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RADIANS_TO_DEGREES — Constant static property in class away3d.core.math.MathConsts |
The amount to multiply with when converting radians to degrees. |
_radius — Property in class away3d.lights.PointLight |
| |
radius — Property in class away3d.lights.PointLight |
The maximum distance of the light's reach. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.Sphere |
The radius of the sphere. |
RAW_DATA_CONTAINER — Constant static property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3DUtils |
A reference to a Vector to be used as a temporary raw data container, to prevent object creation. |
Ray — Class in package away3d.tools.utils |
| |
Ray() — Constructor in class away3d.tools.utils.Ray |
| |
rcp(tgt, src) — Static method in class away3d.materials.utils.AGAL |
Reciprocal, tgt = 1/src
recenter(mesh:away3d.entities:Mesh) — Static method in class away3d.tools.MeshHelper |
Recenter geometry, (its pivot is at center of geometry)
_ref_v — Property in class away3d.audio.drivers.AbstractSound3DDriver |
| |
registerPartition(entity:away3d.entities:Entity) — Method in class away3d.containers.Scene3D |
When a partition is assigned to an object somewhere in the scene graph, add the partition to the list if it isn't in there yet
registerView(view3d:away3d.containers:View3D) — Method in class away3d.debug.AwayStats |
Add a view to the list of those that are taken into account when
calculating on-screen and total poly counts. |
regName — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.ShaderRegisterElement |
The register's name. |
removeChild(child:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Method in class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Removes a 3d object from the child array of the container
removeChild(child:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Method in class away3d.containers.Scene3D |
Removes a child from the scene's root. |
removeEntity(entity:away3d.entities:Entity) — Method in class away3d.core.partition.Partition3D |
Removes an entity from the partition tree. |
removeFace(mesh:away3d.entities:Mesh, index, subGeomIndice) — Static method in class away3d.tools.FaceHelper |
Remove a face from a mesh
removeFaces(mesh:away3d.entities:Mesh, indices, subGeomIndices) — Static method in class away3d.tools.FaceHelper |
Remove a series of faces from a mesh. |
removeFragmentTempUsage(register:away3d.materials.utils:ShaderRegisterElement) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.ShaderRegisterCache |
Removes a usage from a fragment temporary register. |
removeFromParent() — Method in class away3d.core.partition.EntityNode |
Detaches the node from its parent. |
removeMethod(method:away3d.materials.methods:ShadingMethodBase) — Method in class away3d.materials.DefaultMaterialBase |
| |
removeMethod(method:away3d.materials.methods:ShadingMethodBase) — Method in class away3d.materials.passes.DefaultScreenPass |
Removes a method from the pass. |
removeNode(node:away3d.core.partition:NodeBase) — Method in class away3d.core.partition.NodeBase |
Removes a child node from the tree. |
removeOnLoadError(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Default method for removing a loadError event listener
removeOnLoadProgress(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Default method for removing a loadProgress event listener
removeOnLoadSuccess(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Default method for removing a loadSuccess event listener
removeSegment(segment:away3d.primitives.data:SegmentBase) — Method in class away3d.entities.SegmentsBase |
| |
removeSegment(index, join) — Method in class away3d.extrusions.utils.Path |
removes a segment in the path according to id. |
removeSubGeometry(subGeometry:away3d.core.base:SubGeometry) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Removes a new SubGeometry object from the list. |
removeTarget(object:away3d.core.base:Object3D) — Method in class away3d.animators.AnimatorBase |
| |
removeVertexTempUsage(register:away3d.materials.utils:ShaderRegisterElement) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.ShaderRegisterCache |
Removes a usage from a vertex temporary register. |
render() — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Renders the view. |
render(entityCollector:away3d.core.traverse:EntityCollector, target, surfaceSelector, additionalClearMask) — Method in class away3d.core.render.DefaultRenderer |
Renders the potentially visible geometry to the back buffer or texture. |
render(entityCollector:away3d.core.traverse:EntityCollector, target, surfaceSelector, additionalClearMask) — Method in class away3d.core.render.RendererBase |
Renders the potentially visible geometry to the back buffer or texture. |
render(renderable:away3d.core.base:IRenderable, context, contextIndex, camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — Method in class away3d.materials.passes.DefaultScreenPass |
Renders an object to the current render target. |
