ResourceManager is a singleton class providing a central access point for external resources and their disposal,
such as meshes, materials, etc, while taking care of loading transparently, when needed.
Gets the singleton instance of the ResourceManager.
public static function get instance():ResourceManager
public function clearResource(resource:IResource):void
Clears the memory used by a resource, including all of its dependencies.
| resource:IResource — The resource to be cleared.
public function getResource(uri:String, ignoreDependencies:Boolean = false, parser:Class = null):IResource
Retrieve the resource at the given url. Loading and parsing is only performed on the first time for the url,
and if not cleared.
| uri:String — The url or id of the resource to be retrieved. If not parsed before, it should be a url.
| ignoreDependencies:Boolean (default = false ) — Indicates whether or not dependencies should be ignored or loaded.
| parser:Class (default = null ) — An optional parser object that will translate the data into a usable resource.
| IResource —
A handle to the retrieved resource.
public function parseData(data:*, id:String, ignoreDependencies:Boolean = true, parser:Class = null):IResource
Retrieves the resource parsed from the given data.
| data:* — The data to be parsed.
| id:String — The id that will be assigned to the resource. This can later also be used by the getResource method.
| ignoreDependencies:Boolean (default = true ) — Indicates whether or not dependencies should be ignored or loaded.
| parser:Class (default = null ) — An optional parser object that will translate the data into a usable resource.
| IResource —
A handle to the retrieved resource.