FITC Amsterdam presentation about experimental Away3D.js

Software: Other

Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 15 October 2012 11:50 AM   Total Posts: 1192

Hello Away3D community,

Over the past couple of months I’ve been experimenting with a project that may or may not become an official Away3D project. It’s a port of Away3D to Javascript and WebGL, called Away3D.js.

I hope to be able to do a session about it at the FITC Amsterdam conference in February, and have submitted a session proposal to their site. If you think this sounds like a good idea, please vote for the session here, regardless of whether you’ve decided to go to the conference or not yet. smile



aeki, Member
Posted: 02 April 2013 10:06 PM   Total Posts: 73   [ # 1 ]


So how was the conference FITC? Any news about Away3d.js?



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