Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

away3d.cameras.lenses Abstract lens for resolving perspective using the Camera3D object's position and properties
away3d.lights Lightsource that colors all shaded materials evenly from any angle
away3d.loaders Abstract parsing object used as a base class for all loaders to extend from.
away3d.primitives Abstract base class for shaded primitives
away3d.core.render Abstract Drawing session object containing the method used for drawing the view to screen.
away3d.materials.shaders Base class for shaders.
 Align Class Aligns arrays of Object3Ds, Number3d's or Vertexes compared to each other.Align
away3d.core.light Ambient light primitive
away3d.lights Lightsource that colors all shaded materials evenly from any angle
away3d.materials.shaders Shader class for ambient lighting
away3d.materials Bitmap material that allows fast rendering of animations by caching bitmapdata objects for each frame.
 AnimationData Data class for the animation of a mesh.
away3d.loaders.utils Store for all animations associated with an externally loaded file.
away3d.animators Base class for all animator objects.
 AnimatorEvent Passed as a parameter when an animator event occurs
away3d.core.filter Corrects triangle z-sorting
away3d.loaders File loader for the ASE file format.

Stats monitor for Away3D or general use in any project.

away3d.loaders File loader/parser for the native .awd data file format.
away3d.test Base class for Away3D demos
away3d.core.render Default renderer for a view.
away3d.primitives BezierPatch primitive creates a smooth mesh based on a 4x4 vertex patch using a cubic bezier curve.
away3d.materials Bitmap material that loads it's texture from an external bitmapasset file.
away3d.materials Basic bitmap material
away3d.materials Basic bitmap material
away3d.core.render Drawing session object that renders all drawing primitives into a Bitmap container.
away3d.core.block Abstract primitive that can block other primitives from drawing
away3d.core.block Array for storing blocker objects
 BoneData Data class for a bone used in SkinAnimation.
away3d.physics BSPCollider manages an object to move around in a BSPTree while doing collision detection.
away3d.graphs.bsp BSPNode is a single node in a BSPTree
away3d.core.render BSP renderer for a view.
away3d.graphs.bsp BSPTree is a scene graph structure that allows static scenes to be rendered without z-sorting or z-conflicts, and performs early culling to remove big parts of the geometry that don't need to be rendered.
away3d.test Simple rounded rectangle button
away3d.cameras Basic camera used to resolve a view.
 CameraEvent Passed as a parameter when a camera event occurs
away3d.core.utils Helper class for casting assets to usable objects
away3d.loaders.utils Store for all materials associated with an externally loaded file.
 ChannelData Data class for an animation channel
away3d.loaders.utils Store for all animation channels associated with an externally loaded file.
away3d.core.clip Base clipping class for no clipping.
 ClippingEvent Passed as a parameter when a clip event occurs
away3d.loaders File loader for the Collada file format with animation.
away3d.core.utils Static helper class for color manipulations
away3d.materials Material for solid color drawing
away3d.materials Container for caching multiple bitmapmaterial objects.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d cone primitive.
 ContainerData Data class for 3d object containers.
away3d.blockers Convex hull blocking all drawing primitives underneath.
away3d.core.block Convex hull primitive that blocks all primitives behind and contained completely inside.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d Cube primitive.
away3d.primitives.utils The names of the cube map faces used in CubicEnvMapPBMaterial, to determine the positions of each side's texture
away3d.primitives Static class that provides constant values for the UV mapping options of the Cube primitive.
 CubeMaterialsData Data structure for individual materials on the sides of a cube.
away3d.materials BitmapData material which creates reflections based on a cube map.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d curved line segment.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d cylinder primitive.
away3d.core.utils Class for emmiting debuging messages, warnings and errors
away3d.materials Bitmap material with depth shading.
away3d.materials.shaders Shader class for environment lighting.
away3d.materials.shaders Diffuse Dot3 shader class for directional lighting.
away3d.materials A diffuse texel shader material with support for multiple and directional lights
away3d.materials Bitmap material with per-texel diffuse (Lambert) shading.
away3d.materials.shaders Diffuse shader class for directional lighting.
away3d.core.light Directional light primitive.
away3d.lights Lightsource that colors all shaded materials proportional to the dot product of the offset vector with the normal vector.
away3d.sprites Spherical billboard (always facing the camera) sprite object that uses an array of bitmapData objects defined with viewing direction vectors.
away3d.core.utils Provides static pre-blurred bitmap images for depth of field-effect when used together with billboarded sprites, such as Billboards.
away3d.sprites Spherical billboard (always facing the camera) sprite object that uses a cached array of bitmapData objects as it's texture.
away3d.materials Bitmap material with DOT3 shading.
away3d.materials Bitmap material with DOT3 shading.
away3d.materials Animated movie material with DOT3 shading.
away3d.core.draw Unscaled bitmap drawing primitive
away3d.core.draw Displayobject container drawing primitive.
away3d.core.draw Fog drawing primitive
