A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
IAnimationNode — Interface, package away3d.animators.nodes |
Provides an interface for animation node classes that hold animation data for use in animator classes. |
IAnimationSet — Interface, package away3d.animators |
Provides an interface for data set classes that hold animation data for use in animator classes. |
IAnimationState — Interface, package away3d.animators |
Provides an interface for state classes inside an animation set that hold animation node data for specific animation states. |
IAnimator — Interface, package away3d.animators |
Provides an interface for animator classes that control animation output from a data set subtype of AnimationSetBase. |
IAsset — Interface, package away3d.library.assets |
| |
id — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.ResourceDependency |
| |
IGNORE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.library.naming.ConflictStrategy |
Specifies that naming conflicts should be ignored. |
IgnoreConflictStrategy — class, package away3d.library.naming |
| |
IgnoreConflictStrategy() — Constructor, class away3d.library.naming.IgnoreConflictStrategy |
| |
ignoreSides — Property, class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrude |
Defines if the top, bottom, left, right, front or back of the the extrusion is left open. |
ignoreSides — Property, class away3d.extrusions.LinearExtrude |
Defines if the top, bottom, left, right, front or back of the the extrusion is left open. |
ImageParser — class, package away3d.loaders.parsers |
ImageParser provides a "parser" for natively supported image types (jpg, png). |
ImageParser() — Constructor, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ImageParser |
Creates a new ImageParser object. |
images — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser |
| |
IMaterialOwner — Interface, package away3d.core.base |
IMaterialOwner provides an interface for objects that can use materials. |
_implicitPartition — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
| |
implicitPartition — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
| |
implicitPartition — Property, class away3d.entities.Entity |
| |
IN — Constant Static Property, class away3d.core.math.PlaneClassification |
| |
includeDependencies — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.AssetLoaderContext |
Defines whether dependencies (all files except the one at the URL given to the load() or
parseData() operations) should be automatically loaded. |
incrementStrafe(val:Number) — method, class away3d.controllers.FirstPersonController |
| |
incrementWalk(val:Number) — method, class away3d.controllers.FirstPersonController |
| |
index — Property, class away3d.animators.PathAnimator |
Set the pointer to a given segment along the path
_index — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubMesh |
| |
index — Property, class away3d.core.base.data.Vertex |
To define/store the index of value object
index — Property, class away3d.materials.utils.ShaderRegisterElement |
The register's index. |
index — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment |
| |
_indexBuffer — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubGeometry |
| |
indexBuffer — Property, class away3d.core.managers.RTTBufferManager |
| |
_indexBufferContext — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubGeometry |
| |
indexData — Property, interface away3d.core.base.IRenderable |
Retrieves the object's indices as a uint array. |
indexData — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubMesh |
| |
indexData — Property, class away3d.entities.SegmentSet |
| |
indexData — Property, class away3d.entities.Sprite3D |
| |
indexData — Property, class away3d.primitives.SkyBox |
| |
_indices — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubGeometry |
| |
info — Property, class away3d.errors.DeprecationError |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicAmbientMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.CelDiffuseMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.CompositeDiffuseMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.CompositeSpecularMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.DepthDiffuseMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.DitheredShadowMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.FilteredShadowMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.FogMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.FresnelEnvMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.FresnelSpecularMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.HeightMapNormalMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.NearShadowMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.ProjectiveTextureMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.RefractionEnvMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.RimLightMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadowMapMethodBase |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.SimpleWaterNormalMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.SoftShadowMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.SubsurfaceScatteringDiffuseMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.TerrainDiffuseMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.TripleFilteredShadowMapMethod |
| |
initConstants(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.WrapDiffuseMethod |
| |