render(renderable:away3d.core.base:IRenderable, context, contextIndex, camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — Method in class away3d.materials.passes.SingleObjectDepthPass |
Renders an object to the current render target. |
render(renderable:away3d.core.base:IRenderable, context, contextIndex, camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — Method in class away3d.materials.passes.WireFramePass |
Renders an object to the current render target. |
renderable — Property in class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D |
The renderable inside which the event took place. |
RenderableNode — Class in package away3d.core.partition |
RenderableNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains any Entity that is itself a IRenderable
object. |
RenderableNode(renderable:away3d.core.base:IRenderable) — Constructor in class away3d.core.partition.RenderableNode |
Creates a new RenderableNode object. |
_renderableSorter — Property in class away3d.core.render.RendererBase |
| |
RenderableSorter — Class in package away3d.core.sort |
RenderableSorter sorts the potentially visible IRenderable objects collected by EntityCollector for optimal
rendering performance. |
RenderableSorter() — Constructor in class away3d.core.sort.RenderableSorter |
Creates a RenderableSorter objects
renderDepthMap(context, contextIndex, entityCollector:away3d.core.traverse:EntityCollector, renderer:away3d.core.render:DepthRenderer) — Method in class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.ShadowMapperBase |
Renders the depth map for this light. |
renderedFacesCount — Property in class away3d.containers.View3D |
The amount of faces that were pushed through the render pipeline on the last frame render. |
renderer — Property in class away3d.containers.View3D |
The renderer used to draw the scene. |
RendererBase — Class in package away3d.core.render |
RendererBase forms an abstract base class for classes that are used in the rendering pipeline to render geometry
to the back buffer or a texture. |
RendererBase(antiAlias, enableDepthAndStencil, renderMode) — Constructor in class away3d.core.render.RendererBase |
Creates a new RendererBase object. |
repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.MaterialBase |
Indicates whether or not any used textures should be tiled. |
_repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase |
| |
repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase |
| |
repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.methods.WrapDiffuseMethod |
Defines whether textures should be tiled. |
repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.methods.WrapSpecularMethod |
Defines whether textures should be tiled. |
_repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase |
| |
repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase |
Defines whether textures should be tiled. |
requiresBlending — Property in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
| |
requiresBlending — Property in class away3d.materials.ColorMaterial |
Indicates whether or not the material requires alpha blending during rendering. |
requiresBlending — Property in class away3d.materials.DefaultMaterialBase |
Indicates whether or not the material requires alpha blending during rendering. |
requiresBlending — Property in class away3d.materials.MaterialBase |
Indicates whether or not the material requires alpha blending during rendering. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.animators.skeleton.SkeletonTimelineClipNode |
| |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.methods.BasicDiffuseMethod |
| |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.methods.BasicSpecularMethod |
Resets the method's state for compilation. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.methods.ColorTransformMethod |
Resets the method's state for compilation. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.methods.SubsurfaceScatteringDiffuseMethod |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.methods.WrapDiffuseMethod |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.methods.WrapSpecularMethod |
Resets the method's state for compilation. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.ShaderRegisterCache |
Resets all registers. |
resolve() — Method in class away3d.loading.ResourceDependency |
Resolve the dependency when it's loaded with the parent parser. |
resolveDependency(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.AC3DParser |
Resolve a dependency when it's loaded. |
resolveDependency(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.AWD1Parser |
Resolve a dependency when it's loaded. |
resolveDependency(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.Max3DSParser |
Resolve a dependency when it's loaded. |
resolveDependency(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.MD2Parser |
Resolve a dependency when it's loaded. |
resolveDependency(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.OBJParser |
Resolve a dependency when it's loaded. |
resolveDependency(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.ParserBase |
