[SOLVED] Issue when compiling with IntelliJ and the particles engine.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 26 March 2012 10:42 PM   Total Posts: 216

I’m running into a problem when compiling using IntelliJ and the particle engine.

The weird thing is that it’s not every time.  If I wait a minute or two it works again.  Otherwise, it’s getting a compiler error over the use of the arcane namespace.

[ProjectName] Method marked override must override another method.

Anyone have any ideas?

***UPDATE: Here’s the solution.

Better solution, credit goes to Alexander at JetBrains.

If you simply add:

use namespace arcane

To AnimationStateBase.as, the problem goes away.

I’m running through as many times as I can, but it seems fixed on my end.

Any clues on what causes this error as it relates to namespaces?


Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 27 March 2012 04:39 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 1 ]

Actually, this seems to be related to the latest Flex.  If I point Flash Develop to the very latest Flex SDK, I get the error in Flash Develop as well.  So perhaps this is an issue that Away3D needs to address?

Is anyone else seeing the same issue?  I’m in a conversation with someone at JetBrains and they can reproduce the error as well.


Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 06:08 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 2 ]

Just bumping this to see if anyone has any ideas.  Is everyone here using something other than IntelliJ?  Anyone else hitting this problem?


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 08:32 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 3 ]

I use intelliJ but haven’t used the particle engine you refer to.

About the method marked override, could you paste the method’s code and complete error message here? Perhaps it can give us an idea of the problem


Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 08:45 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 4 ]

Sure, the file that has the issue is in ParticleAnimationState.as

And the error happens on these two functions:

override arcane function addOwner(mesh Mesh) : void

         override  arcane 
function removeOwner(mesh Mesh) : void

It says:

Method marked override must override another method.

Sometimes it compiles and sometimes it doesn’t.  I am having a really hard time isolating what’s setting it off.


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 08:53 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 5 ]

I’m sorry, I can’t see anything wrong. I’m about to start playing around with particles in my project, so if I stumble on the same problem (or not), I’ll let you know.

My usual reflex is to make a new project with a simple class to make sure it’s not a problem with my setup / code.


Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 08:58 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 6 ]

Right, I should add (I missed this because I’ve been having multiple discussions on other forums about this) that this now works 100% correctly in FlashDevelop.  Same SDK, same AS3.  But if I switch over to IntelliJ, I get this intermittent compile error.  If I then switch BACK to FD, it fails, but only on the first time.  Then it works fine.

My contact at JetBrains is able to repro the error when he runs direct from the command line, so somewhere along the way, IntelliJ is adding a different option than FD to the compiler options.  I just can’t seem to pinpoint where or what.

It’s the same code, same SDK!!

Where’s the head on desk emoticon?



Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 10:05 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 7 ]

More weirdness.  I followed your suggestion and created a whole new project and the new project isn’t having the same issues. I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s different, though.


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 03 April 2012 02:26 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 8 ]

Hi Alex, I have started to play around with the particles engine and I have stumbled on exactly the same issue with IntelliJ

I have worked around it by changing the name of the method initParticleParams.. to something like: setParticleParams.

Then update the initParticleMagic = setParticleParams;

I’m not sure about the names exactly (away from my home computer), but it solved the problem for me.



Alex Bogartz, Sr. Member
Posted: 03 April 2012 04:29 PM   Total Posts: 216   [ # 9 ]

Better solution, credit goes to Alexander at JetBrains.

If you simply add:

use namespace arcane;

To AnimationStateBase.as, the problem goes away.

I’m running through as many times as I can, but it seems fixed on my end.

Any clues on what causes this error as it relates to namespaces?



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