Comments: open
17 Sep 2007

Away3D diamond

by Fabrice Closier Away3D diamond

I've turned 40 this weekend, so i thought it would be nice to celebrate... First idea was: i do a cake! Nah... doesn't shine... Since Away3D is now able to create anything looking expensive like gold or silver, i thought, what's the most expensive material on earth? Diamonds of course!…


Comments: open
13 Sep 2007

Away3D Environement Normal Mapping

by Fabrice Closier Away3D Environement Normal Mapping

It's been a while since my last post on materials. I thought it might be good to let see we are VERY busy right now with Away3D. One of the latest feature, like this demo shows, is the normal mapping. Now natively implemented in the engine. Any mesh using this…


Comments: open
13 Sep 2007

Standard project stats

by Fabrice Closier Standard project stats

Ok no pixels news for once... I was tired building in each project an FPS (frames per second) counter or add traces everywhere. So i thought it might be usefull to build once and for all an handy tool that would require no external swf or to be set in…