A quick question, again relating to migrating from papervision3d to Away3d broomstick..
So I’ve found that InteractiveScene3DEvent in pv3d is MouseEvent3D in away 3D, which I can get to work on a basic level, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to reference the target object.
in PV3d:
private function CasePress(e:InteractiveScene3DEvent):void
Pressed = e.displayObject3D;
trace ("casePress p =" +Pressed)
so e.displayObject3D is the object that was clicked triggered the event.
In Away3d, I’ve found that a rough equivalent of displayObject3D is ObjectContainer3D, at least in as much as you can create one and add children to it, but it differs in that in PV3D it can be used as a generic term for any 3D object, but in Away3D doing
Pressed = e.ObjectContainer3D; does not seem to work..
Aha… e.Object seems to be the one….