A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
R — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
radius — Property in class away3d.lights.PointLight3D |
Defines the radius of the light at full intensity, infleunced object get within this range full color of the light
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.Cone |
Defines the radius of the cone base. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.Cylinder |
Defines the radius of the cylinder. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.GeodesicSphere |
Defines the radius of the sphere. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.RegularPolygon |
Defines the radius of the polygon. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.RoundedCube |
Defines the radius of the corners of the cube. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.Sphere |
Defines the radius of the sphere. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.Torus |
Defines the overall radius of the torus. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.TorusKnot |
Defines the overall radius of the torus knot. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireCircle |
Defines the radius of the polygon. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireCone |
Defines the radius of the wire cone base. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireCylinder |
Defines the radius of the wire cylinder. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireRegularPolygon |
Defines the radius of the polygon. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireSphere |
Defines the radius of the wire sphere. |
radius — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireTorus |
Defines the overall radius of the wire torus. |
radius2 — Property in class away3d.core.base.Element |
Returns the squared bounding radius of the 3d element
radius2 — Property in class away3d.core.base.Face |
Returns the squared bounding radius of the face. |
radius2 — Property in class away3d.core.base.Segment |
Returns the squared bounding radius of the segment. |
radius2 — Property in class away3d.sprites.Sprite3D |
Returns the squared bounding radius of the 3d sprite. |
range — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleShadow |
| |
RANGE — Static property in class away3d.events.PathEvent |
| |
ranges — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.LightData |
| |
Ray — Class in package away3d.materials.utils.data |
| |
Ray() — Constructor in class away3d.materials.utils.data.Ray |
| |
read(x, y) — Method in class away3d.extrusions.CollisionMap |
If at the given coordinates a color is found that matches a defined color event, the color event will be triggered. |
recenter — Property in class away3d.extrusions.PathDuplicator |
| |
recenter — Property in class away3d.tools.Explode |
| |
rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) — Method in class away3d.core.clip.Clipping |
Checks a bounding rectangle for clipping. |
rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) — Method in class away3d.core.clip.FrustumClipping |
Checks a bounding rectangle for clipping. |
rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) — Method in class away3d.core.clip.NearfieldClipping |
Checks a bounding rectangle for clipping. |
RectangleClipping — Class in package away3d.core.clip |
Rectangle clipping
RectangleClipping(init) — Constructor in class away3d.core.clip.RectangleClipping |
| |
RECURSED_PORTAL_COMPLETE — Constant static property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
| |
red — Constant static property in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
RED — Constant static property in class away3d.materials.utils.HeightMapDataChannel |
| |
reflectionAlpha — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectionBlur — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectionBlurFilter — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectionBmd — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectionColorTransform — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectionQuality — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectionView — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
reflectiveness — Property in class away3d.materials.EnviroBitmapMaterial |
Coefficient for the reflectiveness of the material. |
reflectiveness — Property in class away3d.materials.EnviroColorMaterial |
reflectiveness — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.EnviroShader |
Coefficient for the reflectiveness of the environment map. |
ReflectivePlane — Class in package away3d.primitives |
| |
ReflectivePlane(view:away3d.containers:View3D) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
refreshNormals() — Method in class away3d.modifiers.HeightMapModifier |
| |
refreshNURBS() — Method in class away3d.primitives.NURBS |
Refresh the mesh without reconstructing all the supporting data. |
refreshPatch() — Method in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
Refresh the patch with updated patch data information - this is far quicker than re-building the patch
refreshPositions() — Method in class away3d.modifiers.HeightMapModifier |
Apply the actual displacement and sets it as new base for further displacements. |
_ref_v — Property in class away3d.audio.drivers.AbstractSound3DDriver |
| |
registerView(view3d:away3d.containers:View3D) — Method in class away3d.debug.AwayStats |
Add a view to the list of those that are taken into account when
calculating on-screen and total poly counts. |
RegularPolygon — Class in package away3d.primitives |
Creates a regular polygon. |
RegularPolygon(init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.RegularPolygon |
Creates a new RegularPolygon object. |
remove(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantRenderer |
removes a drawing primitive from the quadrant tree. |
