Code question – should be easy for math nerds

Software: Away3D 4.x

Pixelblitz, Newbie
Posted: 09 October 2012 09:08 PM   Total Posts: 3

I would like to build a sphere that is covered with a layer of hexagons on its surface. Let’s say the sphere has a diameter of 600px. Now as I’m not that bright in mathematics I don’t know if I’m right but I think the surface could be covered by hexagons (or octagons). If you extrude these hexagons on their z- (or upper) axis by 10px while proportionally scaling on x and y it would cover the surface of a sphere with a diameter of 620px.
The idea is to generate the outer layer of hexagonal tiles with a black material and the surface of the sphere beneath in a shiny, maybe some kind of Xbox first generation green glowing ring kinda material.
Then by touching the sphere you would remove the outer layer and reveal the shiny surface. The idea isn’t original ( but a sphere might look cool.
I think there might be an easy math equation for generating the tiles but I don’t know exactly how to look for it.



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