A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
b — Property in class away3d.core.geom.Line2D |
| |
b — Property in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
The B coefficient of this plane. |
b — Property in class away3d.primitives.Triangle |
Defines the second vertex that makes up the triangle. |
B — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
back — Property in class away3d.core.base.Face |
Defines the optional back material of the face. |
back — Property in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Defines a triangle material to be used for the backface of all faces in the 3d object. |
back — Property in class away3d.core.vos.FaceVO |
| |
back — Property in class away3d.primitives.data.CubeMaterialsData |
Defines the material applied to the back side of the cube. |
BACK — Constant static property in class away3d.core.geom.Plane3D |
| |
BACK — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
BACK — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.utils.CubeFaces |
The face on the back side of the cube. |
backcloned — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
backface — Property in class away3d.core.utils.FaceMaterialVO |
| |
background — Property in class away3d.containers.View3D |
A background sprite positioned under the rendered scene. |
backgroundAlpha — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
backgroundColor — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
backgroundImage — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
backNode — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
| |
_backPortals — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
backsourcemap — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
backtracemap — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.MeshData |
| |
BACKWARD — Static property in class away3d.core.math.Number3D |
A 3d number object representing a relative direction backward. |
_balanceWeight — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
balanceWeight — Property in interface away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.IBSPBuilder |
| |
balanceWeight — Property in interface away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.IBSPPlanePicker |
| |
balanceWeight — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.SimplePlanePicker |
| |
BaryCentricTest — Class in package away3d.tools.utils |
Classe returns the uv's from a Number3D on a triangle plane defined with Vertex objects. |
base — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleShadow |
| |
BaseDemo — Class in package away3d.test |
Base class for Away3D demos
BaseDemo(title, infogroupheight) — Constructor in class away3d.test.BaseDemo |
| |
baseVertex — Property in class away3d.animators.data.SkinVertex |
| |
BASEWIRE_ONLY — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
BASIC — Static property in class away3d.core.render.Renderer |
Fastest and simplest renderer, useful for many applications. |
BasicRenderer — Class in package away3d.core.render |
Default renderer for a view. |
BasicRenderer(... rest) — Constructor in class away3d.core.render.BasicRenderer |
Creates a new BasicRenderer object. |
begin(id) — Static method in class away3d.core.stats.Tasks |
| |
beginFill(color, alpha) — Method in class away3d.core.base.Graphics3D |
| |
_bevelPlanes — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
bevelPlanes — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
BezierPatch — Class in package away3d.primitives |
BezierPatch primitive creates a smooth mesh based on a 4x4 vertex patch using a cubic bezier curve. |
BezierPatch(patchDataPrm:away3d.primitives.data:PatchData, init) — Constructor in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
Creates a new BezierPatch object. |
BezierUtils — Class in package away3d.core.utils |
| |
BezierUtils() — Constructor in class away3d.core.utils.BezierUtils |
| |
bindMatrix — Property in class away3d.animators.data.SkinController |
Defines the 3d matrix that transforms the position of the Bone to the position of the SkinVertices . |
bitmap(data) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Cast |
| |
bitmap — Property in class away3d.core.utils.FaceDictionaryVO |
| |
bitmap — Property in class away3d.core.utils.FaceMaterialVO |
| |
bitmap — Property in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
Defines the bitmapData object being used as the material texture. |
bitmap — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.DiffuseDot3Shader |
Returns the bitmapData object being used as the shader DOT3 map. |
bitmap — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.EnviroShader |
Returns the bitmapData object being used as the shader environment map. |
bitmap — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.SpecularDot3Shader |
Returns the bitmapData object being used as the shader DOT3 map. |
BitmapFileMaterial — Class in package away3d.materials |
Bitmap material that loads it's texture from an external bitmapasset file. |
BitmapFileMaterial(url, init) — Constructor in class away3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial |
Creates a new BitmapFileMaterial object. |
BitmapMaskMaterial — Class in package away3d.materials |
Basic bitmap material
BitmapMaskMaterial(bitmap, init) — Constructor in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaskMaterial |
Creates a new BitmapMaskMaterial object. |
BitmapMaterial — Class in package away3d.materials |
Basic bitmap material
