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AWAY3D Realtime specular light DEMO
by Peter Kapelyan
This is the first time I am REALLY seeing the specular light in realtime, in Flash. Using Away3D's Light3D, and 40wx50h sphere you can see what it looks like. All I have to say is: http://www.flashnine.com/away3d/FLASH-3D-MATERIALS/away3d_flashnine_specular.swf "WOW . That is a REAL specular light." -pete
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by Peter KapelyanActual screenshots of the 3D engine capabilities....some of these DEMOS, you can move the mouse left/right- to move the dynamic 3D light! CLICK THE IMAGES TO SEE ! Glow (no mouse movement) Bump (no mouse movement) Black and White (mouse movement) (dirty/realistic? ....Beware CPU HEAVY...) Realistic? (don't move mouse too…
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Autostereogram images generated with Away3D
by Alejandro Santander
Aviary suite uses Away3D to generate autostereogram images - that's really amazing! (if you can't see a hummingbird and a donut on this image - you may have better luck here). A custom depth renderer is used to produce a black & white image that is later applied to an…
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Outline drawing
by Alejandro Santander
Adding outlines made easy in Away3D... as easy as setting: {outline:"yellow|2"} for the hairthin outlines, or: {outline:"green|6", material:"transparent"} for the bold one (in the screenshot). Alex.
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AWAY3D Demo > Easy to play with…
by Peter KapelyanClick here to see! I scraped some code together from the LESSONS that can be found under "DOWNLOADS" (in handy dandy FLA format), along with a nifty turtle and texture made by yours truly . In Firefox the new AWAY3D code can run this simple scene (with some lights) at…