Resolve a dependency when it's loaded. |
resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.AC3DParser |
| |
resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.AWD1Parser |
Resolve a dependency loading failure. |
resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.Max3DSParser |
Resolve a dependency loading failure. |
resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.MD2Parser |
Resolve a dependency loading failure. |
resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.OBJParser |
Resolve a dependency loading failure. |
resolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency:away3d.loading:ResourceDependency) — Method in class away3d.loading.parsers.ParserBase |
Resolve a dependency loading failure. |
resolveFailure() — Method in class away3d.loading.ResourceDependency |
Resolve a dependency failure. |
resource — Property in class away3d.events.LoaderEvent |
The loaded or parsed resource. |
resource — Property in class away3d.events.ResourceEvent |
A reference to the resource. |
resource — Property in class away3d.loading.ResourceDependency |
The loaded and parsed resource. |
ResourceDependency — Class in package away3d.loading |
ResourceDependency represents the data required to load, parse and resolve additional files ("dependencies")
required by a parser, used by ResourceLoadSession. |
ResourceDependency(id, url, data:away3d.loading.parsers:ParserBase, parentParser) — Constructor in class away3d.loading.ResourceDependency |
Creates a new ResourceDependency object. |
ResourceEvent — Class in package away3d.events |
The ResourceEvent is dispatched when a change of state occurs pertaining to resource management. |
ResourceEvent(type, resource:away3d.loading:IResource, uri) — Constructor in class away3d.events.ResourceEvent |
Create a new ResourceEvent object
ResourceManager — Class in package away3d.loading |
ResourceManager is a singleton class providing a central access point for external resources and their disposal,
such as meshes, materials, etc, while taking care of loading transparently, when needed. |
resourceRetrieved — Event in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Dispatched when the material completes a file load successfully. |
RESOURCE_RETRIEVED — Constant static property in class away3d.events.ResourceEvent |
Dispatched when a resource and all of its dependencies is retrieved. |
revolutions — Property in class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrude |
Defines the number of revolutions performed by the lathe extrusion. |
rgbColorVector — Property in class away3d.primitives.data.SegmentBase |
| |
right — Property in class away3d.animators.skeleton.SkeletonDirectionalNode |
| |
right — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.MultipleMaterials |
Defines the material applied to the right side of the cube. |
RimLightMethod — Class in package away3d.materials.methods |
| |
RimLightMethod(color, strength, power) — Constructor in class away3d.materials.methods.RimLightMethod |
| |
roll(angle) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Rotates the 3d object around it's local z-axis
ROLL_OUT — Constant static property in class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D |
Defines the value of the type property of a rollOut3d event object. |
ROLL_OVER — Constant static property in class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D |
Defines the value of the type property of a rollOver3d event object. |
rootDelta — Property in class away3d.animators.BlendingSkeletonAnimator |
| |
rootDelta — Property in class away3d.animators.SkeletonAnimator |
| |
rootDelta — Property in class away3d.animators.SmoothSkeletonAnimator |
| |
_rootDelta — Property in class away3d.animators.data.AnimationSequenceBase |
| |
rootDelta — Property in class away3d.animators.data.AnimationSequenceBase |
The offset by which the root has moved. |
rootDelta — Property in class away3d.animators.skeleton.SkeletonTreeNode |
| |
_rootPos — Property in class away3d.animators.skeleton.SkeletonClipNodeBase |
| |
rotate(axis, angle) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Rotates the 3d object around an axis by a defined angle
rotatePoint(vector, target) — Method in class away3d.core.math.Quaternion |
Rotates a point. |
rotatePoint(aPoint, rotation) — Static method in class away3d.extrusions.utils.PathUtils |
| |
rotateTo(ax, ay, az) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Rotates the 3d object directly to a euler angle
rotationX — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the euler angle of rotation of the 3d object around the x-axis, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
rotationY — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the euler angle of rotation of the 3d object around the y-axis, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
rotationZ — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the euler angle of rotation of the 3d object around the z-axis, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
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