Away 3D & RVO (steering behaviors)

Software: Away3D 4.x

Samuel Girardin, Member
Posted: 13 April 2012 03:10 PM   Total Posts: 74


Very early test of away3D and my RVO c++ library port with alchemy. It works !

-250 agents try to reach their opposite start position

-250 agents follow mouse cursor



Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 April 2012 05:23 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 1 ]

Will you be posting your code?  Maybe we can help a bit?  Thanks for sharing!


Samuel Girardin, Member
Posted: 16 April 2012 09:47 AM   Total Posts: 74   [ # 2 ]

Hi Alex,

I’m working to port my dev to Alchemy2 , so I will not sharing for the moment.



Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 April 2012 05:05 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 3 ]

Well it works perfectly.  I could have used this when making a recent game.  I ported Keith Peters’ functions from his AS3 book, but I never got it totally solid.  Every once in a while agents would double up in my version.  Please keep going!  Even the version you have now would be awesome to play with.


Samuel Girardin, Member
Posted: 25 April 2012 08:51 PM   Total Posts: 74   [ # 4 ]

Hi everyone,

Just an update on my steering behaviors Alchemy port using away 3d 4. Just click on the ground to give a goal to the agents (324 here).
You can play with the sliders to modify all agents properties or you can select one agent(click on) and change only his own proporties. Click on the little square to return to modify ‘all agents’.
Timestep refers to simulation speed. Num agents is inactive for the moment (need to improve my c++ skills to remove (add is ok) a pointer from a vector, or something like that…?).
It’s about 1.2 mo without preloader.
There are abstacles. Agents try to reach their goal (ground mouse clic), there is no agent’s pathfinding in this version (one coming soon). Next step : md5meshes will replaces boxes.
I use HoverController so you can turn around the scene and zoom in&out; with x,z. To the away3d team :  your engine rocks !




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