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panAngle — Property, class away3dlite.cameras.HoverCamera3D |
Rotation of the camera in degrees around the y axis. |
param — Property, class away3dlite.animators.bones.Channel |
| |
parent — Property, class away3dlite.animators.bones.SkinController |
Defines the containing 3d object that holds the Mesh to which the SkinVertex objects belong. |
parse(data:any, sourcesUrl:String) — Static Method , class away3dlite.loaders.AWData |
Parses and creates an Object3D from the raw ascii data of an .awd file. |
parsedChunks — Property, class away3dlite.loaders.AbstractParser |
Returns the total number of data chunks parsed
parseError — Event, class away3dlite.loaders.AbstractParser |
Dispatched when the 3d object parser fails to parse a file. |
PARSE_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class away3dlite.events.ParserEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a parseError event object. |
parseGeometry(data:any) — method, class away3dlite.loaders.AbstractParser |
Parses 3d file data. |
parseProgress — Event, class away3dlite.loaders.AbstractParser |
Dispatched when the 3d object parser progresses by one chunk. |
PARSE_PROGRESS — Constant Static Property, class away3dlite.events.ParserEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a parseProgress event object. |
parser — Property, class away3dlite.events.ParserEvent |
A reference to the loader object that is relevant to the event. |
parser — Property, class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D |
| |
ParserEvent — class, package away3dlite.events |
Passed as a parameter when a 3d object loader event occurs
ParserEvent(type:String, parser:away3dlite.loaders:AbstractParser, result:away3dlite.core.base:Object3D) — Constructor, class away3dlite.events.ParserEvent |
Creates a new ParserEvent object. |
parseSuccess — Event, class away3dlite.loaders.AbstractParser |
Dispatched when the 3d object parser completes a file parse successfully. |
PARSE_SUCCESS — Constant Static Property, class away3dlite.events.ParserEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a parseSuccess event object. |
parseTimeout — Property, class away3dlite.loaders.AbstractParser |
Defines a timeout period for file parsing (in milliseconds). |
PARSING_GEOMETRY — Constant Property, class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D |
Constant value string representing the geometry parsing mode of the 3d object loader. |
pathToSources — Property, class away3dlite.loaders.AWData |
Allows to set custom path to source(s) map(s) other than set in file
Standard output url from Prefab awd files is "images/filename.jpg"
when set pathToSources, url becomes [newurl]filename.jpg. |
percentLoaded — Property, class away3dlite.loaders.utils.TextureLoadQueue |
Returns the overall progress of the loader queue as a percentage. |
pixelBorder — Property, class away3dlite.primitives.Cube6 |
Defines the texture mapping border in pixels used around each face of the cube. |
pixelBorder — Property, class away3dlite.primitives.Skybox6 |
Defines the texture mapping border in pixels used around each face of the skybox. |
Plane — class, package away3dlite.primitives |
Creates a 3d plane primitive. |
Plane(material:away3dlite.materials:Material, width:Number, height:Number, segmentsW:int, segmentsH:int, yUp:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3dlite.primitives.Plane |
Creates a new Plane object. |
play(label:String) — method, class away3dlite.animators.MovieMesh |
Plays a pre-defined labelled sequence of animation frames. |
position — Property, class away3dlite.core.base.Object3D |
Returns a 3d vector representing the local position of the 3d object. |
position — Property, class away3dlite.sprites.Sprite3D |
Returns a 3d vector representing the local position of the 3d sprite. |
position — Static Property, class away3dlite.templates.ui.Keyboard3D |
| |
progress — Event, class away3dlite.loaders.utils.TextureLoadQueue |
| |
progress — Property, class away3dlite.loaders.utils.TextureLoadQueue |
Returns the overall progress of the loader queue. |
projectionMatrix3D — Property, class away3dlite.cameras.Camera3D |
Returns the 3d matrix representing the camera projection for the view. |
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