sunLight = new DirectionalLight(-1, -0.5, 1);
sunLight.color = 0xFFFFFF;
sunLight.castsShadows = true;
sunLight.ambient = 0.7;
sunLight.diffuse = 1;
sunLight.specular = 1;
sunLight.y = 1000 ;
//create a light for ambient effect that mimics the sky
skyLight = new PointLight();
skyLight.castsShadows = true ;
skyLight.y = 1000;
skyLight.color = 0xFFFFFF;
skyLight.diffuse = 1;
skyLight.specular = 1;
skyLight.radius = 2000;
skyLight.fallOff = 2500;
lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker([sunLight,skyLight]);
//create a global shadow method
//filteredShadowMapMethod = new TripleFilteredShadowMapMethod(sunLight);
filteredShadowMapMethod = new SoftShadowMapMethod(sunLight);
//filteredShadowMapMethod.epsilon = 0.1;
when move camera shaodow flaming too!shodow far from obj