Classpublic class Program3DAssemblerBase

Program3DAssemblerBase provides an abstract base class for subtypes that can assemble the shader code provided by the animation and the material into a single Program3D instance, adding projection code.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
assemble(context:Context3D, pass:MaterialPassBase, animation:AnimationBase, program:Program3D, polyOffsetReg:String = null):void
Compiles a Program3D instance for the given animation and material pass.
Method detail
public function assemble(context:Context3D, pass:MaterialPassBase, animation:AnimationBase, program:Program3D, polyOffsetReg:String = null):void

Compiles a Program3D instance for the given animation and material pass.

context:Context3D — The Context3D object for which to generate the Program3D object.
pass:MaterialPassBase — The material pass for which to generate the Program3D object.
animation:AnimationBase — The animation to use in the requested Program3D.
program:Program3D — The target Program3D object.
polyOffsetReg:String (default = null) — The name of an optional offset register, containing a vector by which will cause the geometry to be "inflated" along the normal. This is typically used when rendering single object depth maps.
Wiki link
Click to go to the wiki page for 'away3d.core.managers.Program3DAssemblerBase'

Code examples
