A new particles system use gpu

Software: Away3D 4.x

John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 19 October 2011 10:43 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 16 ]

liaocheng iS it possible to have the particles follow an object and be affected by that objects movement? (leaves a trail)
smoke from car tyres
torch in a characters hand

not just particle copy position of object.


Alexander Seifert, Moderator
Posted: 19 October 2011 12:20 PM   Total Posts: 129   [ # 17 ]

Liao, thanks for assisting!

However, I am sorry to say that my IDE can’t find some classes. I am using FDT, set up a project using your src/ folder AND example/ folder as sources. I am also referencing src/ of minimalcomps and broomstick as referenced project.

However, when I, for example, search my file system for VelocityAction.as, it cannot be found.

Is that a dependency from somewhere else?

Thanks again!




Cheng Liao, Administrator
Posted: 19 October 2011 12:35 PM   Total Posts: 116   [ # 18 ]

Now it’s not possible.The movement of all particles has been determined previously.So we can play it backward,while we can’t change the movemoent dynamically.
Mybe we can add a action that dynamically pass on some param to influence the movement.Maybe this can implement the trail.I’ll do some experiment.Thank you!Cheers!


Cheng Liao, Administrator
Posted: 19 October 2011 12:42 PM   Total Posts: 116   [ # 19 ]
Alexander Seifert - 19 October 2011 12:20 PM

Liao, thanks for assisting!

However, I am sorry to say that my IDE can’t find some classes. I am using FDT, set up a project using your src/ folder AND example/ folder as sources. I am also referencing src/ of minimalcomps and broomstick as referenced project.

However, when I, for example, search my file system for VelocityAction.as, it cannot be found.

Is that a dependency from somewhere else?

Thanks again!

Hey,the VelocityAction is replace by VelocityLocal.Mybe your example is old
version but src is later version.


Cheng Liao, Administrator
Posted: 19 October 2011 12:50 PM   Total Posts: 116   [ # 20 ]
Alexander Seifert - 19 October 2011 12:20 PM

Liao, thanks for assisting!

However, I am sorry to say that my IDE can’t find some classes. I am using FDT, set up a project using your src/ folder AND example/ folder as sources. I am also referencing src/ of minimalcomps and broomstick as referenced project.

However, when I, for example, search my file system for VelocityAction.as, it cannot be found.

Is that a dependency from somewhere else?

Thanks again!

Sorry.I forgot update the Template.as.Mybe you complie it will occur these errors.


Ringo Blanken, Administrator
Posted: 19 October 2011 01:03 PM   Total Posts: 120   [ # 21 ]

Yea also some examples like the snow need(ed) to be updated.


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futuregogo, Newbie
Posted: 24 October 2011 02:03 AM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 22 ]

the ColorVelocity effect is so cool!:)


venom, Newbie
Posted: 13 November 2011 04:16 PM   Total Posts: 26   [ # 23 ]

good job liaocheng, thanks smile


Cheng Liao, Administrator
Posted: 22 November 2011 03:52 PM   Total Posts: 116   [ # 24 ]

I’m glad to say that I have finished the trail.Please refer to the trail example on git.


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 22 November 2011 04:20 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 25 ]

Just had a little play
Ooh that so good smile


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 22 November 2011 04:36 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 26 ]

Found an issue.
If the camera doesn’t have the origin in view. The trail disapears

In the trail demo

to the render loop to see what I mean.


Cheng Liao, Administrator
Posted: 22 November 2011 05:32 PM   Total Posts: 116   [ # 27 ]

This is because the particleContainer is out of the view (the particleContainer’s real position is (0,0,0)).At render stage,the away core first call isInFrustum to judge if the object is in the scene.if not,the object will not be passed to render.Maybe I can provide a interface to set the isInFrustum always return true.


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 23 November 2011 10:22 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 28 ]

From a quick test/random guess. smile

Putting this in ParticlesNode stops it disapearing

override public function isInFrustum(camera : Camera3D) : Boolean
if (_particlesContainer.visible == false) return false;

return true


Cheng Liao, Administrator
Posted: 25 November 2011 01:41 PM   Total Posts: 116   [ # 29 ]

Yes,it is.I have added a interface to set it.smile


Victor, Newbie
Posted: 07 December 2011 06:14 PM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 30 ]


Great work!
I’ve get started easily thanks to your exemples and came with this. (I’ve done a function to random a point in a random triangle for a given subGeometry, if someone is interested, I’d be happy to share the code.)
By cloning the container I was able to have 1.250.000 particles (at 55-58 fps in FP Projector)!

I had a look at some ParticleActions code and tried to figure out how I could apply the BrokenLineLocal “sequences system” (ie. having multiple vectors with duration) to ColorTransforms (ChangeColorByLifeGlobal is not PerParticule, and there is only two ColorTransforms, and no time). Any idea which option I should follow?
Also, is it possible to ease the movement/color progresses (like with functions as SineOut, QuadInOut, ...)?




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