a SkeletonAnimationSequence type of animation.
 SkeletonAnimationState SkeletonAnimationState defines the state for a given Mesh and SkeletonAnimation.
away3d.animators AnimationSequenceController provides a controller for single clip-based animation sequences (fe: md2, md5anim).
away3d.animators.skeleton SkeletonClipNodeBase provides an abstract base class for animation blend tree nodes containing a clip.
away3d.animators.skeleton Joint represents a joint in a Skeleton.
away3d.animators.skeleton A SkeletonPose is a collection of JointPose objects, determining the pose for an entire skeleton.
away3d.animators.skeleton SkeletonRangeClipNode represents a node in a skeleton tree containing a blending clip in which the keyframes represent poses along a range of values
away3d.animators.skeleton SkeletonTimelineClipNode represents a node in a skeleton tree containing a blending clip for which the keyframes are laid out on a timeline.
away3d.animators.skeleton SkeletonTreeNode provides an abstract base class for nodes in a skeleton blend tree.
away3d.core.base SkinnedSubGeometry provides a SubGeometry extension that contains data needed to skin vertices.
away3d.primitives A SkyBox class is used to render a sky in the scene.
away3d.materials SkyBoxMaterial is a material exclusively used to render skyboxes
away3d.core.partition SkyBoxNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a SkyBox object.
away3d.materials.passes SkyBoxPass provides a material pass exclusively used to render sky boxes from a cube texture.
away3d.animators AnimationSequenceController provides a controller for single clip-based animation sequences (fe: md2, md5anim).

A sound source/emitter object that can be positioned in 3D space, and from which all audio playback will be transformed to simulate orientation.

The Sound3D object works much in the same fashion as primitives, lights and cameras, in that it can be added to a scene and positioned therein.

 SoundTransform3D SoundTransform3D is a convinience class that helps adjust a Soundtransform's volume and pan according position and distance of a listener and emitter object.
away3d.primitives A UV Sphere primitive mesh.
away3d.cameras A 1st and 3d person camera(depending on positionOffset!), hooked on a physical spring on an optional target.
away3d.entities Sprite3D is a 3D billboard, a renderable rectangular area that always faces the camera.
away3d.core.managers The Stage3DManager class provides a multiton object that handles management for Stage3D objects.
away3d.core.managers Stage3DProxy provides a proxy class to manage a single Stage3D instance as well as handling the creation and attachment of the Context3D (and in turn the back buffer) is uses.
away3d.core.base The SubGeometry class is a collections of geometric data that describes a triangle mesh.
away3d.core.base SubMesh wraps a SubGeometry as a scene graph instantiation.
away3d.materials.methods SubsurfaceScatteringDiffuseMethod provides a depth map-based diffuse shading method that mimics the scattering of light inside translucent surfaces.
 UV Texture coordinates value object.
away3d.core.math Vector3DUtils provides additional Vector3D math functions.
 Vertex Vertex value object.
 VertexAnimation VertexAnimation defines an animation type that blends different poses (geometries) together to create a final pose.
 VertexAnimationSequence A sequence for a VertexAnimation type of animation.
 VertexAnimationState VertexAnimationState defines the state for a given Mesh and VertexAnimation.
away3d.animators AnimationSequenceController provides a controller for single clip-based animation sequences (fe: md2, md5anim).
 Weld Class Weld removes the vertices that can be sharedWeld
away3d.entities Class WireFrameGrid generates a grid of lines on a given planeWireFrameGrid
away3d.materials.utils WireframeMapGenerator is a utility class to generate a wireframe texture for uniquely mapped meshes.
away3d.materials WireframeMaterial is a material exclusively used to render wireframe object
away3d.materials.methods WrapDiffuseMethod provides a base class for diffuse methods that wrap a diffuse method to alter the strength of its calculated strength.
away3d.materials.methods WrapSpecularMethod provides a base class for specular methods that wrap a specular method to alter the strength of its calculated strength.