A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
pan — Property, interface away3d.materials.utils.IVideoPlayer
pan — Property, class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleVideoPlayer
panAngle — Property, class away3d.controllers.FirstPersonController
Rotation of the camera in degrees around the y axis.
panAngle — Property, class away3d.controllers.HoverController
Rotation of the camera in degrees around the y axis.
_parent — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D
parent — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D
The parent ObjectContainer3D to which this object's transformation is relative.
_parent — Property, class away3d.core.partition.NodeBase
parent — Property, class away3d.core.partition.NodeBase
The parent node.
parentGeometry — Property, interface away3d.core.base.ISubGeometry
parentGeometry — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubGeometryBase
parentIndex — Property, class away3d.animators.data.SkeletonJoint
The index of the parent joint in the skeleton's joints vector.
_parentIsStage — Property, class away3d.containers.View3D
parentMesh — Property, class away3d.core.base.SubMesh
parentParser — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.ResourceDependency
The parser which is dependent on this ResourceDependency object.
parseAsync(data:any, frameLimit:Number) — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
Parse data (possibly containing bytearry, plain text or BitmapAsset) asynchronously, meaning that the parser will periodically stop parsing so that the AVM may proceed to the next frame.
parseComplete — Event, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
Dispatched when the parsing finishes.
PARSE_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.ParserEvent
Dispatched when parsing of an asset completed.
parseData(data:any, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase, req:flash.net:URLRequest) — method, class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
Loads a resource from already loaded data.
PARSE_DEFAULT — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
parseError — Event, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
Dispatched if an error was caught during parsing.
PARSE_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.ParserEvent
Dispatched when an error occurs while parsing the data (e.g.
PARSE_GEOMETRIES — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
PARSE_IMAGES — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
PARSE_MATERIALS — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
parser — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
A reference to the parser that will translate the loaded data into a usable resource.
ParserBase — class, package away3d.loaders.parsers
ParserBase provides an abstract base class for objects that convert blocks of data to data structures supported by Away3D.
ParserBase(format:String) — Constructor, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
Creates a new ParserBase object
ParserDataFormat — class, package away3d.loaders.parsers
An enumeration providing values to describe the data format of parsed data.
ParserEvent — class, package away3d.events
ParserEvent(type:String, message:String) — Constructor, class away3d.events.ParserEvent
Parsers — class, package away3d.loaders.parsers
ParserUtil — class, package away3d.loaders.parsers.utils
PARSE_VISUAL_SCENES — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
parsingComplete — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AWDParser
parsingComplete — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
PARSING_DONE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
Returned by proceedParsing to indicate no more parsing is needed.
parsingFailure — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
parsingPaused — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AWDParser
parsingPaused — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
ParticleAccelerationNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to apply a constant acceleration vector to the motion of a particle.
ParticleAccelerationNode(mode:uint, acceleration:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleAccelerationNode
Creates a new ParticleAccelerationNode
ParticleAccelerationState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleAccelerationState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleAccelerationNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleAccelerationNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleAccelerationState
ParticleAnimationData — class, package away3d.animators.data
ParticleAnimationData(index:uint, startTime:Number, duration:Number, delay:Number, particle:away3d.core.base.data:ParticleData) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.data.ParticleAnimationData
ParticleAnimationSet — class, package away3d.animators
The animation data set used by particle-based animators, containing particle animation data.
ParticleAnimationSet(usesDuration:Boolean, usesLooping:Boolean, usesDelay:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
Creates a new ParticleAnimationSet
ParticleAnimator — class, package away3d.animators
Provides an interface for assigning paricle-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be automatically updated or manually triggered.
ParticleAnimator(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.ParticleAnimator
Creates a new ParticleAnimator object.
ParticleBezierCurveNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time along a bezier curve.
