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object — Property in class away3dlite.events.MouseEvent3D
The 3d object inside which the event took place.
Object3D — Class in package away3dlite.core.base
The base class for all 3d objects.
Object3D() — Constructor in class away3dlite.core.base.Object3D
Creates a new Object3D object.
ObjectContainer3D — Class in package away3dlite.containers
3d object container node for other 3d objects in a scene.
ObjectContainer3D(... rest) — Constructor in class away3dlite.containers.ObjectContainer3D
Creates a new ObjectContainer3D object.
ObjectData — Class in package away3dlite.loaders.data
Data class for a generic 3d object
onDebug() — Method in class away3dlite.templates.Template
Fired if debug is set to true.
onGeometryComplete(event) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on a geometry complete event
onGeometryError(event) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on an geometry error event.
onGeometryProgress(event) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on a geometry progress event
onInit() — Method in class away3dlite.templates.Template
Fired on instantiation of the template.
onParserComplete(event:away3dlite.events:ParserEvent) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on a parser complete event
onParserError(event:away3dlite.events:ParserEvent) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on an parser error event.
onParserProgress(event:away3dlite.events:ParserEvent) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on a parser progress event
onPostRender() — Method in class away3dlite.templates.Template
Fired at the end of a render loop.
onPreRender() — Method in class away3dlite.templates.Template
Fired at the beginning of a render loop.
onTextureComplete(event) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on a texture complete event
onTextureError(event) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on an texture error event.
onTextureProgress(event) — Method in class away3dlite.loaders.Loader3D
Automatically fired on a texture progress event
openEnded — Property in class away3dlite.primitives.Cone
Defines whether the end of the cone is left open (true) or closed (false).
openEnded — Property in class away3dlite.primitives.Cylinder
Defines whether the ends of the cylinder are left open (true) or closed (false).
OrthogonalLens — Class in package away3dlite.cameras.lenses
OrthogonalLens() — Constructor in class away3dlite.cameras.lenses.OrthogonalLens
outTangent — Property in class away3dlite.animators.bones.Channel
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