A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
T — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
tailLength — Property in class away3d.primitives.Arrow |
Defines the length of the tail. |
tailWidth — Property in class away3d.primitives.Arrow |
Defines the width of the tail. |
tangentSpace — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.DiffuseDot3Shader |
Determines if the DOT3 mapping is rendered in tangent space (true) or object space (false). |
tangentSpace — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.SpecularDot3Shader |
Determines if the DOT3 mapping is rendered in tangent space (true) or object space (false). |
TANGENT_SPACE — Constant static property in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapType |
| |
_target — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
| |
target — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
Defines the 3d object to which the animation is applied. |
target — Property in class away3d.animators.FaceLink |
The object will lookAt a given Number3D while remaining on it's position: the center of the face with the optional offset. |
target — Property in class away3d.animators.data.Channel |
| |
target — Property in class away3d.cameras.SpringCam |
[optional] Target object3d that camera should follow. |
target — Property in class away3d.cameras.TargetCamera3D |
The 3d object targeted by the camera. |
target — Property in class away3d.test.SimpleView |
| |
TargetCamera3D — Class in package away3d.cameras |
Extended camera used to automatically look at a specified target object. |
TargetCamera3D(init) — Constructor in class away3d.cameras.TargetCamera3D |
Creates a new TargetCamera3D object. |
targetObject — Property in class away3d.animators.PathAnimator |
Defines a target object that the 3d object looks at while animating along the path. |
task — Property in class away3d.test.SimpleView |
| |
Tasks — Class in package away3d.core.stats |
Task monitor
Tasks() — Constructor in class away3d.core.stats.Tasks |
| |
testMethod — Property in class away3d.physics.BSPCollider |
| |
TEST_METHOD_AABB — Constant static property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
| |
TEST_METHOD_ELLIPSOID — Constant static property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
| |
TEST_METHOD_POINT — Constant static property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
| |
text — Property in class away3d.primitives.TextField3D |
Defines the current text in the textfield. |
TextExtrusion — Class in package away3d.extrusions |
| |
TextExtrusion(mesh:away3d.core.base:Mesh, init) — Constructor in class away3d.extrusions.TextExtrusion |
| |
TextField3D — Class in package away3d.primitives |
| |
TextField3D(font, init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.TextField3D |
Creates a new TextField3D object. |
texture — Property in class away3d.extrusions.PathDuplicator |
| |
textureBitmap — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.MaterialData |
Reference to the bitmapData object of the texture image. |
textureFileName — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.MaterialData |
Reference to the filename of the texture image. |
TextureLoader — Class in package away3d.loaders.utils |
Used to store the name and loader reference of an external texture image. |
TextureLoader() — Constructor in class away3d.loaders.utils.TextureLoader |
| |
TextureLoadQueue — Class in package away3d.loaders.utils |
Creates a queue of textures that load sequentially
TextureLoadQueue() — Constructor in class away3d.loaders.utils.TextureLoadQueue |
Creates a new TextureLoadQueue object. |
textureLoadRequired — Property in class away3d.loaders.utils.MaterialLibrary |
Flag to determine if any of the contained textures require a file load. |
texturemapping — Property in class away3d.core.utils.FaceMaterialVO |
| |
textureMaterial — Property in class away3d.materials.DepthBitmapMaterial |
Returns the bitmap material being used as the material texture. |
textureMaterial — Property in class away3d.materials.Dot3BitmapMaterial |
Returns the bitmap material being used as the material texture. |
textureMaterial — Property in class away3d.materials.Dot3MovieMaterial |
Returns the movie material being used as the material texture. |
textureMaterial — Property in class away3d.materials.EnviroBitmapMaterial |
Returns the bitmap material being used as the material texture. |
textureMaterial — Property in class away3d.materials.PhongBitmapMaterial |
Returns the bitmap material being used as the material texture. |
TEXTURE_MATERIAL — Constant static property in class away3d.loaders.data.MaterialData |
String representing a texture material. |
texturePath — Property in class away3d.loaders.Loader3D |
Defines a different path for the location of image files used as textures in the model. |
texturePath — Property in class away3d.loaders.utils.MaterialLibrary |
The root directory path to the texture files. |
texturesLoaded(loadQueue:away3d.loaders.utils:TextureLoadQueue) — Method in class away3d.loaders.utils.MaterialLibrary |
Called after all textures have been loaded from the TextureLoader class. |
thickness — Property in class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrusion |
Defines the thickness of the resulting lathed geometry. |
_thickness — Property in class away3d.materials.WireframeMaterial |
| |
thickness — Property in class away3d.materials.WireframeMaterial |
Determines the thickness value of the wire
thickness — Property in class away3d.primitives.Arrow |
Defines the extrusion thickness of the arrow
throughProjection — Property in class away3d.materials.TransformBitmapMaterial |
Determines whether a projected texture is visble on the faces pointing away from the projection. |
tick(time) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Called by the TickTraverser . |
tickTraverser — Property in class away3d.containers.Scene3D |
Traverser object for all custom tick() methods
TickTraverser — Class in package away3d.core.traverse |
Traverser that fires a time-based method for all objects in scene
TickTraverser() — Constructor in class away3d.core.traverse.TickTraverser |
Creates a new TickTraverser object. |
tilt(angle) — Method in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
Rotates the camera in its vertical plane. |
tiltAngle — Property in class away3d.cameras.HoverCamera3D |
