Classe returns the uv's from a Vector3D on a triangle plane defined with Vertex objects. Null if outside the triangle definition
public static function getUVs(v0:Vertex, v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, uv0:UV, uv1:UV, uv2:UV, hit:Vector3D, uv:UV = null):UV
Returns the uv's from a Vector3D on a triangle plane defined with Vertex objects. Null if outside the triangle definition
| v0:Vertex — Vertex. The face v0
| v1:Vertex — Vertex. The face v1
| v2:Vertex — Vertex. The face v2
| uv0:UV — UV. The face UV uv0
| uv1:UV — UV. The face UV uv1
| uv2:UV — UV. The face UV uv2
| hit:Vector3D — Vector3D. The intersect point on triangle plane.
| uv:UV (default = null ) — [optional] UV. To prevent generation of new UV object return. Optional uv object holder can be passed.