Class Mirror an Object3D geometry and its uv's.
public static function apply(object3d:Object3D, axe:String, recenter:Boolean = true, duplicate:Boolean = true):void
Mirrors an Object3D Mesh object geometry and uv's
| object3d:Object3D — object3d The Object3D, ObjectContainer3D are parsed recurvely as well.
| axe:String — axe A string "x-", "x+", "x", "y-", "y+", "y", "z-", "z+", "z". "x", "y","z" mirrors on world position 0,0,0, the + mirrors geometry in positive direction, the - mirrors geometry in positive direction.
| recenter:Boolean (default = true ) — recenter [optional] Recenter the Object3D pivot. This doesn't affect ObjectContainers3D's. Default is true.
| duplicate:Boolean (default = true ) — duplicate [optional] Duplicate model geometry along the axe or set to false mirror but do not duplicate. Default is true.