Elevation angle of the camera in degrees. |
_time — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
| |
time — Property in class away3d.materials.VideoMaterial |
Returns the actual time of the netStream
times — Property in class away3d.animators.data.Channel |
| |
title — Property in class away3d.test.Slide |
| |
titlegroup — Property in class away3d.test.BaseDemo |
| |
toDEGREES — Constant property in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
| |
toDEGREES — Constant property in class away3d.cameras.lenses.AbstractLens |
| |
togglePlayPause() — Method in class away3d.audio.Sound3D |
Alternate between pausing and resuming playback of this sound. |
top — Property in class away3d.primitives.data.CubeMaterialsData |
Defines the material applied to the top side of the cube. |
TOP — Constant static property in class away3d.core.geom.Frustum |
| |
TOP — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
TOP — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.utils.CubeFaces |
The face on the top of the cube
TOP — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
TOPLEFT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
TOP_LEFT — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
topleftx — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
toplefty — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
TOPRIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
TOP_RIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
toprightx — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
toprighty — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
toRADIANS — Constant property in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
| |
toRADIANS — Constant property in class away3d.cameras.lenses.AbstractLens |
| |
Torus — Class in package away3d.primitives |
Creates a 3d torus primitive. |
Torus(init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.Torus |
Creates a new Torus object. |
TorusKnot — Class in package away3d.primitives |
Creates a 3d pq-torus knot primitive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus_knot)
TorusKnot(init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.TorusKnot |
Creates a new TorusKnot object. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Used to trace the values of a 3d object. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.base.UV |
Used to trace the values of a uv object. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.base.Vertex |
Used to trace the values of a vertex object. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.clip.Clipping |
Used to trace the values of a rectangle clipping object. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.draw.ScreenVertex |
Used to trace the values of a vertex. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.filter.AnotherRivalFilter |
Used to trace the values of a filter. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.filter.FogFilter |
Used to trace the values of a filter. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.filter.MaxPolyFilter |
Used to trace the values of a filter. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.filter.QuadrantRiddleFilter |
Used to trace the values of a filter. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.filter.ZDepthFilter |
Used to trace the values of a filter. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.filter.ZSortFilter |
Used to trace the values of a filter. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Line2D |
| |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.geom.PathCommand |
| |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
| |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
Used to trace the values of a 3d matrix. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.math.Number2D |
| |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.math.Number3D |
Used to trace the values of a 3d number. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.math.Quaternion |
Used to trace the values of a quaternion. |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.render.BasicRenderer |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.render.BSPRenderer |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantRenderer |
toString() — Method in class away3d.core.render.Renderer |
| |
totalChunks — Property in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
Returns the total number of data chunks available
_totalFrames — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
| |
totalFrames — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
Returns the total length of the animation in frames
totalParts — Property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
| |
totalParts — Property in class away3d.events.TraceEvent |
| |
trace(message) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Debug |
| |
traceCollision(start:away3d.core.math:Number3D, end:away3d.core.math:Number3D, testMethod, halfExtents:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
Finds the closest colliding Face between start and end position
tracecomplete — Event in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
Dispatched while the class is busy tracing. |
tracecomplete — Event in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapGenerator |
Dispatched while the class is busy tracing. |
TRACE_COMPLETE — Constant static property in class away3d.events.TraceEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a tracecomplete event object. |
tracecount — Event in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
Dispatched each time one bitmapdata is traced if more than one. |
TRACE_COUNT — Constant static property in class away3d.events.TraceEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a tracecount event object. |
TraceEvent — Class in package away3d.events |
| |
TraceEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class away3d.events.TraceEvent |
| |
traceLevels(sourceBmd, channel, subdivisionX, subdivisionY, factorX, factorY, elevate) — Method in class away3d.extrusions.ElevationReader |
generates the smooth representation of the geometry. |
tracemap — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
traceprogress — Event in class away3d.materials.utils.LightPrebaker |
Dispatched when trace is done. |
traceprogress — Event in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapGenerator |
Dispatched full trace is done. |