away3d.core.draw Abstract class for all drawing primitives
away3d.core.draw Scaled bitmap primitive
away3d.core.draw Line segment drawing primitive
away3d.core.draw 3D Sprite primitive
away3d.core.draw Triangle drawing primitive
away3d.core.base Basic 3d element object Not intended for direct use - use Segment or Face.
 ElementEvent Passed as a parameter when a meshelement event occurs
away3d.extrusions Class Elevation returns a multidimentional array of Number3D's to pass to the SkinClass in order to generate an elevated mesh from.
away3d.exporters Class Elevation2AS3 generates a string class of the elevation to pass to the SkinClass and ElevationReader in order to save space and processing time.
away3d.extrusions Class ElevationModifier updates the vertexes of a flat Mesh such as a Plane, RegularPolygon with a bimap information.ElevationModifier
away3d.materials Bitmap material with environment shading.
away3d.materials Color material with environment shading.
away3d.materials.shaders Shader class for environment lighting.
 Explode Class Explode corrects all the faces of an object3d with unic vertexes.Explode Each faces can then be moved independently without influence for the surrounding faces.
away3d.core.base A triangle element used in the mesh object
 FaceData Data class for a face object.
away3d.core.filter Adds fog layers to a view and provides automatic farfield filtering for primitives outside the furthest fog layers.
away3d.materials BitmapData material which creates reflections based on a cube map.
away3d.core.clip Frustum Clipping
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d geodesic sphere primitive.
away3d.core.base 3d object containing face and segment elements
 GeometryData Data class for the geometry data used in a mesh object
 GeometryEvent Passed as a parameter when a geometry event occurs
away3d.loaders.utils Store for all geometries associated with an externally loaded file.
 Grid Class Grid snaps vertexes/objects according to a given grid unit.Grid
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d grid primitive.
away3d.cameras Extended camera used to hover round a specified target object.
away3d.core.block Interface for containers capable of storing blockers.
away3d.core.block Interface for objects that provide blocker instances for occlusion culling in the renderer.
away3d.graphs.bsp.builder Used for BSP Builder classes through which BSPPortals can be retrieved (be it portal generators or wrappers)
away3d.core.utils Interface for object that can be cloned
away3d.core.light Interface for containers capable of storing lighting info
away3d.core.light Interface for objects that provide lighting to the scene
away3d.containers Interface for objects that can toggle their visibily depending on view and distance to camera
away3d.core.utils Convinient object initialization support
away3d.core.draw Interface for containers capable of drawing primitives
away3d.core.filter Interface for filters that work on primitive arrays
away3d.core.draw Interface for objects that provide drawing primitives to the rendering process
away3d.core.filter Interface for filters that work on primitive quadrant trees
away3d.core.filter Interface for filters that work on primitive volume blocks
away3d.core.render Interface for renderers capable of rendering a scene to a view
away3d.loaders File loader for the KMZ 4 file format (exported from Google Sketchup).
away3d.extrusions Class for generating meshes with axial symmetry such as donuts, pipes, vases etc.
away3d.materials Basic bitmap material
away3d.core.light Array for storing light primitives.
 LightData Class holds typed data for the prebaking class
away3d.core.light Abstract light primitve.
away3d.core.traverse Traverser that gathers blocker primitives for occlusion culling.
away3d.core.geom Line in 2D space
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d line segment.
away3d.loaders Abstract loader class used as a placeholder for loading 3d content
 Loader3DEvent Passed as a parameter when a 3d object loader event occurs
away3d.loaders Default loader class used as a placeholder for loading 3d content
away3d.containers 3d object container that is drawn only if its scaling to perspective falls within a given range.
 LScan Class holds typed data for the prebaking and the normalgenerator classes
away3d.materials Base class for all materials
 MaterialData Data class for the material data of a face.
 MaterialEvent Passed as a parameter when a material event occurs
away3d.loaders.utils Store for all materials associated with an externally loaded file.
away3d.core.math A 3D transformation 4x4 matrix
away3d.loaders File loader for the 3DS file format.
away3d.core.filter Defines a maximum allowed drawing primitives.
away3d.loaders File loader for the Md2 file format.
 Merge Class Merge merges two meshes into one.Merge
away3d.core.base 3d object containing face and segment elements
 MeshData Class holds typed data for the prebaking class
 MeshData Data class for the mesh data of a 3d object
 MeshMaterialData Data class for teh material of a 3d object
 Mirror Class Mirror an Object3D geometry and its uv's.Mirror
away3d.core.base Keyframe animation morpher
 MouseEvent3D Passed as a parameter when a 3d mouse event occurs
away3d.sprites Spherical billboard (always facing the camera) sprite object that uses a movieclip as it's texture.
away3d.materials Animated movie material.
away3d.core.clip Rectangle clipping combined with nearfield clipping
away3d.core.geom NGon is an object describing a shape in 3D of any number of points
away3d.materials.utils Utility class, principally to transform bump map data into normal map data.
away3d.core.math A point in 2D space.
away3d.core.math A point in 3D space.
away3d.loaders File loader for the OBJ file format.

note: Multiple objects support and autoload mtls are supported since Away v 2.1.
Class tested with the following 3D apps:
- Strata CX mac 5.5
- Biturn ver 0.87b4 PC
- LightWave 3D OBJ Export v2.1 PC
- Max2Obj Version 4.0 PC
- AC3D 6.2.025 mac
- Carrara (file provided)
- Hexagon (file provided)
- LD3T (file provided)
- geometry supported tags: f,v,vt, g
- geometry unsupported tags:vn,ka, kd r g b, kd, ks r g b,ks,ke r g b,ke,d alpha,d,tr alpha,tr,ns s,ns,illum n,illum,map_Ka,map_Bump
- mtl unsupported tags: kd,ka,ks,ns,tr

export from apps as polygon group or mesh as .obj file.
added support for 3dmax negative vertexes references
away3d.core.base Base class for all 3d objects.
 Object3DEvent Passed as a parameter when a 3d object event occurs
away3d.containers 3d object container node for other 3d objects in a scene
 ObjectData Data class for a generic 3d object
away3d.exporters Class ObjExporter generates a string in the WaveFront obj format representing the object3D(s).
away3d.test Simple rounded rectangle panel
 ParserEvent Passed as a parameter when a 3d object loader event occurs
 PatchData PatchData class to provide base patch generation from control points and caching for faster updates.
away3d.core.geom Holds information about a single Path definition.
away3d.core.geom displays the path information
away3d.animators.utils Geometry handlers for classes using Path objects
away3d.materials Bitmap material with phong shading.
away3d.materials Color material with phong shading.
away3d.materials Animated movie material with phong shading.
away3d.materials A Phong texel shader material supporting multiple lights.
away3d.materials Bitmap material with per-texel phong shading.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d plane primitive.
away3d.core.geom Plane in 3D space
away3d.core.light Point light primitive
away3d.lights Lightsource that colors all shaded materials proportional to the dot product of the distance vector with the normal vector.
away3d.core.draw Quadrant tree node
away3d.core.traverse Traverser that gathers drawing primitives to render the scene.
away3d.core.draw Volume block containing drawing primitives
away3d.core.draw Volume block tree node
away3d.core.traverse Traverser that resolves the transform tree in a scene, ready for rendering.
away3d.materials.utils Class remaps the uvs of an Object3D for a given orientation: projection strings = "front", "back", "top", "bottom", "left","right", "spherical" or "spherical2"
away3d.core.render Renderer that uses quadrant tree for storing and operating drawing primitives.
away3d.core.filter Splits all intersecting triangles and line segments.
away3d.core.math A Quaternion object.
away3d.core.clip Rectangle clipping
away3d.primitives Creates a regular polygon.
away3d.core.render A static class for an easy access to the most useful renderers.
 Replicate Class Replicate create a new Mesh object from transformed copies of the original.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d roundedcube primitive.
away3d.containers The root container of all 3d objects in a single scene
away3d.core.draw representation of a 3d vertex resolved to the view.
away3d.primitives Creates a sea turtle model (exported using asAS3Class).
away3d.core.base A line element used in the wiremesh and mesh object
 SessionEvent Passed as a parameter when a session event occurs
away3d.core.traverse Traverser that gathers blocker primitives for occlusion culling.
away3d.materials Color material with flat shading.
 SimplePanVolumeDriver The Simple pan/volume Sound3D driver will alter the pan and volume properties on the sound transform object of a regular representation of the sound.
away3d.materials.utils This class generates a top projection shadow from vertex information of a given Object3D, Most suitable for still objects.
away3d.primitives QTVR-style 360 panorama renderer that is initialized with six images.
away3d.primitives QTVR-style 360 panorama renderer that is initialized with one solid image.
away3d.test Represents a single slide of the demo

A sound source/emitter object that can be positioned in 3D space, and from which all audio playback will be transformed to simulate orientation.

The Sound3D object works much in the same fashion as primitives, lights and cameras, in that it can be added to a scene and positioned therein.

away3d.materials.shaders Diffuse Dot3 shader class for directional lighting.
away3d.materials A specular-only texel shader material supporting multiple lights.
away3d.materials Bitmap material with per-texel specular-only shading.
away3d.materials.shaders Specular shader class for directional lighting.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d sphere primitive.
away3d.materials BitmapData material which creates reflections based on a spherical map.
away3d.cameras A 1st and 3d person camera(depending on positionOffset!), hooked on a physical spring on an optional target.
away3d.sprites Spherical billboard (always facing the camera) sprite object that uses a bitmapData object as it's texture.
away3d.sprites A graphics element used to represent objects that always face the camera
 SpriteEvent Passed as a parameter when a segment event occurs
away3d.core.render Drawing session object that renders all drawing primitives into a Sprite container.
away3d.loaders File loader for swfs with injected vector data.
away3d.materials.utils A util class that transforms a tangent space normal map to an object space normal map.
away3d.cameras Extended camera used to automatically look at a specified target object.
away3d.core.stats Task monitor
away3d.loaders.utils Used to store the name and loader reference of an external texture image.
away3d.loaders.utils Creates a queue of textures that load sequentially
away3d.core.traverse Traverser that fires a time-based method for all objects in scene
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d torus primitive.
away3d.materials Basic bitmap texture material
away3d.core.traverse Abstract class for all traverser that perform actions on the whole scene.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d triangle.
away3d.primitives Creates an axis trident.
away3d.core.base Texture coordinates value object.
away3d.core.base A vertex coordinate value object.
 VideoEvent Passed as a parameter when a material event occurs
away3d.containers Sprite container used for storing camera, scene, session, renderer and clip references, and resolving mouse events
 ViewEvent Passed as a parameter when a view3d event occurs
away3d.materials.utils Water maps allows you to stitch several procedural water normal maps and update the animation with a single method call.
 Weld Class Weld removes from the faces found of one or more object3d all the duplicated vertexes and uv's.Weld
away3d.materials Bitmap material with flat white lighting
away3d.materials Wire material for solid color drawing with optional face border outlining
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire cone primitive.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire cube primitive.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire cylinder primitive.
away3d.materials Wire material for face border outlining only
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire plane primitive.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire polygon.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire sphere primitive.
away3d.primitives Creates a 3d wire torus primitive.
away3d.core.filter Defines a maximum z value for rendering primitives
away3d.core.filter Sorts drawing primitives by z coordinate.