 IResource IResource provides a common interface to be used by objects that can be loaded or parsed.
 AssetLoader The AssetLoader is used to load resources natively supported by Away3D, such as scene graph objects (Mesh, ObjectContainer3D, Scene3D, etc), materials, animations, ...
 AssetLoaderFileType An enumeration class providing values for natively supported file types.
 BitmapDataResource BitmapDataResource is a wrapper for loaded BitmapData, allowing it to be used uniformly as a resource when loading, parsing, and listing/resolving dependencies.
 ResourceDependency ResourceDependency represents the data required to load, parse and resolve additional files ("dependencies") required by a parser, used by ResourceLoadSession.
 ResourceManager ResourceManager is a singleton class providing a central access point for external resources and their disposal, such as meshes, materials, etc, while taking care of loading transparently, when needed.