TRACE_PROGRESS — Constant static property in class away3d.events.TraceEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a traceprogress event object. |
transform — Property in class away3d.containers.Bone |
| |
transform — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Defines the transformation of the 3d object, relative to the local coordinates of the parent ObjectContainer3D . |
transform(m:away3d.core.math:Matrix3D) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Vertex |
| |
transform(m:away3d.core.math:Matrix3D) — Method in class away3d.core.base.VertexPosition |
Transforms the position of the vertex object by the given 3d matrix. |
transform(mat:away3d.core.math:Matrix3D) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
Transform this plane with the 4x4 transform matrix m4x4. |
transform(v:away3d.core.math:Number3D, m:away3d.core.math:Matrix3D) — Method in class away3d.core.math.Number3D |
Fills the 3d number object with the result of a 3d matrix tranformation performed on a 3d number. |
transform — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.ObjectData |
The 3d transformation matrix for the 3d object
transform — Property in class away3d.materials.TransformBitmapMaterial |
Transforms the texture in uv-space
TransformBitmapMaterial — Class in package away3d.materials |
| Basic bitmap texture material |
TransformBitmapMaterial(bitmap, init) — Constructor in class away3d.materials.TransformBitmapMaterial |
Creates a new TransformBitmapMaterial object. |
transformChanged — Event in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Dispatched when the local transform matrix of the 3d object changes. |
transformUV(faceVO:away3d.core.vos:FaceVO) — Method in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
| |
transformUV(faceVO:away3d.core.vos:FaceVO) — Method in class away3d.materials.CompositeMaterial |
| |
translate(axis:away3d.core.math:Number3D, distance) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Moves the 3d object along a vector by a defined length
translationMatrix(u, v, w) — Method in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
Fills the 3d matrix object with values representing the given translation. |
transparent — Property in class away3d.materials.CompositeMaterial |
Defines whether the caching bitmapData objects are transparent
transparent — Property in class away3d.materials.MovieMaterial |
Defines the transparent property of the texture bitmap created from the movie
traverse(traverser:away3d.core.traverse:Traverser) — Method in class away3d.containers.ObjectContainer3D |
Used when traversing the scenegraph
traverse(traverser:away3d.core.traverse:Traverser) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Used when traversing the scenegraph
traverse(traverser:away3d.core.traverse:Traverser) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
Used when traversing the scenegraph
Traverser — Class in package away3d.core.traverse |
Abstract class for all traverser that perform actions on the whole scene. |
tree — Property in interface away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.IBSPBuilder |
| |
TreeIterator — Class in package away3d.graphs |
| |
TreeIterator(rootNode:away3d.graphs:ITreeNode) — Constructor in class away3d.graphs.TreeIterator |
| |
Triangle — Class in package away3d.primitives |
Creates a 3d triangle. |
Triangle(init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.Triangle |
Creates a new Triangle object. |
triangulate() — Method in class away3d.core.geom.NGon |
Triangulates the NGon
Trident — Class in package away3d.primitives |
Creates an axis trident. |
Trident(len, showLetters) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.Trident |
Creates a new Trident object. |
triFace(face:away3d.core.base:Face) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Divides a face object into 3 face objects. |
triFace(face:away3d.core.base:Face) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Divides a face object into 3 face objects. |
triFaces() — Method in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Divides all faces objects of a Mesh into 3 face objects. |
triFaces() — Method in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Divides all faces objects of a Mesh into 3 face objects. |
trim(trimPlane:away3d.core.geom:Plane3D) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.NGon |
Trims the NGon to the front side of a plane
trimBack(trimPlane:away3d.core.geom:Plane3D) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.NGon |
Trims the NGon to the back side of a plane
tryclass(name) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Cast |
| |
trycolor(data) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Cast |
| |
tube — Property in class away3d.primitives.Torus |
Defines the tube radius of the torus. |
tube — Property in class away3d.primitives.TorusKnot |
Defines the tube radius of the torus knot. |
tube — Property in class away3d.primitives.WireTorus |
Defines the tube radius of the wire torus. |
tw — Property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
The value in the 4th row and 4th column of the Matrix object,
tweek — Property in class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrusion |
Allows the building of shapes such as springs. |
tx — Property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
The value in the first row and forth column of the Matrix object,
which affects the positioning along the x axis of a 3d object. |
TX — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
ty — Property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
The value in the second row and fourth column of the Matrix object,
which affects the positioning along the y axis of a 3d object. |
TY — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
type — Property in class away3d.animators.data.Channel |
| |
type — Property in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
String defining the type of class used to generate the mesh. |
type — Property in class away3d.core.geom.PathCommand |
type — Property in class away3d.core.stats.Stats |
| |
type — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.ChannelData |
| |
tz — Property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
The value in the third row and fourth column of the Matrix object,
which affects the positioning along the z axis of a 3d object. |
TZ — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |