A SkeletonPose is a collection of JointPose objects, determining the pose for an entire skeleton.
A SkeletonPose and JointPose combination corresponds to a Skeleton and Joint combination. However, there is no
reference to a Skeleton instance, since several skeletons could be influenced by the same pose (fe: animation
sequences that can apply to any target with a valid skeleton)
public var jointPoses:Vector
The joint poses for the skeleton. The JointPoses indices correspond to the target skeleton's joints.
public function SkeletonPose(numJoints:uint)
| numJoints:uint — The amount of joint in the target skeleton.
Init Parameters
public function toGlobalPose(targetPose:SkeletonPose, skeleton:Skeleton):void
Converts a local hierarchical skeleton pose to a global pose
| targetPose:SkeletonPose — The SkeletonPose object that will contain the global pose.
| skeleton:Skeleton — The skeleton containing the joints, and as such, the hierarchical data to transform to global poses.