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AWAY3D: Another Glimpse of Physics
by Peter Kapelyan
Click the image or here to play Away3D basketball! Just like my previous post of materials "ala" Pete, well here are physics "ala" Pete. I decided to HACK some code together to get the effect I want (basically), and although I know the math may be flawed, it is something…
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Projects using Away3d
by Stephen WhitePeople are starting to use Away3d for their projects! Paul Spitzer wrote a path finding demo for Flash in 3d: http://www.actionscriptarchitect.com/lab/AStar3D2/ Shirotokoro has written a new AS3 Geom Class Exporter for 3ds Max to PV3D, Sandy and Away3D: http://seraf.mediabox.fr/showcase/as3-geom-class-exporter-for-3ds-max-english/ and I, for one, welcome our yellow billed overlord (read the…
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Away3d bump mask
by Fabrice Closier
While busy cleaning the code from yesterday, i've added one more thing: a mask for the whole texture. It sounds overkill at first sight since you can use a png with alpha, but do you remember how heavy those little friends can be? Anyway, for those interested, it will now…
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Away3D bump continued
by Fabrice Closier
After 3 weeks vacation with nothing but a pencil and a notebook, i had wrote down some idea's for this class i wanted to test. Since you guys seem to like my blog, (my stats are growing very fast lately), i thought it was time to post some new demos.…