ParticleBezierCurveNode(mode:uint, controlPoint:flash.geom:Vector3D, endPoint:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleBezierCurveNode
Creates a new ParticleBezierCurveNode
ParticleBezierCurveState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleBezierCurveState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleBezierCurveNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleBezierCurveNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleBezierCurveState
ParticleBillboardNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node that controls the rotation of a particle to always face the camera.
ParticleBillboardNode(billboardAxis:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleBillboardNode
Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode
ParticleBillboardState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleBillboardState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleBillboardNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleBillboardState
ParticleColorNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the color variation of a particle over time.
ParticleColorNode(mode:uint, usesMultiplier:Boolean, usesOffset:Boolean, usesCycle:Boolean, usesPhase:Boolean, startColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform, endColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform, cycleDuration:Number, cyclePhase:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleColorNode
Creates a new ParticleColorNode
ParticleColorState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleColorState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleColorNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleColorNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleColorState
ParticleData — class, package away3d.core.base.data
ParticleData() — Constructor, class away3d.core.base.data.ParticleData
ParticleFollowNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to create a follow behaviour on a particle system.
ParticleFollowNode(usesPosition:Boolean, usesRotation:Boolean, smooth:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleFollowNode
Creates a new ParticleFollowNode
ParticleFollowState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleFollowState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleFollowNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleFollowNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleFollowState
ParticleGeometry — class, package away3d.core.base
ParticleGeometry() — Constructor, class away3d.core.base.ParticleGeometry
ParticleGeometryHelper — class, package away3d.tools.helpers
ParticleGeometryTransform — class, package away3d.tools.helpers.data
ParticleGeometryTransform() — Constructor, class away3d.tools.helpers.data.ParticleGeometryTransform
particleIndex — Property, class away3d.core.base.data.ParticleData
ParticleInitialColorNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
ParticleInitialColorNode(mode:uint, usesMultiplier:Boolean, usesOffset:Boolean, initialColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleInitialColorNode
ParticleInitialColorState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleInitialColorState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleInitialColorNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleInitialColorNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleInitialColorState
ParticleNodeBase — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
Provides an abstract base class for particle animation nodes.
ParticleNodeBase(name:String, mode:uint, dataLength:uint, priority:int) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleNodeBase
Creates a new ParticleNodeBase object.
particleNodes — Property, class away3d.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
Returns a vector of the particle animation nodes contained within the set.
ParticleOrbitNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time around a circular orbit.
ParticleOrbitNode(mode:uint, usesEulers:Boolean, usesCycle:Boolean, usesPhase:Boolean, radius:Number, cycleDuration:Number, cyclePhase:Number, eulers:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleOrbitNode
Creates a new ParticleOrbitNode object.
ParticleOrbitState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleOrbitState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleOrbitNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleOrbitNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleOrbitState
ParticleOscillatorNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time using simple harmonic motion.
ParticleOscillatorNode(mode:uint, oscillator:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleOscillatorNode
Creates a new ParticleOscillatorNode
ParticleOscillatorState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleOscillatorState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleOscillatorNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleOscillatorNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleOscillatorState
ParticlePositionNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to set the starting position of a particle.
ParticlePositionNode(mode:uint, position:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticlePositionNode
Creates a new ParticlePositionNode
ParticlePositionState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticlePositionState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particlePositionNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticlePositionNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticlePositionState
ParticleProperties — Dynamic Class, package away3d.animators.data
Dynamic class for holding the local properties of a particle, used for processing the static properties of particles in the particle animation set before beginning upload to the GPU.
ParticleProperties() — Constructor, class away3d.animators.data.ParticleProperties
ParticlePropertiesMode — class, package away3d.animators.data
Options for setting the properties mode of a particle animation node.
ParticleRotateToHeadingNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the rotation of a particle to match its heading vector.
ParticleRotateToHeadingNode() — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleRotateToHeadingNode
Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode
ParticleRotateToHeadingState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleRotateToHeadingState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleNodeBase) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleRotateToHeadingState
ParticleRotationalVelocityNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to set the starting rotational velocity of a particle.