BitmapMaterial(bitmap, init) — Constructor in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
Creates a new BitmapMaterial object. |
bitmapRect — Property in class away3d.core.base.Face |
| |
BitmapSession — Class in package away3d.core.session |
Drawing session object that renders all drawing primitives into a Bitmap container. |
BitmapSession(scale) — Constructor in class away3d.core.session.BitmapSession |
Creates a new BitmapRenderSession object. |
black — Constant static property in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
blendMode — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
An optional blend mode that can be applied to the 3d object. |
blendMode — Property in class away3d.core.session.AbstractSession |
Placeholder for blendMode property of containers
blendMode — Property in class away3d.materials.BitmapMaterial |
Defines a blendMode value for the texture bitmap. |
blendMode — Property in class away3d.materials.shaders.AbstractShader |
Defines a blendMode value for the shader bitmap. |
blue — Constant static property in class away3d.core.utils.Color |
| |
BLUE — Constant static property in class away3d.materials.utils.HeightMapDataChannel |
| |
blur — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapGenerator |
Defines the blur value applied to the normal map generated. |
blur — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.SimpleShadow |
| |
Bone — Class in package away3d.containers |
| |
Bone(init, ... rest) — Constructor in class away3d.containers.Bone |
| |
BoneData — Class in package away3d.loaders.data |
Data class for a bone used in SkinAnimation. |
boneId — Property in class away3d.containers.Bone |
| |
BonesAnimator — Class in package away3d.animators |
| |
BonesAnimator(target:away3d.core.base:Object3D, init) — Constructor in class away3d.animators.BonesAnimator |
Creates a new BonesAnimator
bothsides — Property in class away3d.core.base.Mesh |
Indicates whether both the front and reverse sides of a face should be rendered. |
bothsides — Property in class away3d.loaders.data.GeometryData |
Defines whether both sides of the geometry are visible
bottom — Property in class away3d.primitives.data.CubeMaterialsData |
Defines the material applied to the bottom side of the cube. |
BOTTOM — Constant static property in class away3d.core.geom.Frustum |
| |
BOTTOM — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
BOTTOM — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.utils.CubeFaces |
The face on the bottom of the cube, ie. |
BOTTOM — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
BOTTOMLEFT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
BOTTOM_LEFT — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
bottomleftx — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
bottomlefty — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
bottomMaterial — Property in class away3d.primitives.Arrow |
Optional material for bottom plane of the Arrow
BOTTOMRIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
BOTTOM_RIGHT — Constant static property in class away3d.sprites.SpriteAlign |
bottomrightx — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
bottomrighty — Property in class away3d.core.vos.SpriteVO |
| |
boundingRadius — Property in class away3d.core.base.Object3D |
Returns the bounding radius of the 3d object
boundingRadius — Property in class away3d.primitives.AbstractPrimitive |
Returns the bounding radius of the 3d object
_bounds — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
bounds — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
The bounding box for this node. |
boundTolerance — Property in class away3d.primitives.ReflectivePlane |
| |
brightness — Property in class away3d.lights.DirectionalLight3D |
Defines a coefficient for the overall light intensity. |
brightness — Property in class away3d.lights.PointLight3D |
Defines a coefficient for the overall light intensity. |
brightness — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.data.LightData |
| |
BSPBuilder — Class in package away3d.graphs.bsp.builder |
| |
BSPBuildEvent — Class in package away3d.events |
| |
BSPBuildEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
| |
BSPCollider — Class in package away3d.physics |
BSPCollider manages an object to move around in a BSPTree while doing collision detection. |
BSPCollider(object:away3d.core.base:Object3D, bspTree:away3d.graphs.bsp:BSPTree) — Constructor in class away3d.physics.BSPCollider |
Creates a BSPCollider object. |
BSPHitTest — Final class in package away3d.graphs.bsp |
Ray to BSP geometry hittest
Ideal to build FPS game, where weapons need to check a hit, in order to animate a missile etc... |
BSPHitTest(bspTree:away3d.graphs.bsp:BSPTree) — Constructor in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPHitTest |
Creates a new BSPHittest object. |
BSPNode — Final class in package away3d.graphs.bsp |
BSPNode is a single node in a BSPTree
BSPNode(parent:away3d.graphs.bsp:BSPNode) — Constructor in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
Creates a new BSPNode object. |
BSPPortal — Final class in package away3d.graphs.bsp |
| |
BSPPortal() — Constructor in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPPortal |
| |
BSPPVSBuilder — Class in package away3d.graphs.bsp.builder |
| |
BSPPVSBuilder(wrapped:away3d.graphs.bsp.builder:IBSPPortalProvider) — Constructor in class away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.BSPPVSBuilder |
| |
BSPRenderer — Class in package away3d.core.render |
BSP renderer for a view. |
BSPRenderer(... rest) — Constructor in class away3d.core.render.BSPRenderer |
Creates a new BSPRenderer object. |
BSPTree — Class in package away3d.graphs.bsp |
BSPTree is a scene graph structure that allows static scenes to be rendered without z-sorting or z-conflicts,
and performs early culling to remove big parts of the geometry that don't need to be rendered. |
BSPTree(buildDynamicCollisionTree) — Constructor in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPTree |
Creates a new BSPTree object. |
build() — Method in class away3d.extrusions.PathDuplicator |
| |
build(source) — Method in interface away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.IBSPBuilder |
| |
build(refresh) — Method in class away3d.primitives.data.PatchData |
| |
buildCache(divisions) — Method in class away3d.modifiers.PathAlignModifier |
Traverses the entire path with a given offset,
storing the vertex positions. |
buildCacheAt() — Method in class away3d.modifiers.PathAlignModifier |
Caches the warped vertex positions of the mesh at a given x offset. |
BUILD_CANCELED — Constant static property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
| |
BUILD_COMPLETE — Constant static property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a buildcomplete event object. |
buildContainers(containerData:away3d.loaders.data:ContainerData, parent:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Method in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
| |
BUILD_COUNT — Constant static property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a buildcount event object. |
BUILD_ERROR — Constant static property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a builderror event object. |
_buildFaces — Property in class away3d.graphs.bsp.BSPNode |
| |
buildMaterials() — Method in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
| |
buildMesh(_meshData:away3d.loaders.data:MeshData, parent:away3d.containers:ObjectContainer3D) — Method in class away3d.loaders.AbstractParser |
| |
buildPart() — Method in class away3d.graphs.bsp.builder.BSPPVSBuilder |
| |
buildPatch() — Method in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
Generate the patch mesh based on the patch data and render modes. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.extrusions.LatheExtrusion |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.extrusions.PathExtrusion |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.AbstractPrimitive |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Arrow |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Cone |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Cube |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Cylinder |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.GeodesicSphere |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.GridPlane |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.NURBS |
Rebuild the mesh as there is significant change to the structural parameters
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Plane |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.RegularPolygon |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.RoundedCube |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Sphere |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.TextField3D |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.Torus |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.TorusKnot |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireCircle |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireCone |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireCube |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireCylinder |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WirePlane |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireRegularPolygon |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireSphere |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
buildPrimitive() — Method in class away3d.primitives.WireTorus |
Builds the vertex, face and uv objects that make up the 3d primitive. |
BUILD_PROGRESS — Constant static property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a buildprogress event object. |
BUILD_WARNING — Constant static property in class away3d.events.BSPBuildEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of a buildwarning event object. |
bumpMap — Property in class away3d.materials.utils.NormalMapGenerator |
Returns the generated bump source for a displacementfilter generated by the class
burnFactor — Property in class away3d.overlays.LensFlare |
| |
burnMethod — Property in class away3d.overlays.LensFlare |
| |
BURN_METHOD_BRIGHTNESS — Constant static property in class away3d.overlays.LensFlare |
| |
BURN_METHOD_COLOR_TRANSFORM — Constant static property in class away3d.overlays.LensFlare |
| |
Button — Class in package away3d.test |
Simple rounded rectangle button
Button(text, pwidth, pheight) — Constructor in class away3d.test.Button |
| |
BX — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
BY — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
bytearray(data) — Static method in class away3d.core.utils.Cast |
| |
bytesLoaded — Property in class away3d.loaders.Loader3D |
| |
bytesTotal — Property in class away3d.loaders.Loader3D |
| |
BZ — Constant static property in class away3d.primitives.BezierPatch |
| |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |