Hey all,
I’m kind of a long time lurker and I’ve been a big fan of AWAY3d since 1.X, back when all everyone knew about was PaperVision. I’m glad this project flourished because the API was so much better.
For the past year I’ve been doing some HMTL 5 multimedia experiments and I’m totally psyched about AWAY3d Typescript (AND Starling! It’s too good to be true!)
BUT… (and no offense intended).. I am wondering where’s all the discussion and excitement on these forums? I’m concerned that if there isn’t something publicly ready for production use soon, Typescript and away3D will lose the all-important early mover advantage, and we’ll be stuck with programming in raw Javascript with some other inferior library as the defacto standard for web multimedia. Because everyone I talk to basically says Flash development is being blacklisted from commercial sites left and right. Hate to say this but its true. It’s time for me to prepare for the future, and since I want to do multimedia it’s gonna have to be something that people will hire me for (HTML).
If there’s anywhere other than these forums where people are using and talking about Away3D Typescript please let me know. Or if there’s some way I can help (with my limited time available)
PS This is NOT done with AWAY3d Typescript but planning to port it:
(The old flash version was done with AWAY3d, long ago.)