ParticleRotationalVelocityNode(mode:uint, rotationalVelocity:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleRotationalVelocityNode
Creates a new ParticleRotationalVelocityNode
ParticleRotationalVelocityState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleRotationalVelocityState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleRotationNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleRotationalVelocityNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleRotationalVelocityState
particles — Property, class away3d.core.base.ParticleGeometry
ParticleScaleNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the scale variation of a particle over time.
ParticleScaleNode(mode:uint, usesCycle:Boolean, usesPhase:Boolean, minScale:Number, maxScale:Number, cycleDuration:Number, cyclePhase:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleScaleNode
Creates a new ParticleScaleNode
ParticleScaleState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleScaleState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleScaleNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleScaleNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleScaleState
ParticleSegmentedColorNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
ParticleSegmentedColorNode(usesMultiplier:Boolean, usesOffset:Boolean, numSegmentPoint:int, startColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform, endColor:flash.geom:ColorTransform, segmentPoints:Vector$away3d.animators.data:ColorSegmentPoint) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleSegmentedColorNode
ParticleSegmentedColorState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleSegmentedColorState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleSegmentedColorNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleSegmentedColorNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleSegmentedColorState
ParticleSpriteSheetNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used when a spritesheet texture is required to animate the particle.
ParticleSpriteSheetNode(mode:uint, usesCycle:Boolean, usesPhase:Boolean, numColumns:int, numRows:uint, cycleDuration:Number, cyclePhase:Number, totalFrames:uint) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleSpriteSheetNode
Creates a new ParticleSpriteSheetNode
ParticleSpriteSheetState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleSpriteSheetState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleSpriteSheetNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleSpriteSheetNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleSpriteSheetState
ParticleStateBase — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleStateBase(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleNodeBase, needUpdateTime:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleStateBase
ParticleTimeNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used as the base node for timekeeping inside a particle.
ParticleTimeNode(usesDuration:Boolean, usesLooping:Boolean, usesDelay:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleTimeNode
Creates a new ParticleTimeNode
ParticleTimeState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleTimeState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleTimeNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleTimeNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleTimeState
ParticleUVNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to control the UV offset and scale of a particle over time.
ParticleUVNode(mode:uint, cycle:Number, scale:Number, axis:String) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleUVNode
Creates a new ParticleTimeNode
ParticleUVState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleUVState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleUVNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleUVNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleUVState
ParticleVelocityNode — class, package away3d.animators.nodes
A particle animation node used to set the starting velocity of a particle.
ParticleVelocityNode(mode:uint, velocity:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleVelocityNode
Creates a new ParticleVelocityNode
ParticleVelocityState — class, package away3d.animators.states
ParticleVelocityState(animator:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimator, particleVelocityNode:away3d.animators.nodes:ParticleVelocityNode) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleVelocityState
partition — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D
The space partition to be used by the object container and all its recursive children, unless it has its own space partition assigned.
partition — Property, class away3d.containers.Scene3D
The root partition to be used by the Scene3D.
Partition3D — class, package away3d.core.partition
Partition3D is the core of a space partition system.
Partition3D(rootNode:away3d.core.partition:NodeBase) — Constructor, class away3d.core.partition.Partition3D
Creates a new Partition3D object.
PARTITION_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.Scene3DEvent
PartitionTraverser — class, package away3d.core.traverse
IPartitionTraverser is a hierarchical visitor pattern that traverses through a Partition3D data structure.
PartitionTraverser() — Constructor, class away3d.core.traverse.PartitionTraverser
_passes — Property, class away3d.materials.MaterialBase
passes — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.CompositeSpecularMethod
Any passes required that render to a texture used by this method.
_passes — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase
passes — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadingMethodBase
Any passes required that render to a texture used by this method.
