Partition3D is the core of a space partition system. The space partition system typically subdivides the 3D scene
hierarchically into a number of non-overlapping subspaces, forming a tree data structure. This is used to more
efficiently perform frustum culling, potential visibility determination and collision detection.
public function Partition3D(rootNode:NodeBase)
| rootNode:NodeBase — The root node of the space partition system. This will indicate which type of data structure will be used.
Init Parameters
arcane function markForUpdate(entity:Entity):void
Mark a scene graph entity for updating. This will trigger a reassignment within the tree, based on the
object's bounding box, upon the next traversal.
| entity:Entity — The entity to be updated in the tree.
arcane function removeEntity(entity:Entity):void
Removes an entity from the partition tree.
| entity:Entity — The entity to be removed.
public function traverse(traverser:PartitionTraverser):void
Sends a traverser through the partition tree.
See also