A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
face — Property in class away3d.animators.FaceLink |
efines another face to be used as anchor
face — Property in class away3d.core.vos.FaceVO |
| |
Face — Class in package away3d.core.base |
A triangle element used in the mesh object
Face(v0:away3d.core.base:Vertex, v1:away3d.core.base:Vertex, v2:away3d.core.base:Vertex, material:away3d.materials:Material, uv0:away3d.core.base:UV, uv1:away3d.core.base:UV, uv2:away3d.core.base:UV) — Constructor in class away3d.core.base.Face |
Creates a new Face object. |
FACE — Constant static property in class away3d.core.project.PrimitiveType |
FaceData — Class in package away3d.loaders.data |
Data class for a face object. |
FaceDictionaryVO — Class in package away3d.core.utils |
| |
FaceDictionaryVO(width, height) — Constructor in class away3d.core.utils.FaceDictionaryVO |
| |
faceindex — Property in class away3d.animators.FaceLink |
efines another face to be used as anchor by its index
FaceLink — Class in package away3d.animators |
| |
FaceLink(obj:away3d.core.base:Object3D, meshsource:away3d.core.base:Mesh, face:away3d.core.base:Face, offset, align, target:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Constructor in class away3d.animators.FaceLink |
Creates a new FaceLink object. |
faceList — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.MeshMaterialData |
A list of faces which are to be drawn with the material. |
FaceMaterialVO — Class in package away3d.core.utils |
| |
FaceMaterialVO(source:away3d.core.base:Object3D, view:away3d.containers:View3D) — Constructor in class away3d.core.utils.FaceMaterialVO |
| |
FaceNormalShader — Class in package away3d.core.utils |
FaceNormalShaderVO — Class in package away3d.core.utils |
FaceNormalShaderVO(kar, kag, kab, kdr, kdg, kdb, ksr, ksg, ksb) — Constructor in class away3d.core.utils.FaceNormalShaderVO |
| |
faces — Property in class away3d.core.base.Geometry |
Returns an array of the faces contained in the geometry object. |
faces — Property in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Returns an array of the faces contained in the mesh object. |
faces — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
faces — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.GeometryData |
Array of face data objects. |
faces — Property in class away3d.primitives.AbstractPrimitive |
Returns an array of the faces contained in the mesh object. |
faceVO — Property in class away3d.core.base.Face |
| |
FaceVO — Class in package away3d.core.vos |
| |
faceVOs — Property in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Returns an array of the faceVOs contained in the mesh object. |
factorX — Property in class away3d.extrusions.CollisionMap |
| |
factorY — Property in class away3d.extrusions.CollisionMap |
| |
fallOff — Property in class away3d.lights.PointLight3D |
Defines the max length of the light rays, beyond this distance, light doesn't have influence
the light values are from radius 100% to falloff 0%
_far — Property in class away3d.cameras.lenses.AbstractLens |
| |
FAR — Constant static property in class away3d.core.geom.Frustum |
| |
fast — Property in class away3d.modifiers.PathAlignModifier |
Omits arc-length parameterization yielding less precise, but faster results. |
file — Property in class away3d.events.VideoEvent |
A reference to the FLV that is relevant to the event. |
file — Property in class away3d.exporters.AWDataExporter |
Returns the last generated awd string file async from events. |
file — Property in class away3d.materials.VideoMaterial |
The FLV url used for rendering the material
filename — Property in class away3d.loaders.utils.TextureLoader |
| |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:QuadrantRenderer) — Method in class away3d.core.filter.AnotherRivalFilter |
Applies the filter to the quadrant tree. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.filter.FogFilter |
Applies the filter to the primitive array. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in interface away3d.core.filter.IPrimitiveFilter |
Applies the filter to the primitive array. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:QuadrantRenderer) — Method in interface away3d.core.filter.IPrimitiveQuadrantFilter |
Applies the filter to the quadrant tree. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.filter.MaxPolyFilter |
Applies the filter to the primitive array. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:QuadrantRenderer) — Method in class away3d.core.filter.QuadrantRiddleFilter |
Applies the filter to the quadrant tree. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.filter.ZDepthFilter |
Applies the filter to the primitive array. |
filter(renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer) — Method in class away3d.core.filter.ZSortFilter |
Applies the filter to the primitive array. |
filters — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
An optional array of filters that can be applied to the 3d object. |
filters — Property in class away3d.core.render.BasicRenderer |
Defines the array of filters to be used on the drawing primitives. |
filters — Property in class away3d.core.render.BSPRenderer |
Defines the array of filters to be used on the drawing primitives. |
filters — Property in class away3d.core.render.QuadrantRenderer |
Defines the array of filters to be used on the drawing primitives. |
filters — Property in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Placeholder for filters property of containers
findClosestCurveOffsetToPoint(point:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Method in class away3d.modifiers.PathAlignModifier |
Given a point in space, this method finds the offset in
the curve that represents the closest point in the curve
to the specified point in space. |
findHit(session:away3d.core.session:AbstractSession, x, y) — Method in class away3d.core.utils.HitManager |
Finds the object that is rendered under a certain view coordinate. |
findInitialFrontList(portals) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
Builds the initial front list. |
findNeighbours() — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
Finds the current portal's neighbours
findVisiblePortals(portals) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
Performs exact testing to find portals visible from this portal. |
finish(comp:away3d.core.base:Mesh) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Morpher |
resets all vertex objects to the external mesh positions
fireMouseEvent(type, x, y, ctrlKey, shiftKey) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Collects all information from the given type of 3d mouse event into a MouseEvent3D object that can be accessed from the getMouseEvent() method. |
fireMouseMoveEvent(force) — Method in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Manually fires a mouseMove3D event. |
fivepointcut(priIndex, renderer:away3d.core.render:Renderer, i0, v01x, v01y, v01z, i1, v12x, v12y, v12z, i2, uv0:away3d.core.base:UV, uv01:away3d.core.base:UV, uv1:away3d.core.base:UV, uv12:away3d.core.base:UV, uv2:away3d.core.base:UV) — Method in class away3d.core.utils.ViewSourceObject |
| |
fixedZoom — Property in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
| |
flip — Property in class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrusion |
Defines if the generated faces should be inversed. |
flip — Property in class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrusion |
Defines if the generated faces should be inversed. |
flip — Property in class away3d.primitives.Cube |
Defines if the cube faces should be reversed, like a skybox. |
flyMode — Property in class away3d.physics.BSPCollider |
| |
focus — Property in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
A divisor value for the perspective depth of the view. |
focus — Static property in class away3d.core.utils.DofCache |
| |
_focusOverZoom — Property in class away3d.cameras.lenses.AbstractLens |
| |
FOG — Constant static property in class away3d.core.project.PrimitiveType |
FogFilter — Class in package away3d.core.filter |
Adds fog layers to a view and provides automatic farfield filtering for primitives outside the furthest fog layers. |
FogFilter(init) — Constructor in class away3d.core.filter.FogFilter |
Creates a new FogFilter object. |
FogVO — Class in package away3d.core.vos |
| |
forceUpdate — Property in class away3d.containers.View3D |
Defines whether the view always redraws on a render, or just redraws what 3d objects change. |
foreground — Property in class away3d.containers.View3D |
A container for 2D overlays positioned over the rendered scene. |
forward — Property in class away3d.core.math.Matrix3D |
Returns a Number3D representing the forward vector of this matrix. |
FORWARD — Static property in class away3d.core.math.Number3D |
A 3d number object representing a relative direction forward. |
fov — Property in class away3d.cameras.Camera3D |
Defines the field of view of the camera in a vertical direction. |
fps — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
Defines the keyframes per second of the animation
fps — Property in class away3d.loaders.Md2 |
defines the global frames per second for all animations in the Md2 file. |
_fraction — Property in class away3d.animators.Animator |
| |
fractures — Property in class away3d.primitives.GeodesicSphere |
Defines the fractures of the sphere. |
frames — Property in class away3d.animators.VertexAnimator |
| |
frames — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.AnimationData |
Array representing the frames used in vertex animation. |
from2points(v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y) — Static method in class away3d.core.geom.Line2D |
| |
from3points(p0:away3d.core.math:Number3D, p1:away3d.core.math:Number3D, p2:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
Fills this Plane3D with the coefficients from 3 points in 3d space. |
from3vertices(v0:away3d.core.base:Vertex, v1:away3d.core.base:Vertex, v2:away3d.core.base:Vertex) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
Fills this Plane3D with the coefficients from 3 vertices in 3d space. |
fromFloats(red, green, blue) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
fromHSV(hue, saturation, value) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
fromInts(red, green, blue) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
fromIntsCheck(red, green, blue) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
fromNode(node:away3d.graphs.bsp:BSPNode, root:away3d.graphs.bsp:BSPNode) — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
Creates an initial portal from a node's partitionplane, encompassing the entire tree
fromNormalAndPoint(normal:away3d.core.math:Number3D, point:away3d.core.math:Number3D) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
Fills this Plane3D with the coefficients from the plane's normal and a point in 3d space. |
fromTriangle(face:away3d.core.base:Face) — Method in class away3d.core.geom.NGon |
Converts a Face object to an NGon
front — Property in class away3d.primitives.data.CubeMaterialsData |
Defines the material applied to the front side of the cube. |
FRONT — Constant static property in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
| |
FRONT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
FRONT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.utils.CubeFaces |
The face on the front side of the cube. |
frontcloned — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
frontList — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
| |
frontNode — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
| |
frontOrder — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
| |
_frustum — Property in class away3d.cameras.lenses.AbstractLens |
| |
Frustum — Class in package away3d.core.geom |
| |
Frustum() — Constructor in class away3d.core.geom.Frustum |
Creates a frustum consisting of 6 planes in 3d space. |
FrustumClipping — Class in package away3d.core.clip |
Frustum Clipping
FrustumClipping(init) — Constructor in class away3d.core.clip.FrustumClipping |
| |
frustumDictionary — Property in class away3d.core.utils.CameraVarsStore |
| |
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