VertexAnimation defines an animation type that blends different poses (geometries) together to create a final pose.
The type of blending to be performed by the animation.
public function get blendMode():String
arcane var _numPoses:uint
arcane var _streamIndex:uint
arcane var _useNormals:Boolean
arcane var _useTangents:Boolean
public function VertexAnimation(numPoses:uint, blendMode:String)
| numPoses:uint — The amount of poses to be blended together.
| blendMode:String — The type of blending to be performed by the animation. The following values are supported:
- VertexAnimationMode.ADDITIVE: The pose is generated from a base mesh and a number of additive "difference" poses.
- VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE: The pose is generated by a weighted average of a number of poses.
Init Parameters
arcane override function createAnimationState():AnimationStateBase
Factory method which creates an animation state specific to this animation type.
| AnimationStateBase —
A concrete subtype of AnimationStateBase that is specific to the concrete subtype of AnimationStateBase
arcane override function deactivate(context:Context3D, pass:MaterialPassBase):void
Clears the GPU render state that has been set by the current animation.
| context:Context3D — The context which is currently performing the rendering.
| pass:MaterialPassBase — The material pass which is currently used to render the geometry.
arcane override function getAGALVertexCode(pass:MaterialPassBase):String
Generates the AGAL Vertex code for the animation, tailored to the material pass's requirements.
| pass:MaterialPassBase — The MaterialPassBase object to whose vertex code the animation's code will be prepended.
| String — The AGAL Vertex code that animates the vertex data.