_passes — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
_passesDirty — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
passRendersToTexture(index:uint) — method, class away3d.materials.MaterialBase
path — Property, class away3d.animators.PathAnimator
defines the path to follow
path — Property, class away3d.extrusions.PathDuplicator
Sets and defines the Path object.
path — Property, class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrude
Defines the Path object representing path to extrude along.
PathAnimator — class, package away3d.animators
PathAnimator(path:away3d.paths:IPath, target:away3d.core.base:Object3D, offset:flash.geom:Vector3D, alignToPath:Boolean, lookAtTarget:away3d.core.base:Object3D, rotations:Vector$flash.geom:Vector3D) — Constructor, class away3d.animators.PathAnimator
Creates a new PathAnimator
PathDuplicator — class, package away3d.extrusions
PathDuplicator(path:away3d.paths:IPath, meshes:Vector$away3d.entities:Mesh, scene:away3d.containers:Scene3D, repeat:uint, alignToPath:Boolean, segmentSpread:Boolean, container:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D, randomRotationY:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.extrusions.PathDuplicator
Creates a new PathDuplicator Class replicates and distribute one or more mesh(es) along a path.
PathEvent — class, package away3d.events
PathEvent(type:String) — Constructor, class away3d.events.PathEvent
PathExtrude — class, package away3d.extrusions
PathExtrude(material:away3d.materials:MaterialBase, path:away3d.paths:IPath, profile:Vector$flash.geom:Vector3D, subdivision:uint, coverAll:Boolean, coverSegment:Boolean, alignToPath:Boolean, centerMesh:Boolean, mapFit:Boolean, flip:Boolean, closePath:Boolean, materials:Vector$away3d.materials:MaterialBase, scales:Vector$flash.geom:Vector3D, smoothScale:Boolean, rotations:Vector$flash.geom:Vector3D, smoothSurface:Boolean, distribute:Boolean, distributeU:Boolean, keepExtremes:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrude
Creates a new PathExtrude
pause() — method, class away3d.audio.Sound3D
Pause playback.
pause() — method, interface away3d.audio.drivers.ISound3DDriver
Temporarily pause playback.
pause() — method, class away3d.audio.drivers.SimplePanVolumeDriver
pause() — method, interface away3d.materials.utils.IVideoPlayer
Temporarily pause playback.
pause() — method, class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleVideoPlayer
pauseAndRetrieveDependencies() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
paused — Property, class away3d.audio.Sound3D
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not playback is currently paused.
_paused — Property, class away3d.audio.drivers.AbstractSound3DDriver
paused — Property, interface away3d.materials.utils.IVideoPlayer
Indicates whether the video is paused
paused — Property, class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleVideoPlayer
PB_BEST_HIT — Constant Static Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingColliderType
PixelBender-based picking collider that returns the best (closest) hit on an Entity.
PB_FIRST_ENCOUNTERED — Constant Static Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingColliderType
PixelBender-based picking collider that returns the first encountered hit on an Entity.
PBPickingCollider — class, package away3d.core.pick
PixelBender-based picking collider for entity objects.
PBPickingCollider(findClosestCollision:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.core.pick.PBPickingCollider
Creates a new PBPickingCollider object.
PerspectiveLens — class, package away3d.cameras.lenses
The PerspectiveLens object provides a projection matrix that projects 3D geometry with perspective distortion.
PerspectiveLens(fieldOfView:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.cameras.lenses.PerspectiveLens
Creates a new PerspectiveLens object.
PerspectiveOffCenterLens — class, package away3d.cameras.lenses
The PerspectiveLens object provides a projection matrix that projects 3D geometry with perspective distortion.
PerspectiveOffCenterLens(minAngleX:Number, maxAngleX:Number, minAngleY:Number, maxAngleY:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.cameras.lenses.PerspectiveOffCenterLens
Creates a new PerspectiveLens object.
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.AnimatorBase
Sets the animation phase of the current active state's animation clip(s).
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.states.AnimationClipState
Sets the animation phase of the node.
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.states.AnimationStateBase
Sets the animation phase of the node.
phase(value:Number) — method, interface away3d.animators.states.IAnimationState
Sets the animation phase of the node.
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.states.SkeletonBinaryLERPState
Sets the animation phase of the node.
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.states.SkeletonDifferenceState
Sets the animation phase of the node.
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.states.SkeletonDirectionalState
Sets the animation phase of the node.
phase(value:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.states.SkeletonNaryLERPState
Sets the animation phase of the node.
PhongSpecularMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
PhongSpecularMethod() — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.PhongSpecularMethod
Creates a new PhongSpecularMethod object.
_pickingCollider — Property, class away3d.entities.Entity
pickingCollider — Property, class away3d.entities.Entity
Used by the raycast-based picking system to determine how the geometric contents of an entity are processed in order to offer more details for the picking collision object, including local position, normal vector and uv value.
pickingCollider — Property, class away3d.entities.Sprite3D
PickingColliderBase — class, package away3d.core.pick
An abstract base class for all picking collider classes.
PickingColliderBase() — Constructor, class away3d.core.pick.PickingColliderBase
PickingColliderType — class, package away3d.core.pick
Options for setting a picking collider for entity objects.
_pickingCollisionVO — Property, class away3d.entities.Entity
pickingCollisionVO — Property, class away3d.entities.Entity
Returns a unique picking collision value object for the entity.
PickingCollisionVO — class, package away3d.core.pick
Value object for a picking collision returned by a picking collider.
PickingCollisionVO(entity:away3d.entities:Entity) — Constructor, class away3d.core.pick.PickingCollisionVO
Creates a new PickingCollisionVO object.
PickingType — class, package away3d.core.pick
Options for the different 3D object picking approaches available in Away3D.
pitch(angle:Number) — method, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
Rotates the 3d object around it's local x-axis
_pivotPoint — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
pivotPoint — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
Defines the local point around which the object rotates.
_pivotZero — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
PLAIN_TEXT — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserDataFormat
Describes the format of a plain text file.
PlanarReflectionMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
PlanarReflectionMethod is a material method that adds reflections from a PlanarReflectionTexture object.
PlanarReflectionMethod(texture:away3d.textures:PlanarReflectionTexture, alpha:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.PlanarReflectionMethod
Creates a new PlanarReflectionMethod
PlanarReflectionTexture — class, package away3d.textures
PlanarReflectionTexture is a Texture that can be used for material-based planar reflections, as provided by PlanarReflectionMethod, FresnelPlanarReflectionMethod.
PlanarReflectionTexture() — Constructor, class away3d.textures.PlanarReflectionTexture
Creates a new PlanarReflectionTexture object.
plane — Property, class away3d.cameras.lenses.ObliqueNearPlaneLens
plane — Property, class away3d.extrusions.DelaunayMesh
Defines the projection plane for the class.
plane — Property, class away3d.textures.PlanarReflectionTexture
The plane to reflect with.
plane — Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D
Changes the plane the object will be considered on.
Plane3D — class, package away3d.core.math
Plane3D(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.core.math.Plane3D
Create a Plane3D with ABCD coefficients
PlaneClassification — class, package away3d.core.math
PlaneGeometry — class, package away3d.primitives
A Plane primitive mesh.
PlaneGeometry(width:Number, height:Number, segmentsW:uint, segmentsH:uint, yUp:Boolean, doubleSided:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.primitives.PlaneGeometry
Creates a new Plane object.
planeNormal — Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Ray
Defines the directional normal of the Ray object
planeObject3d — Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D
Defines planes as the position of a given ObjectContainer3D
planePosition — Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D
Defines planes position by a postion Vector3D
PLANE_XY — Constant Static Property, class away3d.extrusions.DelaunayMesh
PLANE_XY — Constant Static Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D
PLANE_XZ — Constant Static Property, class away3d.extrusions.DelaunayMesh
PLANE_XZ — Constant Static Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D
PLANE_ZY — Constant Static Property, class away3d.extrusions.DelaunayMesh
PLANE_ZY — Constant Static Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Drag3D
play(name:String, transition:away3d.animators.transitions:IAnimationTransition, offset:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.SkeletonAnimator
Plays an animation state registered with the given name in the animation data set.
play(name:String, transition:away3d.animators.transitions:IAnimationTransition, offset:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.SpriteSheetAnimator
play(name:String, transition:away3d.animators.transitions:IAnimationTransition, offset:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.UVAnimator
play(name:String, transition:away3d.animators.transitions:IAnimationTransition, offset:Number) — method, class away3d.animators.VertexAnimator
Plays a sequence with a given name.
play() — method, class away3d.audio.Sound3D
Start (or resume, if paused) playback.
play() — method, interface away3d.audio.drivers.ISound3DDriver
Start playing (or resume if paused) the audio.
play() — method, class away3d.audio.drivers.SimplePanVolumeDriver
play() — method, interface away3d.materials.utils.IVideoPlayer
Start playing (or resume if paused) the video.
play() — method, class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleVideoPlayer
PLAYBACK_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.AnimationStateEvent
Dispatched when a non-looping clip node inside an animation state reaches the end of its timeline.
playbackSpeed — Property, class away3d.animators.AnimatorBase
The amount by which passed time should be scaled.
player — Property, class away3d.textures.VideoTexture
playing — Property, class away3d.audio.Sound3D
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the sound is currently playing.
_playing — Property, class away3d.audio.drivers.AbstractSound3DDriver
playing — Property, interface away3d.materials.utils.IVideoPlayer
Indicates whether the video is playing
playing — Property, class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleVideoPlayer
plotAt(x:Number, y:Number, color:uint) — method, class away3d.tools.utils.ColorHitMap
Another method for debug, if you addChild your bitmapdata on screen, this method will colour a pixel at the coordinates helping you to visualize if your scale factors or entered coordinates are correct.
pointData — Property, class away3d.paths.SegmentedPathBase
PointLight — class, package away3d.lights
PointLight represents an omni-directional light.
PointLight() — Constructor, class away3d.lights.PointLight
Creates a new PointLight object.
_pointLightFragmentConstants — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.LightingShaderCompiler
PointLightNode — class, package away3d.core.partition
LightNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a LightBase object.
PointLightNode(light:away3d.lights:PointLight) — Constructor, class away3d.core.partition.PointLightNode
Creates a new LightNode object.
_pointLightRegisters — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.SuperShaderCompiler
pointLights — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
_pointLights — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
pointLights — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
pointLightsOffset — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.LightingPass
_pointLightVertexConstants — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.LightingShaderCompiler
PoissonLookup — class, package away3d.core.math
_pos — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
position — Property, class away3d.animators.PathAnimator
returns the current interpolated position on the path with no optional offset applied
position — Property, class away3d.animators.states.ParticlePositionState
Defines the position of the particle when in global mode.
position — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
Defines the position of the 3d object, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D.
position — Property, class away3d.textures.CubeReflectionTexture
The origin where the environment map will be rendered.
positionAttribute — Property, class away3d.animators.data.AnimationRegisterCache
positionChanged — Event, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
Dispatched when the position of the 3d object changes.
POSITION_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.Object3DEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a positionChanged event object.
positionDelta — Property, class away3d.animators.states.AnimationStateBase
Returns a 3d vector representing the translation delta of the animating entity for the current timestep of animation
positionDelta — Property, interface away3d.animators.states.IAnimationState
_positionDeltaDirty — Property, class away3d.animators.states.AnimationStateBase
positionOffset — Property, class away3d.controllers.SpringController
Offset of spring center from target in target object space, ie: Where the camera should ideally be in the target object space.
PositionRenderer — class, package away3d.core.render
The PositionRenderer renders normalized position coordinates.
PositionRenderer(renderBlended:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.core.render.PositionRenderer
Creates a PositionRenderer object.
positionTarget — Property, class away3d.animators.data.AnimationRegisterCache
POSITION_VECTOR3D — Constant Static Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticlePositionNode
Reference for position node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
POSITIVE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.tools.commands.Align
positiveX — Property, class away3d.textures.BitmapCubeTexture
The texture on the cube's right face.
positiveY — Property, class away3d.textures.BitmapCubeTexture
The texture on the cube's top face.
positiveZ — Property, class away3d.textures.BitmapCubeTexture
The texture on the cube's far face.
POST_PRIORITY — Constant Static Property, class away3d.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
Property used by particle nodes that require compilation at the end of the shader
power — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.RimLightMethod
preciseThickness — Property, class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrude
Defines if thickness is greater than 0 if the thickness is equally distributed along the volume.
present() — method, class away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy
_preserveAlpha — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
preserveAlpha — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
_preserveAlpha — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
preserveAlpha — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
preventDefault() — method, class away3d.events.LoaderEvent
previousTime — Property, class away3d.animators.data.AnimationSubGeometry
PrimitiveBase — class, package away3d.primitives
PrimitiveBase is an abstract base class for mesh primitives, which are prebuilt simple meshes.
PrimitiveBase() — Constructor, class away3d.primitives.PrimitiveBase
Creates a new PrimitiveBase object.
priority — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleNodeBase
Returns the priority of the particle animation node, used to order the agal generated in a particle animation set.
PROBES — Constant Static Property, class away3d.materials.LightSources
Defines that global lighting probes are to be used as the source for the lighting component.
_probeWeightsIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
probeWeightsIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
_probeWeightsIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AC3DParser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AWD1Parser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AWD2Parser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AWDParser
Find the right conrete parser (AWD1Parser or AWD2Parser) and delegate actual parsing to it.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DXFParser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ImageParser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.MD2Parser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.MD5AnimParser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.MD5MeshParser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.Max3DSParser
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.OBJParser
Parse the next block of data.
proceedParsing() — method, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
Parse the next block of data.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleBillboardNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleColorNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleInitialColorNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleNodeBase
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleRotateToHeadingNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleSegmentedColorNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleSpriteSheetNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
processAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:away3d.animators:ParticleAnimationSet) — method, class away3d.animators.nodes.ParticleUVNode
Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
profile — Property, class away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy
profile — Property, class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrude
profile — Property, class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrude
Defines a Vector.<Vector3D> of Vector3D objects representing the profile information to be projected along the Path object.
_profile — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
profiles — Property, class away3d.extrusions.SkinExtrude
Defines if the texture(s) should be stretched to cover the entire mesh or per step between segments.
_program3Dids — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase
_program3Ds — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase
progress — Property, class away3d.animators.PathAnimator
Represents the progress of the animation playhead from the start (0) to the end (1) of the animation.
project(point3d:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class away3d.cameras.Camera3D
Calculates the normalised position in screen space of the given scene position.
project(point3d:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class away3d.cameras.lenses.LensBase
Calculates the normalised position in screen space of the given scene position relative to the camera.
project(point3d:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class away3d.containers.View3D
Calculates the projected position in screen space of the given scene position.
project(orientation:String, obj:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Static Method , class away3d.tools.utils.Projector
Class remaps the uv data of a mesh
projectionDependencies — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.MethodDependencyCounter
projectionFragment — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderRegisterData
projectionHeight — Property, class away3d.cameras.lenses.OrthographicLens
The vertical field of view of the projection.
ProjectiveTextureMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
ProjectiveTextureMethod is a material method used to project a texture unto the surface of an object.
ProjectiveTextureMethod(projector:away3d.entities:TextureProjector, mode:String) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.ProjectiveTextureMethod
Creates a new ProjectiveTextureMethod object.
projector — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.ProjectiveTextureMethod
The TextureProjector object that defines the projection properties as well as the texture.
Projector — class, package away3d.tools.utils
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