Check out my Minecraft-like game.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Babylon, Jr. Member
Posted: 16 May 2013 04:18 PM   Total Posts: 39

I have spent a year on an independent study using Away3D. You can see all versions of the game (mostly) located here:

You can play the current release here:

You can view my source code here:

I’ve also blogged about my Flash learning experience since the beginning here:

To understand the basic concepts you can read this post:
and scroll down to “Easy to understand”.

What is blocks of babylonia?
Pretty much a world generated of blocks is created. The user can freely move around the world. Cool features include a minimap and a sunrise/sunset feature (Stand still and notice it gets darker).
The player can mine blocks by clicking them and place blocks by clicking again.

Controls (tricky):

Pretty much when you click to go full screen and click accept you should see blue (if you don’t, bug, reload).
You should then be able to right click and enter ‘free camera movement’ mode. In this mode when you move the mouse the camera moves accordingly.
W,S,A,D to move up down left right.
Pressing 1-8 changes the quick slot (located at the bottom of the screen).

So right click to enter free camera mode and move around the word with WSAD. When your ready right click again to enter ‘mining and placing mode’. Left click on a block and hold until it disappears. If your current selected slot is 1 and it’s empty you just mined the block into slot 1.
Now if you have slot 1 selected and there is a block in it, when you left click you won’t mine, youll place the block.
So if you mine block A and block B and press slot 2 then click you’ll place block B down again.
If you mine block A over and over it will fill up to 64 times per quick slot.

Game status
The game is pretty buggy, I’ve noticed some computers using some browsers will just fail to full screen the game, which is required. Additionally some computers have trouble right clicking into free camera mode. If it doesn’t work for you it will probably take a long time for me to find out why.

I don’t own the rights to the textures, they are just there for demo purposes.

If you look over the source code you’ll probably be able to tell very easily that I’m a newbie. Perhaps I’ll get around to commenting it a little bit. Pretty much is what you want to look at.

Scroll through this to look at the images, pretty much sums up the game in 30 seconds:

Have fun.

‹‹ Kudos


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