Cannon Fodder - Our Latest

Software: Away3D 4.x

Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 April 2012 10:50 PM   Total Posts: 216

We’re trying our hand at using Kongregate.

Also, “M” flavored here:

We just don’t get enough traffic these days to get the multiplayer lobby really rolling, but if you get a buddy to play, you can have some fun wink

Anyway, enjoy!


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 11 April 2012 11:01 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

It’s a good start, but the side on “M” version is just so much more playable than the first person version.

Here’s the things I would work on:
1. Too difficult - it took way too long before I could actually hit something.
2. Cannon resets - So you’ve found the right angle, to match the wind speed, but on your next go it’s reset! Annoying. The 2D version let’s you carry on from your last go. Much better in my opinion.
3. Mouse slips out of window when aiming. Make sure the cannon can be fully primed, with the cursor staying within the window/flash area
4. Would be nice with variable distance (as 2D version), otherwise gets boring.
5. Would be nice with side view, or distance indicator (for example, target range = 300m, your shoot 210m, just like in golf games). That way you know if you’re shooting waaay too short, etc. Not easy to see from the camera angle.

I’d encourage you to keep at it. After all it’s a new angle on a classic scenario we all remember from the ZX Spectrum :O)  (3D Tanx)


Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 11 April 2012 02:48 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 2 ]

It’s funny, I meant to post a link to the same game on our site and not the older AS2 version, but I’m glad I did because you’ve made some nice suggestions!

It is actually tricky to make this game as playable as the simple 2D one while still exploiting the 3D camera work, but I’ll keep going on it.


Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 16 April 2012 05:00 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 3 ]

Posted lots of updates on this.  I made the cannon stay at the same rotation and added some text feedback for distances.  I tried adding a second view as a “side camera” but a) it was too small to really help and b) the particle engine wouldn’t show up on it.  So in the end I went with text.  I fixed lots of bugs with the camera and for multiplayer, the play again wasn’t working correctly.  I added a scoring mechanism so we could post scores to some of the portals that require a high score submission.

So next up is adding two more locations.  But I’m not 100% sure how I want to handle that yet.  Would it help to simply have the towers move around, or does it need totally new hills and textures?  Or could I just swap textures and lighting and have day/night?



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