Help me create a new bitmapmaterial

Software: Away3D 3.x

Mark Crossley, Newbie
Posted: 26 September 2011 10:56 AM   Total Posts: 4

My first post on the shiny new forum, I like it…

I wish to create a custom bitmap material for Away3D 3, I have got as far as creating the Pixel Blender code that creates the effect I want, but I am stumped on creating the Away3D material code to make use of it. [I am not a real software developer].

The shader is based on the Oren-Nayar technique for more accurate shading of rough surfaces - in particular the Moon.

As well as passing the DOT3 surfaces to the shader, the material will also have to compute a one time lookup table (stored in a bitmap) to remove the trig functions from the shader. I have partial code to do this as well.

Is there anyone willing to help me out with this?

Many thanks



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