removeChild(child:away3d.core.base:Object3D) — Method in class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Removes a 3d object from the child array of the container
removeChild(child:away3d.core.base:Object3D) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
Removes a 3d object from the child array of the container
removeChildByName(name) — Method in class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Removes a 3d object from the child array of the container
removeChildSession(session:away3d.core.session:AbstractSession) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Removes a child session of the session object. |
removeColinears() — Method in class away3d.core.geom.NGon |
| |
removeDebugPrimitive(parent:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Method in class away3d.lights.PointLight3D |
| |
removeFace(face:away3d.core.base:Face) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Removes a face element from the geometry object. |
removeFace(face:away3d.core.base:Face) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Removes a face object from the mesh object. |
removeFace(face:away3d.core.base:Face) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
removeFromCheck() — Method in class away3d.core.utils.Init |
| |
removeFromList(list, index) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
Removes a portal to a bit mask list
removeLight(light:away3d.lights:AbstractLight) — Method in class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Removes a light from the container
removeMaterial(material:away3d.materials:LayerMaterial) — Method in class away3d.materials.CompositeMaterial |
| |
removeMesh(mesh) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
removeOnCameraUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
Default method for removing a cameraUpdated event listener
removeOnChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.utils.ValueObject |
| |
removeOnClippingUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.clip.Clipping |
Default method for removing a clippingUpdated event listener
removeOnCycle(listener) — Method in class away3d.animators.Animator |
Default method for removing a cycle event listener
removeOnDimensionsChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a dimensionschanged event listener
removeOnEnterKeyFrame(listener) — Method in class away3d.animators.Animator |
Default method for removing a enterKeyFrame event listener
removeOnError(listener) — Method in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
Default method for removing a parseError event listener
removeOnError(listener) — Method in class away3d.loaders.Loader3D |
Default method for removing a loadError event listener
removeOnExportComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.exporters.AC3DExporter |
Default method for removing a complete event listener
removeOnExportComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.exporters.AS3Exporter |
Default method for removing a complete event listener
removeOnExportComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.exporters.AS3LiteExporter |
Default method for removing a complete event listener
removeOnExportComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.exporters.AWDataExporter |
Default method for removing a complete event listener
removeOnExportComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.exporters.Elevation2AS3 |
Default method for removing a complete event listener
removeOnExportComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.exporters.ObjExporter |
Default method for removing a complete event listener
removeOnGeometryUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Default method for removing a geometryUpdated event listener
removeOnLoadError(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Default method for removing a loadError event listener
removeOnLoadProgress(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Default method for removing a loadProgress event listener
removeOnLoadSuccess(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Default method for removing a loadSuccess event listener
removeOnMappingChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Element |
Default method for removing a mappingchanged event listener
removeOnMappingChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Default method for removing a mappingChanged event listener
removeOnMaterialChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.primitives.data.CubeMaterialsData |
Default method for removing a materialChanged event listener
removeOnMaterialUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Default method for removing a materialUpdated event listener
removeOnMaterialUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.Material |
Default method for removing a materialupdated event listener
removeOnMouseDown(listener) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Default method for removing a mouseDown3d event listener. |
removeOnMouseDown(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a mouseDown3D event listener
removeOnMouseMove(listener) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Default method for removing a mouseMove3D event listener. |
removeOnMouseMove(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a mouseMove3D event listener
removeOnMouseOut(listener) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Default method for removing a 3d mouseOut event listener. |
removeOnMouseOut(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a mouseOut3D event listener
removeOnMouseOver(listener) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Default method for removing a 3d mouseOver event listener. |
removeOnMouseOver(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a mouseOver3D event listener
removeOnMouseUp(listener) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Default method for removing a 3d mouseUp event listener. |
