BitmapData.draw(view3d) doesn`t` work!

Software: Away3D 4.x

datouaizi, Member
Posted: 13 February 2012 02:11 PM   Total Posts: 98

When I finished the 3D model render by using View.render(). And I just save this into a bitmap. And then I use the BitmapData.draw(), just like draw a DisplayObject, but it dose not work.
  Any ways to meet this requirement?
  Thanks in advance.


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 13 February 2012 02:42 PM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 1 ]

Hey, bizarrely enough, this is expected. Anything rendered by Stage3D has nothing to do with Flash’s regular display list, so BitmapData won’t “see” anything from Stage3D.

Stage3D does have a drawToBitmapData method, but I’m not sure how it is implemented in Away3D. Anyone…?



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