initCustomBuffer(numVertices:int, elementsPerVertex:int) — method, class away3d.core.base.SubGeometry |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.AlphaMaskMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.AnisotropicSpecularMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicAmbientMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicDiffuseMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicNormalMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicSpecularMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.CompositeDiffuseMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.CompositeSpecularMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapAmbientMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.FogMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.FresnelEnvMapMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.LightMapDiffuseMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.LightMapMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.NearShadowMapMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.OutlineMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.RefractionEnvMapMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.RimLightMethod |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadowMapMethodBase |
| |
initVO(vo:away3d.materials.methods:MethodVO) — method, class away3d.materials.methods.SimpleWaterNormalMethod |
| |
inputA — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.SkeletonBinaryLERPNode |
Defines input node A to use for the blended output. |
inputB — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.SkeletonBinaryLERPNode |
Defines input node B to use for the blended output. |
instance — Static Property, class away3d.debug.AwayStats |
Holds a reference to the stats widget (or if several have been created
during session, the one that was last instantiated.) Allows you to set
properties and register views from anywhere in your code. |
_instances — Static Property, class away3d.library.AssetLibrary |
| |
intensity — Property, class away3d.filters.RadialBlurFilter3D |
| |
intensity — Property, class away3d.filters.tasks.Filter3DRadialBlurTask |
| |
internalUpdate() — method, class away3d.entities.Entity |
| |
INTERSECT — Constant Static Property, class away3d.core.math.PlaneClassification |
| |
intersectsSphere(pOrig:flash.geom:Vector3D, dir:flash.geom:Vector3D, sPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, radius:Number) — method, class away3d.tools.utils.Ray |
Checks if a ray intersects a sphere. |
invalidateBounds(subGeom:away3d.core.base:SubGeometry) — method, class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
| |
invalidateBounds() — method, class away3d.entities.Entity |
Invalidates the bounding volume, causing to be updated when requested. |
invalidateBounds() — method, class away3d.primitives.SkyBox |
Invalidates the bounding volume, causing to be updated when requested. |
invalidateBuffers(buffers:Vector$flash.display3D:Context3D) — method, class away3d.core.base.SubGeometry |
Invalidates all buffers in a vector, causing them the update when they are first requested. |
invalidateContent() — method, class away3d.textures.TextureProxyBase |
| |
invalidateEntityBounds(entity:away3d.entities:Entity) — method, class away3d.containers.Scene3D |
When an entity has moved or changed size, update its position in its partition tree. |
invalidateGeometry() — method, class away3d.extrusions.Elevation |
Invalidates the primitive's geometry, causing it to be updated when requested. |
invalidateGeometry() — method, class away3d.primitives.PrimitiveBase |
Invalidates the primitive's geometry, causing it to be updated when requested. |
invalidateGeometry() — method, class away3d.primitives.WireframePrimitiveBase |
| |
invalidateMatrix() — method, class away3d.cameras.lenses.LensBase |
Invalidates the projection matrix, which will cause it to be updated on the next request. |
invalidatePasses(triggerPass:away3d.materials.passes:MaterialPassBase) — method, class away3d.materials.MaterialBase |
Marks the depth shader program as invalid, so it will be recompiled before the next render. |
invalidateProgram3D() — method, class away3d.filters.tasks.Filter3DTaskBase |
| |
invalidateSceneTransform() — method, class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
Invalidates the scene transformation matrix, causing it to be updated the next time it's requested. |
invalidateSceneTransform() — method, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Invalidates the scene transformation matrix, causing it to be updated the next time it's requested. |
invalidateSceneTransform() — method, class away3d.entities.Entity |
Invalidates the scene transformation matrix, causing it to be updated the next time it's requested. |
invalidateSceneTransform() — method, class away3d.entities.TextureProjector |
Invalidates the scene transformation matrix, causing it to be updated the next time it's requested. |
invalidateShaderProgram() — method, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase |
Marks the shader program as invalid, so it will be recompiled before the next render. |
invalidateShaderProgram(updateMaterial:Boolean) — method, class away3d.materials.passes.DefaultScreenPass |
Marks the shader program as invalid, so it will be recompiled before the next render. |
invalidateShaderProgram(updateMaterial:Boolean) — method, class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase |
Marks the shader program as invalid, so it will be recompiled before the next render. |
invalidateSize() — method, class away3d.textures.TextureProxyBase |
| |
invalidateTransform() — method, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Invalidates the transformation matrix, causing it to be updated upon the next request