removeOnMouseUp(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a mouseUp3D event listener
removeOnPositionChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a positionchanged event listener
removeOnProgress(listener) — Method in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
Default method for removing a parseProgress event listener
removeOnProgress(listener) — Method in class away3d.loaders.Loader3D |
Default method for removing a loadProgress event listener
removeOnRollOut(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a rollOut3D event listener
removeOnRollOver(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a rollOver3D event listener
removeOnScaleChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a scalechanged event listener
removeOnSceneChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a scenechanged event listener
removeOnSceneTransformChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a scenetransformchanged event listener
removeOnScreenUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.clip.Clipping |
Default method for removing a screenUpdated event listener
removeOnSessionChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a sessionchanged event listener
removeOnSessionUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Default method for removing a sessionUpdated event listener
removeOnSuccess(listener) — Method in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
Default method for removing a parseSuccess event listener
removeOnSuccess(listener) — Method in class away3d.loaders.Loader3D |
Default method for removing a loadSuccess event listener
removeOnTraceComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
Default method for removing a tracecomplete event listener
removeOnTraceComplete(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapGenerator |
Default method for removing a tracecomplete event listener
removeOnTraceCount(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
Default method for removing a tracecount event listener
removeOnTraceProgress(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
Default method for removing a traceprogress event listener
removeOnTraceProgress(listener) — Method in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapGenerator |
Default method for removing a traceprogress event listener
removeOnVertexChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Element |
Default method for removing a vertexchanged event listener
removeOnVertexValueChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Element |
Default method for removing a vertexvaluechanged event listener
removeOnVisibilityUpdate(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Default method for removing a visibilityUpdated event listener
removeOnVisibleChange(listener) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Element |
Default method for removing a visiblechanged event listener
removeOverlay(value:away3d.overlays:IOverlay) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Removes an overlay effect on top of the view container. |
removePortalsFromNeighbours(portals) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
Checks all the portals in the front list and tests if they fall within any of the neighbours' antipenumbra. |
removeSegment(segment:away3d.core.base:Segment) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Removes a segment element from the geometry object. |
removeSegment(segment:away3d.core.base:Segment) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Removes a segment object from the mesh object. |
removeSegment(index, join) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Path |
removes a segment in the path according to id. |
removeSprite(sprite3d:away3d.sprites:Sprite3D) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Removes a 3d sprite element from the geometry object. |
removeSprite(sprite3d:away3d.sprites:Sprite3D) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Removes a 3d sprite object from the mesh object. |
removeTemporaryChild(mesh:away3d.core.base:Mesh) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
| |
render() — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Renders a snapshot of the view to the render session's view container. |
render() — Method in class away3d.core.render.BasicRenderer |
| |
render() — Method in class away3d.core.render.BSPRenderer |
| |
render() — Method in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantRenderer |
| |
render(limit) — Method in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
Sorts and renders the contents of the quadrant tree
render() — Method in class away3d.core.render.Renderer |
| |
render(view:away3d.containers:View3D) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
| |
render(view:away3d.containers:View3D) — Method in class away3d.core.session.BitmapSession |
render — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
RENDER_COMPLETE — Constant static property in class away3d.events.ViewEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a renderComplete event object. |
renderdata — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
getter that returns an array of all generated BitmapData objects
RenderData — Class in package away3d.materials.utils.data |
| |
RenderData(name, source, isBack) — Constructor in class away3d.materials.utils.data.RenderData |
| |
renderDot(color, alpha, x, y, layerGraphics, w) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a rect dot at given coordinates
renderer — Property in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Renderer object used to traverse the scenegraph and output the drawing primitives required to render the scene to the view. |
renderer — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
An optional renderer object that can be used to render the contents of the object. |
