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EffectMethodBase — class, package away3d.materials.methods
EffectMethodBase forms an abstract base class for shader methods that are not dependent on light sources, and are in essence post-process effects on the materials.
EffectMethodBase() — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.EffectMethodBase
EFFECTMETHOD_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.AssetEvent
effects — Property, class away3d.loaders.parsers.DAEParser
EFFECTS_METHOD — Constant Static Property, class away3d.library.assets.AssetType
_effectsPass — Property, class away3d.materials.MultiPassMaterialBase
Elevation — class, package away3d.extrusions
Class Elevation generates (and becomes) a mesh from an heightmap.
Elevation(material:away3d.materials:MaterialBase, heightMap:flash.display:BitmapData, width:Number, height:Number, depth:Number, segmentsW:uint, segmentsH:uint, maxElevation:uint, minElevation:uint, smoothMap:Boolean) — Constructor, class away3d.extrusions.Elevation
emitter — Property, class away3d.audio.SoundTransform3D
enableAllBundled() — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.parsers.Parsers
Short-hand function to enable all bundled parsers for auto-detection.
_enableBlending — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.MaterialPassBase
enableDepthAndStencil — Property, class away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy
enableLightFallOff — Property, class away3d.materials.MultiPassMaterialBase
Whether or not to use fallOff and radius properties for lights.
enableLightFallOff — Property, class away3d.materials.SinglePassMaterialBase
Whether or not to use fallOff and radius properties for lights.
_enableLightFallOff — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
enableLightFallOff — Property, class away3d.materials.compilation.ShaderCompiler
_enableLightFallOff — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
enableLightFallOff — Property, class away3d.materials.passes.CompiledPass
enableMouseListeners(view:away3d.containers:View3D) — method, class away3d.core.managers.Mouse3DManager
enableParser(parserClass:Class) — Static Method , class away3d.library.AssetLibrary
enableParser(parserClass:Class) — method, class away3d.library.AssetLibraryBundle
enableParser(parserClass:Class) — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.AssetLoader
enableParser(parserClass:Class) — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.Loader3D
enableParser(parser:Class) — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
enableParsers(parserClasses:Vector$Class) — Static Method , class away3d.library.AssetLibrary
enableParsers(parserClasses:Vector$Class) — method, class away3d.library.AssetLibraryBundle
enableParsers(parserClasses:Vector$Class) — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.AssetLoader
enableParsers(parserClasses:Vector$Class) — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.Loader3D
enableParsers(parsers:Vector$Class) — Static Method , class away3d.loaders.misc.SingleFileLoader
end — Property, class away3d.paths.CubicPathSegment
The last anchor point.
end — Property, class away3d.paths.QuadraticPathSegment
Defines the control vector of the PathSegment
_end — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment
end — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment
Defines the ending vertex.
_endB — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment
endColor — Property, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleColorState
Defines the end color transform of the state, when in global mode.
endColor — Property, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleSegmentedColorState
Defines the end color transform of the state, when in global mode.
endColor — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment
Defines the endColor
_endG — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment
endObject() — method, class away3d.tools.serialize.SerializerBase
End object serialization
endObject() — method, class away3d.tools.serialize.TraceSerializer
End object serialization
endPoint — Property, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleBezierCurveState
Defines the default end point of the node, used when in global mode.
endProfile — Property, class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrude
returns a vector of vector3d's representing the transformed profile coordinates at the end of the extrude shape null if "keepExtremes" is false or if the extrusion has not been builded yet.
_endR — Property, class away3d.primitives.data.Segment
enterFrame — Event, class away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy
enterNode(node:away3d.core.partition:NodeBase) — method, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
Returns true if the current node is at least partly in the frustum.
enterNode(node:away3d.core.partition:NodeBase) — method, class away3d.core.traverse.PartitionTraverser
Called when the traversers enters a node.
enterNode(node:away3d.core.partition:NodeBase) — method, class away3d.core.traverse.RaycastCollector
Returns true if the current node is at least partly in the frustum.
_entities — Property, class away3d.core.pick.RaycastPicker
entity — Property, class away3d.core.data.EntityListItem
entity — Property, class away3d.core.partition.EntityNode
The entity contained in this leaf node.
entity — Property, class away3d.core.pick.PickingCollisionVO
The entity to which this collision object belongs.
