Away3D and AwayPhysics Startup with Flex mxmlc at Command Line Tutorial

Software: Away3D 4.x

random, Newbie
Posted: 19 July 2012 06:02 PM   Total Posts: 10

I’ve created a tutorial for anyone who would like to create AwayPhysics projects at the command line, and/or for anyone who would like to free themselves of any IDE such as Eclipse.  Not that Eclipse is bad of course, but some people just might prefer not to use it.

I think this tutorial should also be good reading for anyone just getting acquainted with 3D physics for Flash in general as it should help explain the basic process of getting things set up with Away3D.

It is also good for anyone who uses Linux as the tutorial follows a command line style with code examples for Linux. 

This tutorial gets an Away3D physics example working with about 11 commands and 2 small files which I think is quite amazing.

I plan to add some images and clean it up a bit, but I thought this would be good enough for starters now in case anyone needs it.

I would be happy if this can be used as an addition to the official Away3D tutorials which currently seem to be lacking this particular type of tutorial.  If you see anything wrong with the article or have any random feedback in general please let me know.

Please excuse the plainness of the website, it is young grin



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