Matrix3DUtils provides additional Matrix3D math functions.
public static function compare(m1:Matrix3D, m2:Matrix3D):Boolean
Returns a boolean value representing whether there is any significant difference between the two given 3d matrices.
public static function getForward(m:Matrix3D, v:Vector3D = null):Vector3D
Returns a normalised Vector3D
object representing the forward vector of the given matrix.
| m:Matrix3D — The Matrix3D object to use to get the forward vector
| v:Vector3D (default = null ) — [optional] A vector holder to prevent make new Vector3D instance if already exists. Default is null.
| Vector3D — The forward vector
public static function getRight(m:Matrix3D, v:Vector3D = null):Vector3D
Returns a normalised Vector3D
object representing the right vector of the given matrix.
| m:Matrix3D — The Matrix3D object to use to get the right vector
| v:Vector3D (default = null ) — [optional] A vector holder to prevent make new Vector3D instance if already exists. Default is null.
| Vector3D — The right vector
public static function getUp(m:Matrix3D, v:Vector3D = null):Vector3D
Returns a normalised Vector3D
object representing the up vector of the given matrix.
| m:Matrix3D — The Matrix3D object to use to get the up vector
| v:Vector3D (default = null ) — [optional] A vector holder to prevent make new Vector3D instance if already exists. Default is null.
public static function lookAt(matrix:Matrix3D, pos:Vector3D, dir:Vector3D, up:Vector3D):void
| matrix:Matrix3D |
| pos:Vector3D |
| dir:Vector3D |
| up:Vector3D |
public static function quaternion2matrix(quarternion:Quaternion, m:Matrix3D = null):Matrix3D
Fills the 3d matrix object with values representing the transformation made by the given quaternion.
| quarternion:Quaternion — The quarterion object to convert.
| m:Matrix3D (default = null )
public static const RAW_DATA_CONTAINER:Vector
A reference to a Vector to be used as a temporary raw data container, to prevent object creation.