Texture ratio and its quality after applying.

Software: Away3D 4.x

northmantif, Newbie
Posted: 10 May 2012 12:50 PM   Total Posts: 14

This is little awkward to me but I made simple test project with a cube and texture material which is a .jpg file with all images on it mapped to the cube. To get right aspect ratio to the texture I created it as 512x768px (2x3images) and created .3ds file. Then running test project in Away3D realized that it doesn’t let me use other bitmaps than power of 2 in size. OK. I resized the texture to the 512x1024 (having my cube sides images little distorted in height, but actually I ended with proper texture applied to the cube in my scene.I thought I will get shifted - distorted texture on the cube, but all seems to look good. But a question here. Have changed aspect ratio of baked texture of the object influence of that texture in the away3D or squizzing it back (to fit the sides of the cube in my case as I only changed height and not a width) revert the quality of the texture?




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