| Class | Description |
| CameraNode |
CameraNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a Camera3D object. |
| EntityNode |
The EntityNode class provides an abstract base class for leaf nodes in a partition tree, containing
entities to be fed to the EntityCollector traverser. |
| LightNode |
LightNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a LightBase object. |
| MeshNode |
MeshNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a Mesh object. |
| NodeBase |
The NodeBase class is an abstract base class for any type of space partition tree node. |
| NullNode |
NullNode is a node that performs no space partitioning, but simply stores all objects in a
list of leaf nodes. |
| Octree | |
| OctreeNode | |
| Partition3D |
Partition3D is the core of a space partition system. |
| QuadTree | |
| QuadTreeNode | |
| RenderableNode |
RenderableNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains any Entity that is itself a IRenderable
object. |
| SkyBoxNode |
SkyBoxNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a SkyBox object. |