invalidateTransform() — method, class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Invalidates the transformation matrix, causing it to be updated upon the next request
invalidateUVs() — method, class away3d.extrusions.Elevation |
Invalidates the primitive's uv coordinates, causing them to be updated when requested. |
invalidateUVs() — method, class away3d.primitives.PrimitiveBase |
Invalidates the primitive's uv coordinates, causing them to be updated when requested. |
InvalidTextureError — class, package away3d.errors |
TextureError is thrown when an invalid texture is used regarding Stage3D limitations. |
InvalidTextureError(message:String, id:int) — Constructor, class away3d.errors.InvalidTextureError |
Create a new TextureError. |
inverseBindPose — Property, class away3d.animators.data.SkeletonJoint |
The inverse bind pose matrix, as raw data, used to transform vertices to bind joint space in preparation for transformation using the joint matrix. |
inverseSceneTransform — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
The inverse scene transform object that transforms from world to model space. |
inverseSceneTransform — Property, interface away3d.core.base.IRenderable |
The inverse scene transform object that transforms from world to model space. |
inverseSceneTransform — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubMesh |
The inverse scene transform object that transforms from world to model space. |
invertFaces(mesh:away3d.entities:Mesh, invertU:Boolean) — Static Method , class away3d.tools.helpers.MeshHelper |
Inverts the faces of a Mesh
invertFacesInContainer(obj:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Static Method , class away3d.tools.helpers.MeshHelper |
Inverts the faces of all the Meshes into an ObjectContainer3D
IPath — Interface, package away3d.paths |
| |
IPathSegment — Interface, package away3d.paths |
| |
IPicker — Interface, package away3d.core.pick |
Provides an interface for picking objects that can pick 3d objects from a view or scene. |
IPickingCollider — Interface, package away3d.core.pick |
Provides an interface for picking colliders that can be assigned to individual entities in a scene for specific picking behaviour. |
IRenderable — Interface, package away3d.core.base |
IRenderable provides an interface for objects that can be rendered in the rendering pipeline. |
isAnimated — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser |
| |
isBitmapDataValid(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase |
Validates a bitmapData loaded before assigning to a default BitmapMaterial
isBitmapDataValid(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — Static Method , class away3d.tools.utils.TextureUtils |
| |
isDefaultPrevented() — method, class away3d.events.LoaderEvent |
| |
isDependency — Property, class away3d.events.LoaderEvent |
Indicates whether the event occurred while loading a dependency, as opposed
to the base file. |
isDimensionValid(d:uint) — Static Method , class away3d.tools.utils.TextureUtils |
| |
isInFrustum(mvpMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class away3d.bounds.AxisAlignedBoundingBox |
Tests if the bounds are in the camera frustum. |
isInFrustum(mvpMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class away3d.bounds.BoundingSphere |
todo: pass planes?
Tests if the bounds are in the camera frustum. |
isInFrustum(mvpMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class away3d.bounds.BoundingVolumeBase |
Tests if the bounds are in the camera frustum. |
isInFrustum(mvpMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class away3d.bounds.NullBounds |
Tests if the bounds are in the camera frustum. |
isInFrustum(camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — method, class away3d.core.partition.CameraNode |
Tests if the current node is at least partly inside the frustum. |
isInFrustum(camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — method, class away3d.core.partition.EntityNode |
Tests if the current node is at least partly inside the frustum. |
isInFrustum(camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — method, class away3d.core.partition.NodeBase |
Tests if the current node is at least partly inside the frustum. |
isInFrustum(camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — method, class away3d.core.partition.OctreeNode |
| |
isInFrustum(camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — method, class away3d.core.partition.QuadTreeNode |
| |
isInFrustum(camera:away3d.cameras:Camera3D) — method, class away3d.core.partition.SkyBoxNode |
Tests if the current node is at least partly inside the frustum. |
ISkeletonAnimationNode — Interface, package away3d.animators.nodes |
Provides an interface for animation node classes that hold animation data for use in the skeleton animator class. |
ISound3DDriver — Interface, package away3d.audio.drivers |
| |
isPowerOfTwo(value:int) — Static Method , class away3d.tools.utils.TextureUtils |
| |
_isRoot — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
| |
IUVAnimationNode — Interface, package away3d.animators.nodes |
Provides an interface for animation node classes that hold animation data for use in the UV animator class. |
IVertexAnimationNode — Interface, package away3d.animators.nodes |
Provides an interface for animation node classes that hold animation data for use in the Vertex animator class. |
IVideoPlayer — Interface, package away3d.materials.utils |
| |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |