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_lastFrame — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.AnimationClipNodeBase
lastFrame — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.AnimationClipNodeBase
_lastFrameTime — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.ParserBase
lastProfile — Property, class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrude
returns the last rotated profile values, if keepLastProfile was true
LatheExtrude — class, package away3d.extrusions
Class for generating meshes with axial symmetry such as donuts, pipes, vases etc.
LatheExtrude(material:away3d.materials:MaterialBase, profile:Vector$flash.geom:Vector3D, axis:String, revolutions:Number, subdivision:uint, coverall:Boolean, centerMesh:Boolean, flip:Boolean, thickness:Number, preciseThickness:Boolean, offsetRadius:Number, materials:away3d.materials.utils:MultipleMaterials, ignoreSides:String, tweek:Object, smoothSurface:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrude
Class LatheExtrude generates circular meshes such as donuts, pipes, pyramids etc..
layeredView — Property, class away3d.containers.View3D
Used in a sharedContext.
left — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.SkeletonDirectionalNode
Defines the left configured input node to use for the blended output.
left — Property, class away3d.materials.utils.MultipleMaterials
Defines the material applied to the left side of the cube.
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class away3d.tools.utils.Projector
leftCamera — Property, class away3d.stereo.StereoCamera3D
leftVector — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
lengthNormals — Property, class away3d.tools.helpers.MeshDebugger
lengthTangents — Property, class away3d.tools.helpers.MeshDebugger
lengthVertexNormals — Property, class away3d.tools.helpers.MeshDebugger
lens — Property, class away3d.cameras.Camera3D
The lens used by the camera to perform the projection;
lens — Property, class away3d.events.LensEvent
lens — Property, class away3d.stereo.StereoCamera3D
LensBase — class, package away3d.cameras.lenses
An abstract base class for all lens classes.
LensBase() — Constructor, class away3d.cameras.lenses.LensBase
Creates a new LensBase object.
LENS_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.CameraEvent
LensEvent — class, package away3d.events
LensEvent(type:String, lens:away3d.cameras.lenses:LensBase, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.events.LensEvent
lerp(qa:away3d.core.math:Quaternion, qb:away3d.core.math:Quaternion, t:Number) — method, class away3d.core.math.Quaternion
Linearly interpolates between two quaternions.
levels — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.CelDiffuseMethod
life — Property, class away3d.animators.data.ColorSegmentPoint
light — Property, class away3d.core.partition.DirectionalLightNode
The light object contained in this node.
light — Property, class away3d.core.partition.LightNode
The light object contained in this node.
light — Property, class away3d.core.partition.LightProbeNode
The light object contained in this node.
light — Property, class away3d.core.partition.PointLightNode
The light object contained in this node.
_light — Property, class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.ShadowMapperBase
light — Property, class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.ShadowMapperBase
LIGHT — Constant Static Property, class away3d.library.assets.AssetType
_lightAmbientB — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicAmbientMethod
_lightAmbientG — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicAmbientMethod
_lightAmbientR — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.BasicAmbientMethod
LightBase — class, package away3d.lights
LightBase provides an abstract base class for subtypes representing lights.
LightBase() — Constructor, class away3d.lights.LightBase
Create a new LightBase object.
LIGHT_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.AssetEvent
LightEvent — class, package away3d.events
LightEvent(type:String) — Constructor, class away3d.events.LightEvent
_lightFragmentConstantIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
lightFragmentConstantIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
_lightFragmentConstantIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
LightingMethodBase — class, package away3d.materials.methods
LightingMethodBase provides an abstract base method for shading methods that uses lights.
LightingMethodBase() — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.LightingMethodBase
LightingPass — class, package away3d.materials.passes
DefaultScreenPass is a shader pass that uses shader methods to compile a complete program.
LightingPass(material:away3d.materials:MaterialBase) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.passes.LightingPass
Creates a new DefaultScreenPass objects.
LightingShaderCompiler — class, package away3d.materials.compilation
LightingShaderCompiler(profile:String) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.compilation.LightingShaderCompiler
LightMapDiffuseMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
LightMapDiffuseMethod(lightMap:away3d.textures:Texture2DBase, blendMode:String, useSecondaryUV:Boolean, baseMethod:away3d.materials.methods:BasicDiffuseMethod) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.LightMapDiffuseMethod
LightMapMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
LightMapMethod(texture:away3d.textures:Texture2DBase, blendMode:String, useSecondaryUV:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.LightMapMethod
lightMapTexture — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.LightMapDiffuseMethod
LightNode — class, package away3d.core.partition
LightNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a LightBase object.
LightNode(light:away3d.lights:LightBase) — Constructor, class away3d.core.partition.LightNode
Creates a new LightNode object.
lightOffset — Property, class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.CascadeShadowMapper
_lightOffset — Property, class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.DirectionalShadowMapper
lightOffset — Property, class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.DirectionalShadowMapper
_lightPicker — Property, class away3d.materials.MaterialBase
lightPicker — Property, class away3d.materials.MaterialBase
lightPicker — Property, class away3d.materials.MultiPassMaterialBase
lightPicker — Property, class away3d.materials.SinglePassMaterialBase
_lightPicker — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase
lightPicker — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase
LIGHT_PICKER — Constant Static Property, class away3d.library.assets.AssetType
LightPickerBase — class, package away3d.materials.lightpickers
LightPickerBase() — Constructor, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
LIGHTPICKER_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.AssetEvent
LightProbe — class, package away3d.lights
LightProbe(diffuseMap:away3d.textures:CubeTextureBase, specularMap:away3d.textures:CubeTextureBase) — Constructor, class away3d.lights.LightProbe
Creates a new LightProbe object.
_lightProbeDiffuseIndices — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
lightProbeDiffuseIndices — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
_lightProbeDiffuseIndices — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
LightProbeNode — class, package away3d.core.partition
LightNode is a space partitioning leaf node that contains a LightBase object.
LightProbeNode(light:away3d.lights:LightProbe) — Constructor, class away3d.core.partition.LightProbeNode
Creates a new LightNode object.
lightProbes — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
_lightProbes — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
lightProbes — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
lightProbesOffset — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.LightingPass
_lightProbeSpecularIndices — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
lightProbeSpecularIndices — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
_lightProbeSpecularIndices — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
_lightProbeWeights — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
lightProbeWeights — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.LightPickerBase
_lights — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
lights — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
The lights of which the affecting area intersects the camera's frustum.
lights — Property, class away3d.materials.lightpickers.StaticLightPicker
LIGHTS — Constant Static Property, class away3d.materials.LightSources
Defines normal lights are to be used as the source for the lighting component.
LightsHelper — class, package away3d.tools.helpers
Helper Class for the LightBase objects LightsHelper A series of methods to ease work with LightBase objects
LightSources — class, package away3d.materials
Enumeration class for defining which lighting types affects the specific material lighting component (diffuse and specular).
lightVertexConstantIndex — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.LightingShaderCompiler
LinearExtrude — class, package away3d.extrusions
LinearExtrude(material:away3d.materials:MaterialBase, vectors:Vector$flash.geom:Vector3D, axis:String, offset:Number, subdivision:uint, coverAll:Boolean, thickness:Number, thicknessSubdivision:uint, materials:away3d.materials.utils:MultipleMaterials, centerMesh:Boolean, closePath:Boolean, ignoreSides:String, flip:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.extrusions.LinearExtrude
Class LinearExtrusion generates walls like meshes with or without thickness from a series of Vector3D's param material [optional] MaterialBase.
LineSegment — class, package away3d.primitives
A Line Segment primitive.
LineSegment(v0:flash.geom:Vector3D, v1:flash.geom:Vector3D, color0:uint, color1:uint, thickness:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.primitives.LineSegment
Create a line segment
listener — Property, class away3d.audio.SoundTransform3D
load(req:flash.net:URLRequest, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — Static Method , class away3d.library.AssetLibrary
Short-hand for load() method on default asset library bundle.
load(req:flash.net:URLRequest, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — method, class away3d.library.AssetLibraryBundle
Loads a file and (optionally) all of its dependencies.
load(req:flash.net:URLRequest, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — method, class away3d.loaders.AssetLoader
Loads a file and (optionally) all of its dependencies.
load(req:flash.net:URLRequest, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — method, class away3d.loaders.Loader3D
Loads a file and (optionally) all of its dependencies.
load(urlRequest:flash.net:URLRequest, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase, loadAsRawData:Boolean) — method, class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
Load a resource from a file.
loadAsRawData — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
loadData(data:any, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — Static Method , class away3d.library.AssetLibrary
Short-hand for loadData() method on default asset library bundle.
loadData(data:any, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — method, class away3d.library.AssetLibraryBundle
Loads a resource from existing data in memory.
loadData(data:any, id:String, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — method, class away3d.loaders.AssetLoader
Loads a resource from already loaded data.
loadData(data:any, context:away3d.loaders.misc:AssetLoaderContext, ns:String, parser:away3d.loaders.parsers:ParserBase) — method, class away3d.loaders.Loader3D
Loads a resource from already loaded data.
_loader — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.AssetLoaderToken
loader — Property, class away3d.loaders.misc.ResourceDependency
Loader3D — class, package away3d.loaders
Loader3D can load any file format that Away3D supports (or for which a third-party parser has been plugged in) and be added directly to the scene.
Loader3D(useAssetLibrary:Boolean, assetLibraryId:String) — Constructor, class away3d.loaders.Loader3D
LoaderEvent — class, package away3d.events
LoaderEvent is an Event dispatched to notify changes in loading state.
LoaderEvent(type:String, url:String, isDependency:Boolean, errmsg:String) — Constructor, class away3d.events.LoaderEvent
Create a new LoaderEvent object.
loadError — Event, class away3d.library.AssetLibraryBundle
Dispatched when an error occurs during loading.
loadError — Event, class away3d.loaders.AssetLoader
Dispatched when an error occurs during loading.
loadError — Event, class away3d.loaders.Loader3D
Dispatched when an error occurs during loading.
loadError — Event, class away3d.loaders.misc.AssetLoaderToken
Dispatched when an error occurs during loading.
loadError — Event, class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
Dispatched when an error occurs during loading.
LOAD_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.LoaderEvent
Dispatched when loading of a asset failed.
LOCAL_DYNAMIC — Constant Static Property, class away3d.animators.data.ParticlePropertiesMode
Mode that defines the particle node as acting on local dynamic properties (ie.
_localFrustum — Property, class away3d.lights.shadowmaps.DirectionalShadowMapper
localNormal — Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingCollisionVO
The local normal vector at the position of the collision.
localNormal — Property, class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D
The normal in object space where the event took place
localPosition — Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingCollisionVO
The local position of the collision on the entity's surface.
localPosition — Property, class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D
The position in object space where the event took place
localPosition — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderRegisterData
localRayDirection — Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingCollisionVO
The direction of the colliding ray in local coordinates.
localRayPosition — Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingCollisionVO
The starting position of the colliding ray in local coordinates.
LOCAL_STATIC — Constant Static Property, class away3d.animators.data.ParticlePropertiesMode
Mode that defines the particle node as acting on local static properties (ie.
lookAt(target:flash.geom:Vector3D, upAxis:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D
Rotates the 3d object around to face a point defined relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D.
lookAt(target:flash.geom:Vector3D, upAxis:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
Rotates the 3d object around to face a point defined relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D.
lookAt(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, pos:flash.geom:Vector3D, dir:flash.geom:Vector3D, up:flash.geom:Vector3D) — Static Method , class away3d.core.math.Matrix3DUtils
LookAtController — class, package away3d.controllers
Extended camera used to automatically look at a specified target object.
LookAtController(targetObject:away3d.entities:Entity, lookAtObject:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Constructor, class away3d.controllers.LookAtController
Creates a new LookAtController object.
lookAtObject — Property, class away3d.animators.PathAnimator
sets the object that the animated object will be looking at along the path
_lookAtObject — Property, class away3d.controllers.LookAtController
lookAtObject — Property, class away3d.controllers.LookAtController
The 3d object that the target looks at.
_lookAtPosition — Property, class away3d.controllers.LookAtController
lookAtPosition — Property, class away3d.controllers.LookAtController
The Vector3D object that the target looks at.
loop — Property, interface away3d.materials.utils.IVideoPlayer
Indicates whether the player should loop when video finishes
loop — Property, class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleVideoPlayer
_looping — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.AnimationClipNodeBase
looping — Property, class away3d.animators.nodes.AnimationClipNodeBase
Determines whether the contents of the animation node have looping characteristics enabled.
LZMA — Constant Static Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.AWD2Parser
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