Best way to convert a model to OBJ with textures intact?

Software: Away3D 4.x

ominous, Newbie
Posted: 16 March 2012 01:07 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hi all,

Brand new here. I was using a tutorial and got a obj loaded. I am using 3dsmax 2009 to export the model. The model is long and I set a UVWMap to wrap the texture a certain number of times in a certain axis. This doesn’t appear to come through in the OBJ export.

On the first part of the geometry I see the texture translated just fine. After that it looks like it took the last line of pixels and duplicated them to the end of the geometry.

How do you properly convey to wrap a texture a certain number of timex on a certain access in a .mat file, or is it even possible? Should I expect to create a bunch of separate geometry because perhaps OBJ does not support 3dsmax’s UVWMaps?

Thanks for tips!

FYI I’m trying to run a car on a road. The road texture is the same thing mapped 15 times in a row. I’m just animating a camera running down this geometry. (if that matters)


loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 March 2012 01:28 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 1 ]

obj from 3dsmax work no probleme in UV
maybe you should use material.repeat= true;



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