Prefab3D supports animation?

Software: Prefab3D

Ankur, Jr. Member
Posted: 16 January 2013 09:17 AM   Total Posts: 43

I want to know if I can animate meshes and objects in Prefab3d, and use a sequences.txt file for away3d (the way it works with a 3ds max exporter)

Also, as a side question, does .awd embed lighting from Prefab3d scene or not?

I am a newb, so sry about these dumb questions.



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 16 January 2013 10:27 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

there is a vertex animator in Prefab. You can load md2 files or generate animations yourself. by Either, selecting a mesh and using it as source, by simply adding new frames and using the tool modifying vertices. or using the external load btns per frame select keyframes stored on your machine.

You can once done reopen, reedit as you please.

for export you have atm only 2 options: AS3 or md2.  Note that prefab also convert bones animations to vertexanimations. Where you can load a sketon animation from dae, awd, md5, and export as md2. then reload this export. you will be able to edit it as described above. (will add a shortcut to prevent the extra md2 export).

awd 2.0 doesn’t support lights or vertexanimations.



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