renderer — Property in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
The quadrant renderer. |
renderer — Property in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
| |
renderer — Property in class away3d.test.Slide |
| |
Renderer — Class in package away3d.core.render |
A static class for an easy access to the most useful renderers. |
renderFogColor(color, alpha, minX, maxX, minY, maxY) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a fog element into the graphics object. |
renderLine(v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y, width, color, alpha) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a segment element into the graphics object. |
renderMark — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
renderMode — Property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.AbstractShader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.AmbientShader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.DepthShader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.DiffuseDot3Shader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.DiffusePhongShader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.EnviroShader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.SpecularDot3Shader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderShader(priIndex) — Method in class away3d.materials.shaders.SpecularPhongShader |
Renders the shader to the specified face. |
renderSource(source:away3d.core.base:Object3D, containerRect, mapping) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
| |
renderSpriteBitmap(bitmap, smooth, priIndex, viewSourceObject:away3d.core.utils:ViewSourceObject, renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a billboard element with a fill bitmap into the graphics object. |
renderSpriteColor(color, alpha, priIndex, viewSourceObject:away3d.core.utils:ViewSourceObject, renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a billboard element with a fill color into the graphics object. |
renderSpriteLine(thickness, wireColor, wireAlpha, priIndex, viewSourceObject:away3d.core.utils:ViewSourceObject, renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a billboard element with a fill color into the graphics object. |
renderTriangleBitmap(bitmap, map, screenVertices, screenIndices, startIndex, endIndex, smooth, repeat, layerGraphics) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a triangle element with a bitmap texture into the graphics object. |
renderTriangleBitmapMask(bitmap, offX, offY, sc, screenVertices, screenIndices, startIndex, endIndex, smooth, repeat, layerGraphics) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a triangle element with a bitmap texture into the graphics object, with no uv transforms. |
renderTriangleColor(color, alpha, screenVertices, commands, screenIndices, startIndex, endIndex, layerGraphics) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a triangle element with a fill color into the graphics object. |
renderTriangleLine(thickness, wireColor, wireAlpha, screenVertices, commands, screenIndices, startIndex, endIndex) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a wire triangle element into the graphics object. |
renderTriangleLineFill(thickness, color, alpha, wireColor, wireAlpha, screenVertices, commands, screenIndices, startIndex, endIndex) — Method in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Draws a wire triangle element with a fill color into the graphics object. |
repeat — Property in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
Determines if texture bitmap will tile in uv-space
replaceMaterial(material:away3d.materials:Material, newMaterial:away3d.materials:Material, clearPreviousMaterial) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
Replaces the Material of a mesh by another one
Replicate — Class in package away3d.tools |
Class Replicate create a new Mesh object from transformed copies of the original. |
Replicate(copies, positions:away3d.core.math:Number3D, rotations:away3d.core.math:Number3D, scales:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Constructor in class away3d.tools.Replicate |
Class Replicate create a new Mesh object from transformed copies of the original. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.core.base.Vertex |
Reset the position of the vertex object by Number3D. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.core.base.VertexPosition |
Reset the position of the vertex object by Number3D. |
reset(xdiv, ydiv, width, height) — Method in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
Clears the quadrant of all primitives and child nodes
reset() — Method in class away3d.core.utils.CameraVarsStore |
| |
reset(width, height) — Method in class away3d.core.utils.FaceDictionaryVO |
| |
reset() — Method in interface away3d.graphs.IIterator |
| |
reset() — Method in class away3d.graphs.TreeIterator |
Resets the traversal for the tree. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.graphs.VectorIterator |
Resets the traversal for the tree. |
reset() — Method in class away3d.modifiers.HeightMapModifier |
Resets the verticies to their original values
resetDof(enabled) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.DofCache |
| |
resetWith(predicate) — Method in class away3d.graphs.VectorIterator |
| |
resize(width, height, transparent) — Method in class away3d.core.utils.FaceMaterialVO |
| |
resized — Property in class away3d.core.utils.FaceMaterialVO |
| |
restrain — Property in class away3d.modifiers.PathAlignModifier |
Forces the y alignment to face only 1 direction. |
result — Property in class away3d.events.ParserEvent |
A reference to the parsed object that is relevant to the event. |
reverseArea — Property in class away3d.core.vos.FaceVO |
| |
revolutions — Property in class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrusion |
Defines the number of revolutions performed by the lathe extrusion. |
right — Property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
Returns a Number3D representing the right vector of this matrix. |
right — Property in class away3d.primitives.data.CubeMaterialsData |
Defines the material applied to the right side of the cube. |
RIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.core.geom.Frustum |
| |
RIGHT — Static property in class away3d.core.math.Number2D |
| |
RIGHT — Static property in class away3d.core.math.Number3D |
A 3d number object representing a relative direction right. |
RIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
RIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.utils.CubeFaces |
The face on the right hand side
RIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
rightbottom — Property in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
The quadrant tree node for the bottom right quadrant. |
rightbottomFlag — Property in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
Determines if the bounds of the bottom right quadrant need re-calculating. |
rightChild — Property in interface away3d.graphs.ITreeNode |
| |
rightChild — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
righttop — Property in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
The quadrant tree node for the top right quadrant. |
righttopFlag — Property in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantTreeNode |
Determines if the bounds of the top right quadrant need re-calculating. |
roll(angle) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Rotates the 3d object around it's local z-axis
rollOut — Event in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Dispatched when a user rolls out of the 3d object. |
ROLL_OUT — Constant static property in class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D |
Defines the value of the type property of a rollOut3d event object. |
rollOver — Event in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Dispatched when a user rolls over the 3d object. |
ROLL_OVER — Constant static property in class away3d.events.MouseEvent3D |
Defines the value of the type property of a rollOver3d event object. |
rootBone — Property in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Reference to the root heirarchy of bone controllers for a skin. |
_rootNode — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
| |
rootNode — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
| |
rootNode — Property in interface away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.IBSPBuilder |
| |
rotate(axis:away3d.core.math:Number3D, angle) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Rotates the 3d object around an axis by a defined angle
rotate(v:away3d.core.math:Number3D, m:away3d.core.math:Matrix3D) — Method in class away3d.core.math.Number3D |
Fills the 3d number object with the result of a 3d matrix rotation performed on a 3d number. |
rotatePoint(aPoint:away3d.core.math:Number3D, rotation:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Static method in class away3d.animators.utils.PathUtils |
| |
rotateTo(ax, ay, az) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Rotates the 3d object directly to a euler angle
rotation — Property in class away3d.animators.PathAnimator |
returns the current interpolated rotation along the path. |
rotation — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
rotation — Property in class away3d.materials.TransformBitmapMaterial |
Rotates the texture in uv-space
rotation — Property in class away3d.sprites.Sprite3D |
Defines the rotation of the 3d sprite. |
rotationFactor — Property in class away3d.overlays.LensFlare |
| |
rotationMatrix(u, v, w, angle) — Method in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
Fills the 3d matrix object with values representing the given rotation around a vector. |
rotations — Property in class away3d.animators.PathAnimator |
Defines an optional array of rotations in order to follow a path that is twisted along its axis. |
rotations — Property in class away3d.extrusions.PathDuplicator |
| |
rotations — Property in class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrusion |
An optional Array of Number3D objects that defines a series of rotations to be set on each PathCommand. |
rotations — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
rotations — Property in class away3d.tools.Replicate |
| |
rotationX — Property in class away3d.containers.Bone |
| |
_rotationX — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
| |
rotationX — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the euler angle of rotation of the 3d object around the x-axis, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
rotationY — Property in class away3d.containers.Bone |
| |
_rotationY — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
| |
rotationY — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the euler angle of rotation of the 3d object around the y-axis, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
rotationZ — Property in class away3d.containers.Bone |
| |
_rotationZ — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
| |
rotationZ — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the euler angle of rotation of the 3d object around the z-axis, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
RoundedCube — Class in package away3d.primitives |
Creates a 3d roundedcube primitive. |
RoundedCube(init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.RoundedCube |
Creates a new RoundedCube object. |
run(event) — Method in class away3d.test.SimpleView |
| |
RX — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
RY — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
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RZ — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |