UVW tile mapping

Software: Away3D 4.x

inSertCodE, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 November 2011 09:28 AM   Total Posts: 105

I’m having trouble making some decisions because lack of experience.

I have a map made of plane 150x150. My idea is to map each face with separate tile.

The motivation behind this is:
1. Much better graphical appealing. The limitation of 2048x2048 texture in my situation means 13x13 pixels for each face. Opposed to that if I map each face with 100 pix X 100 pix tile I will get much sharper graphics.
2. Save memory/reduce size of needed texture. For example I can fit 25tiles (100x100) in 512x512 texture because each tile will be reused.

Now I’m having trouble with implementation. There are two options.

1. My map is made of with 150x150 (22500) different 1x1 planes. The neighbor faces share vertex coordinates but each is made of 4 diferent vertexes.
Up side: easy uvw mapping and control
Down side: not smooth because its different mesh and the number of vertexes of the model is double.

2. Option 2 is better but I don’t know how to implement it. The whole map consists of one 150x150 plane. But how to unwrap the uvw, because because faces will share uvw coordinates. In 3d Max when unwrapping uvw you can select vertex and brake it in to two so that 2 neighbor faces will each have separate 4 vertex coordinates.
How to brake each face to have separate 4 vertex coordinates and give each face coordinates on the uvw map which will overlap?

I could really use some help here so every opinion, tip or code is appreciated. Thanks.




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