 JointPose JointPose contains transformation data for a skeleton joint, used for skeleton animation.
 Skeleton A Skeleton object is a hierarchical grouping of Joint objects that can be used for skeletal animation.
 SkeletonClipNodeBase SkeletonClipNodeBase provides an abstract base class for animation blend tree nodes containing a clip.
 SkeletonJoint Joint represents a joint in a Skeleton.
 SkeletonPose A SkeletonPose is a collection of JointPose objects, determining the pose for an entire skeleton.
 SkeletonRangeClipNode SkeletonRangeClipNode represents a node in a skeleton tree containing a blending clip in which the keyframes represent poses along a range of values
 SkeletonTimelineClipNode SkeletonTimelineClipNode represents a node in a skeleton tree containing a blending clip for which the keyframes are laid out on a timeline.
 SkeletonTreeNode SkeletonTreeNode provides an abstract base class for nodes in a skeleton blend tree.