Scene disposal problems

Software: Away3D 4.x

Alessandro Bianco, Newbie
Posted: 19 July 2011 09:44 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hi everyone,
i’m working on a test suite for a project, that will contain a series of test-applications. They will be created and destroyed one after the other, so every time i create and then dispose the View3D.

The main problem is that after the 4th test i get a runtime error because i used to many Stage3D instances.

So I started to investigate the code, and it seemed that Stage3DProxy.dispose never got called. I made some changes and stumbled on other runtime errors as well ...

I didn’t found a complete solution as of now, so I’ll keep working on the problem on my side, but i think that it would need the attention of the core team for a cleaner/safer solution.

One of the things i can’t understand and that it’s giving me the most problems, it’s why you use:

_stageProxies[index] null

(_stageProxies is an associative array) to remove registered instancies.
That will leave the array index in place, so the next time you loop the array you get a null and a runtime error.

delete _stageProxies[index] 

would be a deal lot better and safer i think.

As always, thanks for the support and the great library

PS: i’m working on the github project away3d-core-fp11

EDIT: i also submitted the issue to github


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 22 July 2011 11:11 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

This is definitely a bug. Thanks for filing the issue report!



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