Classpublic class TangentToObjectMapper

A util class that transforms a tangent space normal map to an object space normal map.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
transform(tangentMap:BitmapData, targetMesh:Mesh, smoothNormals:Boolean = false):BitmapData
[static] Transform a tangent space normal map to an object space normal map for a specific mesh
Method detail
public static function transform(tangentMap:BitmapData, targetMesh:Mesh, smoothNormals:Boolean = false):BitmapData

Transform a tangent space normal map to an object space normal map for a specific mesh

tangentMap:BitmapData — The source tangent space map to be transformed
targetMesh:Mesh — The target mesh for which the object space map is generated
smoothNormals:Boolean (default = false) — Interpolates the triangle normals. Set to true for rounded surfaces, false for sharp edges.

BitmapData — An object space normal map for the target mesh.
Wiki link
Click to go to the wiki page for 'away3d.materials.utils.TangentToObjectMapper'

Code examples
