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20 Mar 2012

Training at BTPlay

by Rob Bateman Training at BTPlay

For those looking for a head start with Away3D 4.0, look no further than the upcoming 1-day workshop hosted at the Beyond Tellerrand - Play! conference in Cologne, Germany. The conference spans 4 days from April 24th - 27th, and has a great variety of speakers talking about code, creativity…


Comments: open
17 Feb 2012

Away3D 4.0 Beta released

by Rob Bateman Away3D 4.0 Beta released

We are pleased to announce that the release build of Away3D 4.0 Beta has finally arrived! What with all the action and reaction of the last few weeks and months, its been a tough time for everyone at Away3D and we appreciate the patience and resilience of everyone involved, none…


Comments: open
21 Dec 2011

Updated roadmap for Away3D 4.0

by Richard Olsson

As the roadmap for Away3D 4.0 is somewhat behind schedule, we wanted to publish an update on recent progress. Our original plans to release a beta version in November, and to then release a final 4.0 version in December was described in this blog post. We have not been able…


Comments: open
12 Oct 2011

Back from Max: Away3D platform roadmap

by Richard Olsson Back from Max: Away3D platform roadmap

Max felt like a very complete conference this year - plenty of sessions about future directions for creative and development tooling, some amazing announcements around collaborations (see this epic games article to find out more on the Flash 11 publishing options coming to UDK) and, of course, the official release…


Comments: open
21 Sep 2011

Away Sky Racer

by Rob Bateman Away Sky Racer

As the start of a new series of library demos coming your way, we'd like to share with you one of the new Away3D demos unveiled at the recent Flash on the Beach conference in Brighton. Away Sky Racer was created by the French-based Away3D contributor Lo Chamans, using Away3D…