The NullAnimation class provides a null object to indicate no animation is performed. This is usually set as default.
arcane override function createAnimationState():AnimationStateBase
Factory method which creates an animation state specific to this animation type.
| AnimationStateBase —
A concrete subtype of AnimationStateBase that is specific to the concrete subtype of AnimationStateBase
arcane override function equals(animation:AnimationBase):Boolean
Returns true if the provided AnimationBase instance is considered equivalent to the current AnimationBase instance.
Another instance is considered equivalent if it can be used within the same material pass.
| Boolean — True if the animation is considered equivalent, false otherwise.
arcane override function getAGALVertexCode(pass:MaterialPassBase):String
Generates the AGAL Vertex code for the animation, tailored to the material pass's requirements.
| pass:MaterialPassBase — The MaterialPassBase object to whose vertex code the animation's code will be prepended.
| String — The AGAL Vertex code that animates the vertex data.