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layer — Property in class away3dlite.core.base.Object3D
An optional layer sprite used to draw into inseatd of the default view.
length — Property in class away3dlite.animators.BonesAnimator
Defines the total length of the animation in seconds
_lens — Property in class away3dlite.cameras.Camera3D
lens — Property in class away3dlite.cameras.Camera3D
Defines the lens used for calculating the projectionMatrix3D of the camera.
lights — Property in class away3dlite.containers.ObjectContainer3D
Returns the lights of the container as an array of 3d lights.
LineSegment — Class in package away3dlite.primitives
Creates a single 3d line segment.
LineSegment(material:away3dlite.materials:Material, start, end) — Constructor in class away3dlite.primitives.LineSegment
Creates a new LineSegment object.
LiteKeyboard — Class in package away3dlite.templates.ui
LiteKeyboard(container, yUp) — Constructor in class away3dlite.templates.ui.LiteKeyboard
LiteKeyboardEvent — Class in package away3dlite.templates.events
LiteKeyboardEvent(type, data, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class away3dlite.templates.events.LiteKeyboardEvent
load(request, context) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.utils.TextureLoader
loader — Property in class away3dlite.events.Loader3DEvent
A reference to the loader object that is relevant to the event.
Loader3D — Class in package away3dlite.loaders
Abstract loader class used as a placeholder for loading 3d content
Loader3D() — Constructor in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Creates a new Loader3D object.
Loader3DEvent — Class in package away3dlite.events
Passed as a parameter when a 3d object loader event occurs
Loader3DEvent(type, loader:away3dlite.loaders:Loader3D) — Constructor in class away3dlite.events.Loader3DEvent
Creates a new Loader3DEvent object.
loadError — Event in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Dispatched when the 3d object loader fails to load a file.
loadError — Event in class away3dlite.materials.BitmapFileMaterial
Dispatched when the material fails to load a file.
LOAD_ERROR — Constant static property in class away3dlite.events.Loader3DEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a loadError event object.
LOAD_ERROR — Constant static property in class away3dlite.events.MaterialEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a loadError event object.
loadGeometry(url, parser:away3dlite.loaders:AbstractParser) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Loads and parses a 3d file format.
LOADING_GEOMETRY — Constant property in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Constant value string representing the geometry loading mode of the 3d object loader.
LOADING_TEXTURES — Constant property in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Constant value string representing the texture loading mode of the 3d object loader.
loadProgress — Event in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Dispatched when the 3d object loader progresses in the laoding of a file.
loadProgress — Event in class away3dlite.materials.BitmapFileMaterial
Dispatched every frame the material is loading.
LOAD_PROGRESS — Constant static property in class away3dlite.events.Loader3DEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a loadProgress event object.
LOAD_PROGRESS — Constant static property in class away3dlite.events.MaterialEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a loadProgress event object.
loadRequired — Property in class away3dlite.loaders.utils.MaterialLibrary
Flag to determine if any of the contained textures require a file load.
loadSuccess — Event in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Dispatched when the 3d object loader completes a file load successfully.
loadSuccess — Event in class away3dlite.materials.BitmapFileMaterial
Dispatched when the material completes a file load successfully.
LOAD_SUCCESS — Constant static property in class away3dlite.events.Loader3DEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a loadSuccess event object.
LOAD_SUCCESS — Constant static property in class away3dlite.events.MaterialEvent
Defines the value of the type property of a loadSuccess event object.
loadTextures(data, parser:away3dlite.loaders:AbstractParser) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Parses 3d file data and loads any subsequent textures if required.
lookAt(target, upAxis) — Method in class away3dlite.core.base.Object3D
Rotates the 3D object around to face a point defined relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D.
loop — Property in class away3dlite.animators.BonesAnimator
Defines wether the animation will loop
loop(begin, end) — Method in class away3dlite.animators.MovieMesh
Begins a looping sequence in the animation.
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