Entity — class, package away3d.entities
The Entity class provides an abstract base class for all scene graph objects that are considered having a "presence" in the scene, in the sense that it can be considered an actual object with a position and a size (even if infinite or idealised), rather than a grouping.
Entity() — Constructor, class away3d.entities.Entity
Creates a new Entity object.
ENTITY — Constant Static Property, class away3d.library.assets.AssetType
_entityCollector — Property, class away3d.containers.View3D
EntityCollector — class, package away3d.core.traverse
The EntityCollector class is a traverser for scene partitions that collects all scene graph entities that are considered potientially visible.
EntityCollector() — Constructor, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
Creates a new EntityCollector object.
ENTITY_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class away3d.events.AssetEvent
entityHead — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
EntityListItem — class, package away3d.core.data
EntityListItem() — Constructor, class away3d.core.data.EntityListItem
_entityListItemPool — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.EntityCollector
EntityListItemPool — class, package away3d.core.data
EntityListItemPool() — Constructor, class away3d.core.data.EntityListItemPool
EntityNode — class, package away3d.core.partition
The EntityNode class provides an abstract base class for leaf nodes in a partition tree, containing entities to be fed to the EntityCollector traverser.
EntityNode(entity:away3d.entities:Entity) — Constructor, class away3d.core.partition.EntityNode
Creates a new EntityNode object.
_entryPoint — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.PartitionTraverser
entryPoint — Property, class away3d.core.traverse.PartitionTraverser
The entry point for scene graph traversal, ie the point that will be used for traversing the graph position-dependently.
envMap — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapAmbientMethod
The cube environment map to use for the diffuse lighting.
envMap — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapMethod
The cube environment map to use for the diffuse lighting.
envMap — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.FresnelEnvMapMethod
The cube environment map to use for the diffuse lighting.
envMap — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.RefractionEnvMapMethod
The cube environment map to use for the refraction.
EnvMapAmbientMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
EnvMapDiffuseMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to approximate global lighting rather than lights.
EnvMapAmbientMethod(envMap:away3d.textures:CubeTextureBase) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapAmbientMethod
Creates a new EnvMapDiffuseMethod object.
EnvMapMethod — class, package away3d.materials.methods
EnvMapMethod(envMap:away3d.textures:CubeTextureBase, alpha:Number) — Constructor, class away3d.materials.methods.EnvMapMethod
epsilon — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.NearShadowMapMethod
_epsilon — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadowMapMethodBase
epsilon — Property, class away3d.materials.methods.ShadowMapMethodBase
error(message:Object) — Static Method , class away3d.debug.Debug
error — Property, class com.adobe.utils.AGALMiniAssembler
ErrorConflictStrategy — class, package away3d.library.naming
ErrorConflictStrategy() — Constructor, class away3d.library.naming.ErrorConflictStrategy
eulers — Property, class away3d.animators.states.ParticleOrbitState
Defines the euler rotation in degrees, applied to the orientation of the orbit when in global mode.
eulers — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
Defines the rotation of the 3d object as a Vector3D object containing euler angles for rotation around x, y and z axis.
executeRender(entityCollector:away3d.core.traverse:EntityCollector, target:flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase, scissorRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, surfaceSelector:int) — method, class away3d.core.render.DefaultRenderer
executeRender(entityCollector:away3d.core.traverse:EntityCollector, target:flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase, scissorRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, surfaceSelector:int) — method, class away3d.core.render.RendererBase
Renders the potentially visible geometry to the back buffer or texture.
executeRenderToTexturePass(entityCollector:away3d.core.traverse:EntityCollector) — method, class away3d.core.render.RendererBase
exitFrame — Event, class away3d.core.managers.Stage3DProxy
_explicitPartition — Property, class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D
Explode — class, package away3d.tools.commands
Class Explode make all vertices and uv's of a mesh unicExplode
Explode() — Constructor, class away3d.tools.commands.Explode
exposure — Property, class away3d.filters.BloomFilter3D
exposure — Property, class away3d.filters.tasks.Filter3DBloomCompositeTask
exposure — Property, class away3d.filters.tasks.Filter3DCompositeTask
extra — Property, class away3d.core.base.Object3D
An object that can contain any extra data.
extra — Property, class away3d.materials.MaterialBase
An object to contain any extra data
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