Announcing: an Away3D Game

Software: Away3D 4.x

synkarius, Member
Posted: 30 January 2013 04:27 AM   Total Posts: 64

Hello Away3D Community,

Some time ago, a friend and I started toying with the idea of creating a game in Away3D 3.6, just to see how far we could take it. Now we’re close to a playable alpha. Check out our website for details.

The game client is built with Away3D, so I thought it appropriate to alert this community to its existence. Also, several members of the community have been extremely helpful, and I want to shout out some thanks here. So, thank you Richard, David L, Fabrice, Ringo, Choons, 80prozent for your assistance with various issues, and countless others whose forum posts have helped us learn. And thank you to all the devs who’ve contributed to Away3D. Your work does not go unappreciated. smile



Mac, Newbie
Posted: 21 February 2013 07:21 AM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 1 ]

Thanks for your sharing. it is useful and great for us. Good job smile

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